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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
 This is what I was aiming for Scarlet excpet for blonde hair :) this was the best I could come up with....
This is what I was aiming for Scarlet excpet for blonde hair :) this was the best I could come up with....
Picture her with blonde hair instead of black! lol
Hi, I thought of this on night and started righting this down on my ipod. Telll me what yall think please!! This might turn into a non-twilight story so I dont really know what is gonna happen??

Scarlet Malone ( twilight )
My name is Scarlet Malone, I live in Forks with my father Josh. My mom died at the first of the summer so I had to come here from Texas. It was horrible, I was all alone since my dad was a doctor, and it was always raining. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. I
am 15, I don't consider myself a goth or emo but I like to wear black and listen to punk and metal music, I have blonde hair, I am not tall but I am not short, and I am an only child. The only sport I really like is BMX, that was one of the things I bought here. My bike is lima, limão green, purple, and black. It is one thing I never leave any where
without, like girly girl and cell phone or boyfriends. It was getting jantar time, for me at least. Dad came início early and told me that we
were going to someone house to eat. I put on my dark skinny jeans, long sleeve black camisa that had skull and cruz bones on it and a black t-shirt over that. I put on some mascra and black eye liner. Are you ready? Dad asked as enter my room. Yeah. I said. How about you wear a dress. Dad said a little demanding. How about I wear this or I don't go at all. I said. Fine go get in the car. Dad told me. Dad always let me do what I wanted since he was never there at início or thing. I went and put m bike into the car and than got into the BMW. We turned right from our house and we went a couple of miles and than turned right again. We went down the winding road and than we can to this big house. How rich are these people? I asked dad. I don't know. Dad said. I bet this is going to be one boring night. This place was probably going to be filled with a bunch of boring people who sit around and talk about boring doctor stuff. I thought to myself. Dad
got out so I took deep breath and than got out. We walked up th stairs and was greeted por 6 people. They were all very pale, gold eyes, and
beautiful. I stood behind dad, I didn't really know what to do. Hey. Dad said as he shook hands with a man and a woman. This is my daughter Scarlet. Dad said as he pointed to me. Hi. I said quitely. It's nice to meet you! Esme said as she hugged me. This is Emmett and Rose. Esme said as she pointed to them Emmett was huge and Rose was so beautiful! Hi, I'm Alice and this is Jasper. Alice said. Where's Edward? Carisle asked Emmett, Rose, Alice, and Jasper. Let's go find him. Alice said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me for the stairs. I didn't know what to say so I just followed them. We walked up some stairs and than
turned right. This is my room. Alice said as she pointed into the room. Cool. I said. We walked down a hall and I saw a couple of mais doors. I wonder what they all lead to. We walked to the end of the hall to a closed door. Alice knocked and than opened the door. Edward? Alice said as they walked in. I stood outside the door. I looked in, it didn't look like a normal teenage boy's room. It was so clean, cleaner than mine. Edward's room had 2 walls that were glass. It was a beautiful room. Alice went and open to glass doors that lead to a porch, no one was there. Alice hopped up on the rails, grabbed the gutter and pulled herself to the roof. Cool. I whispered to myself. Jasper smiled a little bit. Edward come meet the new girl. Alice said. Yay, the "new girl". I thought to myself. Just meet her, make her feel a little bit of welcomed here. You heard what Dad told us, she needs friends. Alice said. Great, I guess this was the reason why I was over
here. I guess dad was thinking that they could he my friends. I thought to myself. I will be right back. Jasper said. I'll just go back down stairs. I told Jasper. No, it's okay, Edward is just shy.
Jasper said. Okay. I said as I shrugged my shoulders. Edward had a ton of classical CDs. I didn't like classical that much but it was good to listen too. They all came back from talking on the roof. Scarlet, Edward. Edward, Scarlet. Alice said. Edward was really hot! Hi. I said at stuck my hand to shake his. He just looked at me. I put it down and looked at my shoes. How stupid of me, no guy wanted to shake my hand. I thought. Edward just smiled and laughed. Did I say that out loud? I thought. It's time for dinner. Emmett said as he walked into the room. I followed them as we went down stairs and was going to go sit por my
dad but Alice told me that I needed to sit across from him for some reason. I ended sitting across from my dad and sitting seguinte to Edward. Are you excited about school? Esme asked. Dad glared at me. A little bit. I said as I glared back at dad. What grade are you in? Alice asked. I'm in the 10th grade. What about you? I asked. Cool, Edward
and I are too! Emmett, Jasper and Rose are in the 11th grade. Alice said. Cool. I said and ate some mais comida so I didn't have to answer any mais questions. I finished eating and took my plate to the kitchen. Alice and Jasper followed me to the kitchen. Here I can take that. Alice said as she took the plate to the garbage. She tossed the
comida that I didn't eat in the garbage and did the same to the other two plates. Thank you. I told her. Jasper sat on the counter watched Alice. I went back into the dinning room with Alice and Jasper. Dad, I'm gonna head início early. I don't really fill good. I said, it was a lie. Oh okay, do you want me to come? Dad asked. No, I have my bike, it'll be an easy ride. I said. Okay, wear you helmit. See you later. Dad said. Bye, thanks for having me over. I said. Bye. They all said
at the same time. I went the the tronco, porta-malas of my dad's car, pulled my bike out of the trunk, and left my helmit in the trunk. You should not try
to sneek up on people. I said to Edward who standing my the garage. You should wear your helmit like you dad told you too and how did you
get into the tronco, porta-malas if it was locked? Edward asked. Nah, easy bobbypin. I said and than hoped on my bike. Wear your helmit. Edward said as he
held my bike tire and handed me the helmit. Nah, I'll be fine. Gosh, why are you even talking to me. I was tried being nice, you didn't talk and now your talkig to me. Weird. I said. You have a flat tire. Edward said. No I don... You popped my tired. I yelled at him. Nope, it was already like that. Edward said. You liar, get away from me you
butthole. I said. Nice choice of words. Edward said. Har har. I said. I'll be right back, I'll go get my keys. Edward said. I just groaned.
