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Chapter 2
Three Months Earlier

There was not much bright where I was. Just dull, cheap lamp-light. Ya know? The cheap light that bulbs give off. Not until I stepped out into the golden hue of this evening’s sunset could I get a good picture with my eyes. I had been in a bar with my friends or, as it’s usually called, my gang. It wasn’t a real rough bar, the one I had been in. there were a couple fights every so often, but not much. Gavin, the owner, was good about that. He didn’t want the fuzz showing up all the time, so when he wanted a fight to stop, it stopped. He could persuade almost anyone. Even the cops. So his bar was well-kept and a pretty nice hang-out.

The bare, empty rua the bar shared with the antiques store across the road wasn’t very busy. Just a couple of cars here and there. But not many. I don’t live in a very busy town. It was a pretty quiet town, but also loud at the same time. Quiet because nothing ever happens, but loud because there’s always a murder or something. I had always wondered how my town could be quiet and loud at the same time. I still do. And I never understood how it could. I still don’t.
When I had walked out of the bar with my buddy Danny, on my way home, I saw a girl sitting cross-legged on a bench outside the antiques store. She had long, dark, golden blonde hair that fell in loose ringlets around her and went to the middle of her back, and bangs she had pushed all to one side. The light breeze was waving her hair around, making her have to push it out of her face often. She was composição literária with a pen in a composition notebook. I felt like I knew this girl, and I was racking my brain to try and figure it out. It kind of hurt. But she just looked so familiar. I nearly wanted to run over to her and ask her she was, it hurt so bad. And then it hit me. I did know who she was. She was Johnnie Gatlyn. The famous Johnnie Gatlyn. Almost everyone knew who she was. She wasn’t popular or anything; just hated and disliked. And I knew her story pretty well:

She came from a rich and snobby family. She had a lot of friends, and so did her parents and her sister, even though they were stuck up and conceited (but not Johnnie). Her father had a gambling problem. Every time he would play a game, he would lose something. But sometimes he would win (rumor has it that that’s how the Gatlyns’ got so rich; from all the poker he played). He was always gambling the family’s money away. So one night while he was out with his friends he gambled almost all the family’s savings, and lost it, which, por the way, was a lot of money. The man who won it all became even richer.

So her family was forced to mover to the poor side of town or, also known por some of the kids and all the teenagers, the “greasy” side of town. And to make matters worse, all of Johnnie’s friends ignored her at school and anywhere they saw her because she’s not rich anymore, she’s “poor trash” to them, almost all the “greasers” hate her cause she was a rich girl before she became a poor girl, and her dad walked out on her, her mother, and her sister, leaving them with all the bills and rough breaks for themselves. And Johnnie was only eleven when this all happened.

I know all this because Johnnie had told me herself four years ago, the ano it happened. I had been sitting on a bench on one of the sides of the fonte in East Side Park, the only park on the East Side (poor side). I was the only one in the park (it never really gets busy), besides Johnnie, because it was pretty late. On the bench I had been leitura a book. I had also been crying a little. Johnnie had been scrawling in a notebook on the other side of the fountain, probably drawing or composição literária or something.
So, while I was in the middle of my page I noticed a girlish figure looming over me. Once I figured out it was her I quickly shut my book and wiped away my tears. I don’t ever let strangers see me cry. It’s not tough. I looked up at her and saw she had a worried look on her face. But she had a smile. She sat down seguinte to me, slowly.
“Are you alright?” she asked me in a soft, quiet voice. I nodded. She looked at me mais closely, and then shook her head. “No, you’re not. Don’t lie. What’s buggin’ you, stranger?”

I gathered the will to tell her. “My dog died a couple days ago. We we’re real close. Had her all my life.”

Johnnie got quiet again and looked down. “I’m sorry.”

“Its fine, Johanna,” I said casually. At that time I didn’t know that she liked being called Johnnie instead of Johanna. She looked up quickly and had a confused look on her face. She squinted.
“How’d you know my name?” she asked. I kind of laughed.

