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Berserk and Brick Pergunta

what ingredient was used to make Berserk.And why did Oppressor name her Berserk!!!!

 loverofpie posted over a year ago
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Berserk and Brick Respostas

pooandmom said:
Berserks ingrediant is everything nasty. Brats is salt and Brutes is vinnegar. Nobody knows why she was named Berserk because thwey never aired a episode of the Powerpunk girls being born. But people do say she was named Berserk because she jumped on the Oppressor widly saying "who are you and where did you come from?"
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 Berserks ingrediant is everything nasty. Brats is salt and Brutes is vinnegar. Nobody knows why she was named Berserk because thwey never aired a episode of the Powerpunk girls being born. But people do say she was named Berserk because she jumped on the Oppressor widly saying "who are you and where did you come from?"
posted over a year ago 
oi I'm loverofpie i forgot my password.anyway way good answer!
crunchyaple posted over a year ago
What are the Rowdyright Boys made of
Ashleyj11290 posted over a year ago
Ashleyj11290 said:
1 lb. Salt
1 lb. Vinegar
2 lb. Everything Nasty
Whole bottle of chemical X
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posted over a year ago 
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