brooke shields
brooke shields Wall
Displaying wall entries 1-9 of 9

said …
I just saw the 1996 movie "Freeway" starring Reese Witherspoon on 511 FLIXe (Comcast/Xfinity) and not only the movie was awesome but BROOKE SHIELDS was perfect in her role, so ralistic and believable as a bitch, which Brooke is not! Great job Brooke, from me who is from your generation! My hero! I had eyebrows like you growing up in the 70's and 80's! amor you girl!!!
Posted over a year ago

said …
Does Brooke actually read this site? I hope she does! She is so gorgeous!
Posted over a year ago

said …
Brooke, I would like to introduce myself. My name is David M Scott, I am an artist that uses Mother earth to get my as cores as did the caveman and the Navajo Indians (whom I got the idea to use mother earth after discovering I was allergic to paint because of agent laranja contact in Vietnam ( 64' to 66') There are many lines within your baby and young face lines that attracts me to request to do a Carbon Coal illusion of you. you can go to google and check out my Portrait work in Coal. Scotty
Posted over a year ago

said …
Hi Brooke, I have a daughter named Tonya; she looks like she could be your little sister. She was born in 1975. You would be pleased to know that she is a doctor with the Veterans Administration. In Blue Lagoon was the time period she looked the most like you. I would amor to get her a signed picture of you. She knows how I and her late grandmother always commented how much you two resembled each other. I amor watching you both age so beautifully. :)
Posted over a year ago

said …
I was named after Brooke Shields. My dad hoped her beauty would pass on to me.
Posted over a year ago