“Everyone knows who you are, ‘cause…well, you know…” I trailed off, not wanting to remind her of the terrible thing that had happened to her a couple months before.

“Right,” she started. “Well, do you wanna know the story of why everyone knows who I am? And when I say story, I mean the details. Since you told me something personal that you didn’t have to tell me, I’ll tell you something. I mean, like I always say, get a little, give a little. Oh, and you should also know: I don’t like being called Johanna. I like being called Johnnie, if you don’t mind.” And then she told me her story. That dia was the first dia we started talking, and the dia that marked our everlasting friendship.

I snapped out of my long reverie when my buddy Danny nudged me and said, “Hey, man, ain’t that Johnnie Gatlyn? Didn’t you guys used to be friends?” Danny said “used to be” because me and Johnnie don’t really talk anymore. We are still kind of friends, we just don’t talk.

“Yeah,” I said quietly.

“Man, I hardly recognized her. She looks so different from what she looked like when we used to talk to her, three years ago,” Danny started. It was true. Johnnie did look different. She was mais mature-looking, like a 15-year-old should look. Her hair was the same, long and sort of golden brown. Her eyes were the same too; big and round and soft. They were sort of a pale-emerald color or, also known as: greenish-grey. And I knew that about her eyes because she had looked up from her notebook, just to probably randomly look around for a while, and spotted me. She stared at me.
Gosh, she was pretty. She was even mais good-looking that she used to be. She had high cheekbones, a perfect, straight nose, and nice, full rosa, -de-rosa lips. She was very pale though. But it didn’t matter, I guess. She was very good-looking. Most of the Gatlyns’ were. Johnnie looked at me softly. She had a smile on her face. It was gentle. Then, I saw her making a motion with her hand. She was waving at me, and probably Danny too.

“Hey, man,” Danny started, “look at that, she’s wavin’ at us. You think she remembers us?”

“Well, I don’t know,” I said sarcastically. “If she’s wavin’ at us, what do you think, smarty?”

“Aw, cut it out, man,” he said with a laugh. “Now, come one. Let’s go, or Peter will be worrying his head off.” We started walking towards the neighborhood that we lived in, and continued our conversation.

“I just don’t get it, Dan,” I started. “I mean, why is Peter always so worried about me? I’m sixteen, for Pete’s sake. And it’s only twilight right now.”

“Maybe it’s ‘cause you’re the baby in the family,” he suggested.

“No, Cindy is the baby. I’m just the youngest boy. You think that’s why?”

“Maybe, man. I don’t know. I ain’t your brother. I don’t know how his mind works.” Then Danny thought of something else. “And he probably wants you in before dark ‘cause of what happens, even if it can happen in the daytime too.” I knew exactly what Danny was talking about: the rich kids.

They terrorize us. And when I say “us”, I mean all the greasers. The rich kids go around town looking for some of us to jump, or maybe even kill if they’re crazy enough. They think its fun. We don’t.

I’m a greaser. I’m poor and tough and wild. I’m in a gang too. I wear blue jeans and white or black T-shirts with the shirttails left out. I wear converse or boots (mostly Converse) and leather or blue jeans jackets. I grease my long, medium brown hair. My hair’s not too long. It’s squared off in the back and long at the front and sides. And my buddies are just like me. They’re greasers too. We’re a gang.

Greasers are the scummy, hoody kids that you see stealing things and smoking and drinking. We aren’t very good people. At least, that’s what the stereotype says.

The rich kids are a lot different from us. First of all, they’re rich. That’s a big difference. And, while we don’t care to dress up at all, the Richies are always too sharp-looking for any regular occasion, with their fancy madras shirts and caqui, cáqui pants and casaco, casaco de lã sweaters. They also wear Varsity Letterman Jackets too. They think they’re too cool to care about anything.
Their idea of fun is throwing cerveja blasts and river-bottom parties and jumping us greasers, like I said before. They drink and smoke and because of all the things they do, everyone thinks they are oh-so-cool. People, meaning teens, look up to them and look down on us. The Richies drive around town in their fancy cars, like Mustangs or Corvairs, and look for some of us that are on our own. We can never walk alone. It’s too dangerous. We, most of the time, have to walk with one other person or with a whole group. Then again, most of us carry weapons, like switchblades, and sometimes they scare the Richies off.

