Against Bullying! Club
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added by DarkCruz360
Source: por DarkCruz360
added by DarkCruz360
Source: por DarkCruz360
added by DarkCruz360
Source: por DarkCruz360
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: Sex Club Troll
A bully's words are never true, just things that they may say to someone to make themselves look better, seem better, but every word that pops out of their mouth is just lies that are always reflecting back at them, so they are really the bad ones.
So many people thought about suicide due to the fact that they are being mistreated, hurt in many ways.
There are 3 ways on bullying, first is physical bulling which not many people can avoid easily. Others decide to fight back with the same thing, and that makes them no better than the bully themselves.
The segundo way is this way which is verbal bullying,...
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posted by Sarah6789
It is bullying season? New school year? Mean popular girls? Well that wont happen anymore cause my club Sarahs Challenge will help u from getting bullied I dont like being a bully or other people. Respect people even if you dont know then mais info come to my club Sarahs challenge today!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im begging you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told you all about my club read this artigo it will help u understand something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plz plz plz plz plz plz cadastrar-se cadastrar-se cadastrar-se cadastrar-se cadastrar-se cadastrar-se join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean it plz I want to teach you about stuff
posted by highlights74
I'm sure a lot of schools across Canada and America have had presentations or assemblies about bullying. Well I've had cops come to our school to talk about it, teenagers came to do an act for us, and just teachers from our school have talked about it.

The many different kinds of bullying, cyber, verbal, physical, and many more. After all those presentations, you think people would get the message? Well they haven't. Bullying still goes on in my school everyday, and it's sad to see.

Just recently, my friend decided she wasn't going to take it anymore, so she talked to our teacher. Afterwards,...
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added by DarkCruz360
Source: por DarkCruz360
You get on with life as a student
Your a mean kinda person
You like taunting me on sundays
You like tripping me over in the week
You like to contemplate being mean
But when you start to daydream
Your mind turns straight to bullying

Do you amor bullying mais than being mean
Do you amor bullying mais than being mean

You like to use the words " go kill yourself"
You like to use the words" nobody likes you"
You like to use words about being mean
But when you stop your talking
Your mind turns straight to bullying

Do you amor bullying mais than being mean
Do you amor bullying mais than being mean

You like to hang out with Bethany
You like to kick back with Lou
But when left alone
Your mind turns straight to bullying

Do you amor bullying mais than being mean
Do you amor bullying mais that being mean

Your not to fond of kind
You really hate nice
But you just think back to bullying
And your happy once again
That man you called ugly for his face warped with scars
He fought for his country in the Vietnam War.
That girl you called fat and laughed at will
She’s overdosing on diet pills.
That guy you called lame for not owning a license
He has to support his family por building fences.
That girl you felt you had to trip in the hallway
Is being abused at início all night and all day.
That guy you called stupid for not making his grades
Has a learning disability and has to take meds.
That fifteen-year-old girl with a child that you called a slut
Was raped two years atrás and left in a rut.
You think you know these...
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added by Sinna_Hime_chan
added by Black-Rose-DxG
added by sapherequeen
Cyberbullying clip....
stop bullying now!
take a stand
added by Helen-Lover
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
added by DarkCruz360
Source: por DarkCruz360
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: ilovetaylorswift10 June 30
added by NewBoyz231
Source: Me
added by just123cute
posted by geekygirl1999
Hi :) I'm Alana aka Lana I'm a funny sweet nice laugh some say rated r hahah fun person I'm not mean nice to who's nice to me I'm 14 I'm in 8th grade I live n Philly really from new Jersey yup well when I first moved to Philly I was sad cuz I would never see eb I luv again

But to tell u the real me I hide pain behind mi smile n laugh I'm really sad :(
I never told anyone this but.........I have been bullyed since segundo grade up to now think how long that is just think about going to school all happy but come bak crying
Sometimes I cry mi self to sleep
I been called names,had things thrown at...
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