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10 Most Awkward Sexual Moments In Comics History‏

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called 10 Most Awkward Sexual Moments In Comics History‏
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
25 Most Powerful Cosmic Entities In Marvel Comics
10 Awesome Image Comics Series You Should Be Reading
10 Most Awkward Sexual Moments In Comics History‏
They really aren\'t for kids any more...if ever they were.
Writing about comic books every day, as we at WhatCulture are rather lucky to do (and get paid for, natch), you get to hitting the thesaurus pretty regularly. As you delve into the four-colour world of Marvel and DC on a regular basis you have to learn some synonyms for superheroes, lest your prose get stale and the audience – that’s you, True Believers – get understandably bored. There’s only so many times you can use the likes of “masked vigilante” in an article, though, before people get confused and think this is a piece on Fathers 4 Justice or something. So you get more creative. One of our favourite stand-ins for “superhero” is underwear pervert, an old internet (possibly even older) joke that is the perfect mix of being evocative, funny, and pretty true.
Obviously there’s, y’know, the Batman/Robin gay subtext and that, but there isn’t really that much evidence of superheroes putting the tights on and wearing pants over the top of them because they get a sick sexual thrill out of it. Although we haven’t seen many stranger fetishes online – seriously, dressing up as a bat and getting it on with someone dressed as a cat is total furry fodder – for the most part the caped crusaders and metahumans (there’s a couple more) that populate our comics, movies and cartoons manage to keep it in their pants. Most of the time, we said.
Because for all of the innocent and child-friendly fun in your average comic book, there’s something seedy awaiting just around the corner. Hook ups, brainwash marriages, inappropriate costumes - is this the Avengers or Geordie Shore? Thankfully, for our amusement, the people making these comics are usually sexual maladroits who can only conceive of The Act as a totally awkward and embarrassing scenario, and so that’s what they put these underwear perverts through.
Totally unsuitable pairings, interspecies erotica, sex tapes, and shameful encounters with your family as an audience. All of these things have happened in The Inbetweeners, true, but they’ve all happened to the likes of Spider-Man, Green Lantern and even The Dark Knight himself, too. Here are ten of those awkward sexual moments we’ve come across in comic books.
In this post: Ant-Man • featured • Features • Lists
This article was first posted on July 30, 2014
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He\'s heard all of the Doctor Who jokes, but not any about Randall and Hopkirk.
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