The specific name for them is the “Richies”, like I have probably made clear from calling them that so much. It’s a sort of compound of “Richer Ones” or “Rich Ones.” And, just for fun and a little laugh, us greasers call the rich girls the “Richettes.”

Ya know, us greasers got it awful rough. We do. For a lot of us, it’s hard making ends meet with the scarce money we have. And there’s always a Richie right around the corner waiting to beat us up. And most of us aren’t the brightest. No brains, no college. No money, no college. No college, no good job. No good job, no good life. It’s rough.

But I, individually, am a smart guy. I make real good grades and my mom and my brothers are proud of me for that. My oldest brother, Peter, thinks I’ll be able to go to college because it’s possible I might get a scholarship. I agree with him on that.

But the Richies, well, they got all this money and most of them are so brainy that of course they’re going to go to college. It’s unfair to us. They are always given what they want without having to work for it. It’s always there waiting for them when they ask for it. Greasers get almost nothing that they ask for; the Richies get mais than everything they ask for.

But that all just doesn’t happen with the guys. There’s war between the girls too. The rich girls are, most of the time, snobby and selfish and stuck-up. The greaser girls act too tough for their own good and are loud and act like sluts. Most of them.

The Richies just don’t know how lucky they are.
As me and Danny walked along the rua we saw kids playing outside with a basketball. I recognized them. They were my buddy Henry’s little brothers, Matt and Jake. Danny and I walked over to them. They saw and us and smiled. “Hey, August. Hey, Danny,” Matt greeted us. He was the middle kid, just like me and my other older brother Wesley. Matt was thirteen. Jake dribbled the ball and shot it in the basket that was seguinte to their home-made dirt driveway. He was the youngest at ten, and the smartest. But, just like his two older brothers, he was a greaser. Except he was a kid greaser.

“Hi, Matt,” Danny said nicely. We were always nice to our buddies’ siblings. And most of their family too.

I leaned my stomach against their fence and had my arms hang over. “Hey, listen,” I started, “you kids might wanna get inside soon. It’s almost dark and you know what happens at night sometimes.” Matt waved me away.

“I ain’t scared of nothin’, August! And if I ain’t scared of nothin’, I ain’t scared of no rich wimp!” Sometimes that kid acted too tough. And it annoyed me. I looked at him seriously. Jake walked over to him quickly and tugged at his arm while speaking to me.

“S-sure, August. We’ll go inside.” Jake had heard stories about the Richies and what they do to us greasers and had trouble sleeping at night knowing them. Poor kid. “’Night,” he finished.

“’Night, kids,” Danny and I said at the same time. And we continued the walk to our houses.
I hated talking about the Richies as if they are some big threat; as if its death if we don’t stay away. It’s not like they’re a clan of villains. I hated it. It sickened me. They were just the same as us. Why should they act like they’re better? Why do they have to torture us? We’re all equal teens. We’re feared just as much as they are. A greaser can easily beat up someone, just like them. Lots of people are afraid of us. We’re trouble-makers. We get jailed a lot and have rumbles with the Richies and get into drag races and steal things and smart-off to the cops. The list goes on. We’re just like hoodlums. And, I’ll admit, I’ve done a couple of those things. I’m not that innocent boy I seem like.

Most of the people that fear us are girls and kids. Lots of us greasers take advantage of girls. And lots of us have mais than one girl as the same time. But I don’t think that’s right. Girls are people too. They shouldn’t be taken advantage of, in my opinion.

I surveyed the scene around me. There were old, run-down houses and dead-looking trees and bushes and shrubs and old cars and trash in the grama and streets. I sighed. Boy, you can believe I live in a lousy neighborhood.

