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vkofyuuki said about Klaus & Caroline
vote for them for s3 award>> link Posted over a year ago
klarolinelove commented…
yes vote vote vote :) over a year ago
vkofyuuki said about Klaus & Caroline
Happy Birthday Joseph morgan.. you will forever be known as mr klaus mikaelson~ Posted over a year ago
vkofyuuki said about Klaus & Caroline
trevino cant play klaus mais than 3 episode because before this a lot of actors, writers and fãs praise jomo for his potrayal as complex character like klaus. so surely trevino will be compare to joseph ..i just cant handle if trevino get a lot of hate. its not that i'm falling for him but i feel sorry for him because i think he's doing his best to mimic klaus attitude.. Posted over a year ago
sahour95 commented…
I think it would be very stupid of them if they kept Klaus as Tervino after a whole season of JoMo playing him. I mean it sticks the image of Klaus as JoMo and like you said JoMo gave Klaus very special charactaristics and no matter how much Tervino tries to get it it will not be the same. So it's unfair for the character or the actor. Honestly if they don't bring JoMo as Klaus again I'd rather him dead over a year ago
iandamon2558 commented…
yea i just cant accept anyone but JoMo for klaus. iw ould rather have him dead or back to his own body. like i just dont see it as klaroline without joseph and candice's chemistry over a year ago
delenafrenchfan commented…
Get back JoMo pleasee :/ over a year ago
Talice commented…
Joseph will definitely be back. :D Julie said his body didn't burn, and he'll want to get into his real body ASAP. :) over a year ago