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 Kriya Yoga
Kriya Yoga
Kriya Yoga is an ancient technique of self-realization, which is also known in India. Paramahansa Yogananda came to America in 1920, where he taught Kriya Yoga to the wishes of his master.
Several teachers have come from Western countries in the past to teach Kriya Yoga, and it is accessible to all.

Kriya Yoga is an ancient system to harmonize the energy in each. Kriya Yoga is about spontaneity and the process of non-violence and action in practice. As a process of Kriya Yoga provides a single point very naturally harmonize the mind and emotional energy. It is at the convergence of all the energy of individuals helps in a Bindu. Bindu state is on the state of the power loss Vikshepa.
Kriya Yoga involves various techniques mudras (gestures psycho-physical), bandha (mental blocks) and asanas (poses). Consciousness of the sadhaka rotates through the fixed psychic paths. Kriya Yoga system has similarities with the Tai Chi Chuan, the Chinese system of dynamic meditation. Both use a perfect harmony and channelization of physical, Prana (vital energy) and mental energy, with mais awareness.

Kriya Yoga is designed to transform Tamas to Sattva. The whole system of Kriya Yoga is to give to their removal, but a positive significance to the issue and the various energies.
Kriya Yoga is a large opening and lively world of creative energy. Kriya Yoga techniques of the following:
Pratyahara (withdrawal of the consciousness of the meaning)
Dharana (one-stop spontaneous Ness)
Dhyana (settlement in the state of spontaneity)
Kriya Yoga Tools
Asana (postures of Hatha Yoga)
Pranayama (breathing Hatha Yoga)
Mudra (psychic gesture)
Bandha (mental blocks)
Mantra (sound vibration mental)
Step mental awareness

Ideally, a vegetarian diet is mais than welcome to this discipline. In the case of an imbalance in the body and mind, try as certain diseases or severe mental disorders, not for Kriya Yoga. At the beginning of the journey of Kriya Yoga is very important to an understanding of the processing techniques and yoga, which should be included in the six tools of Kriya Yoga.
For centuries, was the Kriya Yoga system to develop the tradition of direct supervision of Guru and his disciples is very important exhausted in the modern era of the modern spirit, and por the dissipation of energy and mental and emotional abuse tired.

Kriya Yoga - Learn the secrets of Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is a process of mental purification that teaches meditation through techniques.
The fundamental belief of Kriya Yoga is that we are all miniature of the cosmos, a microcosm or an evolution of a new world in the microscopic world.

The various cosmic forces controlling, air, fire, water and earth also control the various activities we do, namely, religious activities, relationships with everyone and everything, nutrition, pregnancy, everything done por the body human.

It is the full acceptance and belief behind the union and the interaction of the self and the Supreme Self.
The study and science of Kriya Yoga has a divine origin and was not created por human means and intellect.

The modernization of this method, yoga, meditation began in the old 1860 with Babaji and has the line of Kriya Yoga provides teachers paid directly por the master-disciple method of teaching.
The disciplined path of Kriya Yoga consists of various types of education at different angles. It is a position in Kriya Yoga that the three qualities of light, vibration and sound which also illustrate how concentration, good posture and breathing through the implementation of a number of techniques, Kriya Yoga disciples believed in the depths of the unconscious penetrate.