X-Men Evolution Club
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posted by Obscurity98
Alias: Elara Dark
Status:reforming Villian
Age:15 yrs

Powers:Ability to control shadows, manipulate darkness, can become a shadow being called shame. can not be seen in the dark, and can see in the dark. She can alos manipulate and controll dark energy. It comes form her hands like black fogo almost. Ability to fly. Invunerability, super strength. good with close hand to hand combat, and very agile. Catlike traits and abilities, that she can hide with invisiblity, but only her tail, ears and claws are invisible.

Born a mutant in a mutant hating society, her family abandonded her and left her for dead. Found por magento he welcomed her into his team at the early age of 9. Whos powers of the shadows developed then. As magento trained her, he taught her of her newest powers and finally introduced her to his new team, te brotherhood. She fell inlove with Lance and then dated for a time, until she finally broke it up.
Heartbroken she began to wonder if the tings she did was right. soon the Xmen were at her aid trying their best to change her. But it was hard, becsue it was as if Magneot was her father, she felt the urge to and not to betray him.
Now she doesnt know who she should go with.
The Brotherhood, or the Xmen

Easily angered, big time flirt, and skipped a grade, now a junior instead of sophmore.