I found a fox, caught por the leg
In a toothed gin, torn from its peg,
And dragged, God knows how far, in pain.
Such torment could not plead in vain,
He looked at me, I looked at him.
With iron jaw-teeth in his limb.
"Come, little son," I said, "Let be.....
Don't bite me, while I set you free."
But much I feared that in the pang
Of helping, I should feel a fang
In hand or face .......
but must is must .........
And he had given me his trust.
So down I knelt there in the mud
And loosed those jaws all mud and blood.
And he, exhausted, crept, set free,
Into the shade, away from me;
The leg not broken ......
Then, beyond,
That gin, gim went plonk into the pond.
once on a paper that was sent to my house had a dog on it with only 1 eye because the family were treating him so bad. It said that he had to get it removed because they were poking it in the eye. Isnt that horrible.:[ it said to help this dog donate some money. i donated like 20 bucks. i feel so bad for the puppy. i later found out that hes in a good home. isnt that horrible what they did. i feel so bad fo the puppy.:[ im glad we have this fã club cause i amor animals. also people r killing animais for their fur. i think that this is wrong.