This is the one with all the fights and murders and burglaries. But, hey, who has anything good around where I live worth stealing? We’re all poor pieces of trash who can’t afford anything that’s good.

As Danny and I walked to our crummy houses that were right across the rua from each other I spotted a sleek black Mustang. “Danny, look what’s coming,” I said, nudging Danny, and pointing at the object down the street.

“Let’s make a break for it,” he said nervously. Danny was always nervous around the rich kids, but he did a good job of not showing it around them. We both are nervous because we’ve both been jumped before. It ain’t fun.

“It’s too late,” I started. “They’ve spotted us. Play it cool.”

“Alright, but it’ll be kinda hard.”

I dug what Danny was saying. It’s easy for a greaser to be cool, but it’s hard when he gets scared. Some of the time it’s hard. My palms became sweaty as the mustang road briskly down the street, toward us. I hitched my thumbs in my front pockets and tried to look mean and tough, just like Danny was doing. Five Richies got out of the car and slowly came toward us. Danny let out a small noise from his throat. But it was quiet enough that the Richies didn’t hear; only me.

“Well, look at what we’ve got here, boys: two kid greasers,” said one of the Richies. It was and ugly blonde with curly hair, wearing a Letterman jacket.

“We ain’t kids,” I spat at him. I wasn’t. Nor was Danny. We were both sixteen, except Danny was older than me por one month, which means he’ll be seventeen this month.

The ugly blonde stepped closer to me and tried to touch my hair. I swatted his hand away. “Ya know,” he said, “you got real long and greasy hair.” He pulled out his wallet and threw money at my feet. “Here’s two bucks. Both a ya should get a haircut. Take a bath while you’re at it too.” He and his friends laughed. I kicked his money.
“I don’t want your money,” I said indignantly.

“Oh, but you’ll need it if you ever want to look decent or normal.”

“You’re the one who doesn’t look decent or normal,” Danny said angrily. I stared at him. That took guts. Danny wasn’t usually like that. The blonde stepped towards him. He grabbed him por the colarinho, colar of his shirt.

“What?” he asked. Danny pushed him away.
“You heard me!” he shouted. “Now, get lost, you…you…”

“What’s the matter? Got nothin’ to call me, grease?”

“White trash,” I finished for Danny. The blonde whirled at me and pushed me against the fence. He held my jacket’s colarinho, colar with his two hands. He breathed on me and I could smell liquor and cerveja in his breath. I felt like I was gonna be sick.

“What?!” he asked angrily.

“White trash,” I said matter-of-factly, and then I spit in his face. That made him really mad. He punched me square in the jaw. I punched back. Then it became a fight; Richie against grease. Two Richies got a hold of me and three got Danny. I tried to run and grab Danny so we could beat it the hell out of there but they were holding me down. They took turns punching me and slugging me. I kind of wanted to die at that moment. Or at least pass out. It would be a lot better than staying awake and feeling the pain. So, after a few mais punches, I did pass out.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the sky. It was dark and had a lot of stars scattered all over it. I tried to sit up but it was hard. Then I felt a hand push my back up. I assumed it was Danny so I said, “Thanks, Danny.” But then I saw him lying seguinte to me. His eyes fluttered open. “How did…” Then I heard a voice on the other side of me.

“That’s funny, I thought my name was Johnnie.”
I looked over and saw Johnnie Gatlyn. She was sort of smiling and she kind of giggled. I cocked an eyebrow. “Johnnie?”

“Yeah, that’s me,” she said.

“What are you doing here? Where did the Richies go?” Danny was up por now and staring at Johnnie with the same confused expression I was.

“Well,” she started with a nervous laugh, and then looked down, “I scared ‘em off.”

“You what?” Danny asked.

“Yeah. I had been on my way início from the antique store. As you know, I live down the rua from you guys so of course I was gonna pass your houses. Well, anyway, I was on my when I saw these Richies huddling together, beatin’ some hoods up. I got a little closer and saw it was you guys. That made me really mad. I mean, you guys are kinda my friends and I hate it when Richies and beat up greasers for no reason! So I pulled out my switchblade and shouted, ‘Hey, get away from them!’ I said a couple threats, waved my switch in the air, and they ran off.”

