Boomer (Rowdyruff Boys) Club
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added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
posted by boomerlover
 Us really mad at Him and Mojo!
Us really mad at Him and Mojo!
The Rowdyruff Boys officially reappeared in the show, in the episode "The Boys are Back in Town", due partially to the requests por fans. The character HIM brought them back to life and added an anti-cootie vaccination to prevent the girls' kisses from having the prior deadly effect. The vaccination instead made the boys grow "bigger and mais powerful." But unfortunately, the girls found this out much too late and made the boys grow many times thier anterior size. The boys get their revenge on the girls, firstly por grossing them out in various ways. It has been said that girls can make boys...
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added by MF114
Source: YouTube
added by MF114
Source: YouTube
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott
added by aizakhan16
added by LuvOshawott
added by LuvOshawott