AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE movie. I thought it was gonna be a girly movie; but they proved me totally wrong! A MUST C MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!
Posted over a year ago
Heyyyyyyyy guyyyyys plzzzzzzzzzz beeeeeee a fannnnnnnn of myyyy club - moshilings - plzzzzzzzzz beeeeeeeeeeeee a fannnnnnnnnnnnn and if you loveeeeeeeeeee selenaaaaaaaaaaaaa plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz joinnnnnnnnnnnn and inviteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yourrrrrrrrrrrr friendsssssssss too joinnnnnnnnn plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz thank you
Posted over a year ago
I am trying to get medals so make comments saying which song from ACS is the best and why. I'll start!
My favorito is Tell Me Something I Don't Know because it is the most inspiring to me right now. It shows to just follow your dreams. People always tell me I can't do things because of my coração condition and I amor TO PROVE THEM WRONG. ;) how about you guys?
Posted over a year ago
this is one of the best filmes i have ever seen i thnk that a lot of people can relate 2 dancing and the relateonship between selena and drew and i really throght it was a god movie even throght it came out a long time atrás :)
Posted over a year ago
It's so obviously I miss competeting in dancing competitions and this exellent movie with Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley just made me realize it :)... Simplely the best cinderela version movie I've ever seen :D... Super great work and skills they have xD... So happy I watched it again, amor it <3
Posted over a year ago