“Whoa,” Danny said, surprised. “Go, Gatlyn.” Then I realized something: Johnnie was a real nice girl. She was quiet and shy, except when you got her talking. Then she could be sort of loud and crazy. (I had seen that side only a couple times.) Anyway, she was a real sweet girl, but if you got her mad she could become real mean and rough tough. I had seen her that way a couple times. It was kind of fun to watch, to be honest. I mean, it was fun to watch a sweeter-than-honey, good-looking girl beat up on and swear at a rough rich guy.

“Well,” Johnnie started, “I better get goin’, otherwise my mother’s gonna wonder where I am.” She snickered and muttered, “Yeah, right.” Then she flipped her switch closed and got up. “See you guys later.” She smiled and started walking down the street.

“Alright,” Danny and I said at the same time. And I wondered vaguely, while watching her walk away, if I was ever going to figure out the puzzling mystery that was Johnnie, because she’s always been a mystery to me.
posted by bri-marie
Note: I'm not sure how much I like the names I gave my characters. I may changed them in later parts.
A small, silver picture frame sat alone on a nightstand. The picture held inside it, yellowed and dusty with age, showed three small children – two boys and one girl, all about six years old – with their arms wrapped around each others shoulders. They were standing in front of a large oak árvore and the shadows had made the pictures unreal; the girl's hair was shown to be brown and the boys...
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oi guys, i hope u like this one......

Destiny.i found it just where i was trying to
hide from it.

I dragged Jared into the side, and leaned him up against the wall. I used my sleve to wipe the most of his blood from his face, and checked the rest of his body. he seemed intact. I took another shaky breath to calm myself down; all that mattered was finding out the truth. I laughed, but it sounded; wrong. I dint nottice that jared had woke from the startled sound, and was staring at me shocked. i turned around to face him, and stopped abruptly. his eyes flicked to the blood on my sleve, and back...
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posted by JohnnyCadeskid
Music: Shattered

Keaira’s dad Johnny killed a soc when he was 16
This made many soc’s that already hated him for being a greaser hate him more
His parents had beat him making him have a horrible childhood
His best friends were all he could count on
He then met his future wife Kim
He had Marshall
Then Keaira who care along with Reeve and Kaden
Then Kyra
Then Johnny Jr.
His friend Dally didn’t have a much better life
Dally grew up in New York on his own
He came to Oklahoma when he was 13
He there had a reputation as a criminal
He then became friends with Johnny, Ponyboy, Sodapop, Steve, Darry, and Two-bit...
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oi guys, i hope u all like this....

the truth is something you allways want to know, something that burns inside, untill it is let out, but sometimes the truth is better kept a secret.

