Also included in this update is a direct link on the initial “Play” screen to Angry Birds friends on Facebook. A minor addition, but still notable, as Rovio continues to plug their facebook app.
Here is copy from the official press release from the, “King Pig Office” on “Piggy Island”:
Today – Piggy island
We haz facebook and twitter
Yu no like?
We has new
Gotta go
moar later
k thanks bye
About Pigs
Pigs are awesome. Birds stink. OINK OINK! 4 mais info check out
Now at version 2.3, Rovio stated in the change log that “The Bad Piggies don’t just have a new game — now they’ve taken over Angry Birds with 15 of the PIGGEST levels ever! Take a break with 15 stormy levels for Surf ‘n Turf! The Bad Piggies have taken over with 15 PIG THEMED Angry Birds levels!”
The cost of the app is still $4.99 and you can download it here from the App World
Via: BerryReview