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Brownies Crispy or soft?

21 fans picked:
 SymmaGirl2 posted over a year ago
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SymmaGirl2 picked Soft:
I absolutely HATE it when brownies are super crispy on the outside and absolute mush on the inside. If brownies are softer all throughout, they just taste better. That's my opinion.
posted over a year ago.
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Gwentrend24 picked Crispy:
I honestly love it both ways, but I guess I prefer them (just a little bit)crispy over soft.
posted over a year ago.
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TayTay0111 picked Soft:
just a little crispy not a lot but mostly soft
posted over a year ago.
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MusicIsMyNature picked Crispy:
Perfect either way!
posted over a year ago.
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CokeBoy97 picked Soft:
same here. They're perfect anyway! But in my opinion, soft is better...
posted over a year ago.
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CokeBoy97 picked Soft:
What? The only brownies I ate was soft... Most of the time...
posted over a year ago.
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