i stood in the same spot staring at the two black cars, my coração racing, my mind ticking. i closed my eyes and looked to the ground, my shoulders slumping. Giving up. No one came out the cars yet, they just waited, waited for this, for me to give up. they had won, whovever they were, they had me. in that single moment i had givn up, lost. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and i cringed away from it.
"Go!" jared...
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posted by QueridaPantufa
It’s dark. I can’t even see my own hands. Where am I? I hear something! It probably just was a rato or something. What did they do to me? Can I escape? Are they watching me right now? Am I alone? My head hurts. I feel like someone is slamming a hammer against it. What do they want from me? Money? If it’s money, I’m in big trouble. I haven’t got any. Of course not. I live on the rua for god’s sake. Why me? Why did they had to choose me? Haven’t I gone through enough yet? Is this some kind of sick joke? Maybe it’s a punishment. I haven’t done anything wrong though. At least...
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The sky had begun to turn to dusk and the moon was getting ready to rise.
Béla and Maleva were still heading down the old wagon road heading to their site
Béla is starting to get nervous as the mounting suspense of what will happen on the full moon started to build.
He watched the sky while keeping an eye on the sky his head began to give him a burning sensation a sensation he had never felt before his coração started to thump and thud bobop bobop bobop bobop he was feeling tension of his muscles tightening and contracting he was scared stiff.
He raised his right hand up to his forehead and rubbed...
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posted by lovepop
Meghan was a regular middle schooler, with two friends named Pompika, Regara (Reg).
Mom was making breakfast at 6:00 A.M.! Ding-Dong! Reg came in before anyone answered the door. “Hey Meghan! “Ready for the first dia of middle school?” said Reg.
“I- I guess” said Meghan. Mom looked at me then Reg. “Fine, I’m composição literária a book called The Captain at Sea. But I have a pen name, Amanda Sivel.” I said. “Ooookkkaaay” Reg said.
“Why didn’t you TELL me?” said Reg suddenly. “I thought, you know, you’d tell everyone” “WHAT!!! You know I’d never do that!” Reg shouted.
She was so mad she stormed out the door and slammed it shut. “She’s not gonna talk to me at all today” said Meghan. “Well you did it.” Mom said. “Well you told me to say it” Meghan said. “Sorry honey” said Mom. “GGGRRRRR!” Meghan growled. to be continued....

I didnt stop ruuning, not even when i reached his door, i paused to see where he was, then i ran into his arms.
"Rbyn! What is it? was that you screaming?" he asked woried, he took my face into his hands and stared into my eyes. I saw Zander and Jaden from the corner of my eye they looked worried.
"Im finr, Rick, its Gemma, she took her Amber took her, im here to say goodbye," i silently put a tender kiss on his cheek, turned around and headed for the door,...
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Mr Grey took us down a big endless corridoor, where our dorms would be.
"Boys one this side, girls on the other. At this school we believe that closeness brings power, so you will both be sharing dorms, with three other students. Of your own sex of course.,"he stopped at one of the doors, the girl side."Ahhh, this will be your dorm Miss Stirling,". I looked at the door, there was a shiny number pate on it, 912. "The students have a dia off today, so it should give you enough time to learn your timetable," he clicked...
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posted by grissomsgirl
Please read Parts 1&2 or this won't make any sense.
This isn't a timeline story Gilbert is three and this is my first try at fanfiction, so please be gentle!

All csi characters owned por CBS except for Grissom Junior, he's mine, I hope!

I have no idea what went on after I met the rest of my family but I understood some of it, something about going início a week off and Stevie, Daddy does not look too well so I asked him who Stevie is whilst I sat on Grampa Jim’s lap “Gilbert, Stevie is my tarântula and he lives in a tank in my office” said Daddy “what’s a tarântula Daddy?” Daddy...
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posted by HarryPLover
Its too dark
Too dark to see what is going on
Tripping over the couch
Slamming into the wall
stepping on the remote
It was too dark
The undone dishes
The scattered roses
The broken picture
My broken heart
It was too dark
Believing it would change
That he would change
A Waste
A waste of my time
My Effort
The “No Messages” left on my phone
It was too dark
It was too dark to see what had happened
Too dark to try to fix things
Its just too dark
Someone turn on the light
That light bulb in my head of what Ive done wrong
Its too dark
posted by HarryPLover
We were walking through the mall almost about maybe, 20 feet from the door. He hadn't said a word to me since the whole Jose thing half an hora ago. Matthew was purposely walking behind me, though only a few feet away, still I wanted him at my side. I stopped and looked back at him. He was stopped his walk with his head down. I walked over to the side of him. I reached for his hand that was poking out if his pocket. Then he did the most crazy thing I think Ive ever seen. He actually stepped back so i wouldn't touch him. He seemed to think it was funny, or maybe it was my startled face that...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
*New character! Kayla Known as Karleigh's cousin*

I turned around and saw Nick waving from outfront. Oh, okay. I grabbed two water bottles, one for me and one for Nick. I picked up my phone to take with me.

(Kayla-underlined karleigh- italics)

so wen u getting here?

