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Amber Benson Pergunta

Does anyone know what else Amber Benson has been in or has done? and where can i find them as im in australia :) Thanks!

Books, movies, etc...
 Faith-Rulz posted over a year ago
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Amber Benson Respostas

ValaMagic said:
Amber's been in heaps of stuff. Here's a link to her imdb page link which has all her filmes and stuff. I live in Australia too and it's hard to find them here but i've seen a few of them at JB Hi-Fi so you could look there. She's written 2 books so far por herself (the segundo one comes out at the end of the month), i've seen the first one at Borders but i ordered it from Angus and Robertson you could also order it from Amazon. She's also co-written a couple of books with a guy called Christopher Golden that you can probably only get from amazonas, amazon, amazônia (i've never seen them anywhere else)
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posted over a year ago 
ok cool thanks for that :) Cool another Oz chicka :) Im in WA whereabouts are you ?
Faith-Rulz posted over a year ago
Buff_Stuff said:
She's in a new web series (with real life boyfriend Adam Busch AKA Warren Mears) called "Count Jeff." Very funny stuff!
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posted over a year ago 
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