Uh...not for another hora or so y?

bcuz i was gonna play frisbee with Bri Nick nd others

UGH! Nick! I h8 him!

I don't get it y? y do u h8 him?

cause he pulled my hair in the pool!

I thought we cleared this up...he thought u were his annoying loser sister, Leigha!

ugh! his sister is too cute to h8 nd just cause u like nick...
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I missed the air particles at Ethan's place. Here, running away from something that's not even chasing me, the air particles manage to croak; "Run, run, run."
And then it hit me. What I was really running away from was chasing me. I was running away from my emotions and I didn't realize that they were, in fact, backpacked onto me. They were heavily weighing down on my back. My back felt fragile, broken... like my heart.
I felt like crashing to the ground. The thick tears and emotions were superior, rising above me. The dia before at school when I nearly melted my esophogaus, I felt numb,...
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encontro, data Night *sequel to Prom Night*
By: fatchick and moolah
Chapter One: the night of my life
Anne was sitting at the cozinha mesa, tabela when Jordon came in with Lucy and the twins, Mia and Joey crawling behind. Anne said, “What’s up?” Jordon didn’t answer. He looked mad at Anne. Anne sighed. “Jordon-talk to me.” She begged. He rolled his eyes and went upstairs. Anne got her cell phone and called Hannah. “Hannah, its Anne. Call me back. Thanks.” She left a message. Then she called Haley, “Hey.” Haley said. “What’s wrong?” “Jordon stopped talking to me.” She said. “Oh,...
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posted by CullenProperty
Lola. I haven't said much about Lola. And now that she's gone, it's like . . . well, it's like I don't have to say anything about her. Like all the memories, great times, funny sayings that were made up along with her have now vanished. I didn't even go to her funeral. What kind of friend am I? How dissapointed her parents probably are of me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I'm too embarrassed to go over to their house and talk about their dead daughter. I don't know what I'd do if they came over here; What would I say? "I'm sorry about your daughter, my best friend. She was like a sister...
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posted by CullenProperty
Since two days after we had our fight, I haven't seen Lola at school. It’s worried me, but I just pass it off that she’s sick or on a longer vacation or just ditching like she does at times. I haven’t called her or went por her house either.
The dia I go back to school starts like any other day; Woke up to my screaming alarm clock, dress lazily, no breakfast, drive to school in my parents car, being Nick's not finished with my bug, get to English class and sit there dazed. I don't look around the class in Math; I didn't want to see or deal with Tom. Science and Wood comprar drag por and when...
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Chapter 3 The cult

“What are you on about?” I was shaking with anger. How dare she say what I am and what I'm not “Stuff you” I wanted to say much worse. I walked away from her. Suddenly James was in front of me, smirking at me then he slowly vanished. I had to get out of here. por the time I come back it will be too late.

I was walking down the empty rua the sun had set already. How long have I been walking for? I did not even feel tired. Some how I ended up at the park... thinking of Hannah, I walked past where it all happened Hannah screams echoed inside my head. I felt nothing...
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posted by dancing_banana
    After that argument everything changes. She’s always in my mind, always. Maybe she really was right I mean what she said about things getting better makes sense even if it’s hard to. Life is hard, she was right. I mean Carl and Anne aren’t so bad. Having the other kids in the house isn’t that bad either. I just can’t get Kristen out of my head, she reached out to me and cared when no one else did, because of her I don’t feel like I’m losing it all the time. Every time I see her at school I hide behind the crowds, I’ll admit I’m ashamed of hiding...
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Prom Night
By: fatchick and moolah
It was December on natal Eve. Tucker and Kaylee were on their way to the midnight prom when, they ran into Ashlynn and Luke. They were on their way to prom too. Then they all went in the same car. On their way they ran into Hannah and Jacob, so they all rode together, when they ran into Anne and Jordon, then they went to prom. When they got there Haley was taking pictures about 10 minutos later Haley went up to Sean, the DJ, and Haley asked Sean to play a pop song. Then, Haley’s boyfriend, Zack came and they danced.
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