Edward returned with some keys. Follow me. Edward said. We went through a door and enter a garage. Woha! These cars are awesome. I said. Yeah, they really cool. Edward said. No, they are beyond cool. I said. He just laughed. Edward put my my bike in the trunk, and than we took a black Volvo, it was a really nice car. Tell me, are you really excited about school? Edward asked. No, I am not, I absolutely hate it. I said. What about you? I asked. It's okay. Edward said. Do you
have clicks at this school? I asked. Yeah we do, you are going to he the first goth I see that has stepped into this school. Edward said. Cool. I said with a little bit of laughter in my vioce. Why are you a goth? Edward asked. I don't know, this is how I deal with my mom dead and my dad always gone. I said. Than we rode in silence. Did you have friends back home? Edward asked. No, not really, I knew people that I use to race BMX with but they were just guys who were looking for something to do. I dont think they acually liked the sport, they used it as rebelion. I said. Ahh and you don't? Edward asked. No, absolutely not! I amor the sport! I told Edward. We rode in mais
silence to my house. Thanks for the ride. I said as I unbuckled my assento belt. Edward came around and open the door for me. Thank you, my dad doesn't even do that for me. I said. I followed him to his tronco, porta-malas and watched him get my bike out. Do you want to come inside? I asked. Sure. Edward said. I walked to the door and it was open. I looked at Edward. I wasn't sure if I should go in or if I should call the cop. Edward got infront of me and we walked in. I tripped over the door
step, I wasn't use to stepping up toget into the house. Edward caught me thankfully. Thanks. I whispered. Edward went and check dad's room while I checked mine. I saw a guy in there. oi don't touch that! I yelled. He dropped it and turned around. I punched him in the face and Edward came running into the room. Edward did not look that strong but he was strong enough to wrestle the guy to the ground. Edward handed me the phone. I just looked at him weirdly. Call the police. Edward said. I don't know my adress. I said. Oh okay. He called someone and told them about the break in. I stepped to the man and kicked him in
the gut. What was that for? Edward asked. I held my only picture of mom that I had, it was in two. Oh, I'm sorry. Edward said. I backed up to the corner of my room. I slid down to the floor and started crying. It was the only thing I had left of her. I didn't even hear the cops come. I just felt Edward come over and stand me up to hug me. I hugged him back. For once someone acually cared! I wiped the mascra and eye liner Off with my camisa sleeve. I saw dad and let a tear exscape. Oh honey. Dad said as I handed the picture. He hugged me and than Edward and I had to talk to the cops. I didn't want to leave Edward's side, I felt so seguro when I was por him. I was shaking, I was scared and had every other feeling wash over me but it was mostly being scared. Just knowing that I had to sleep in my room por myself tonight creeped me out. I tried to speak to the cop but I was just so scared everything came ot shaky. I finished talking to the cop and than sat on the couch. I hugged my knees, I was hoping that it would help me to stop
shaking hut it didn't. I saw Edward on the phone. I couldn't hear or tell what he was saying. I saw him close the phone and go talk to my dad. After they finished talking dad cam over to me and wrapped a arm around me. Go pack some close, we are going to stay at the Cullen's for a dia or two while we get this place cleaned up. Dad said. Up stairs. Alone. I said. Hold on. Dad said. Edward. Dad said as he walked over to Edward. I couldn't tell what dad was saying since he had his back turned my way. Let's go get you some clothes. Edward said. I just stood up and followed him up stairs to my room. I found a
backpack and put some underwear and shirts and pants in there. I packed my pillow, I took it every where were I had to spend the night at. Don't forget your iPod and laptop. Edward said. Oh thanks. I said. I backed it and than followed him back down stairs. I sat on the sofá with Edward while we wait on dad to gather some of his stuff up. Edward put his arm around me to comfort me, I leaned in closer, he was so cold but I felt safe, and he smelled so good. I watched dad lock
the door and than Edward open the passager side of his car open for me. I looked at dad. Go a head, I'll be fine. Dad said. I walked over
to Edward and put my backpack in the floor and than laid my travesseiro in my lap. Edward went back to the porch and got my bike. Thanks for getting my bike and for letting us stay at your house. I told Edward as he cranked the Volvo up. No problem. It wod be scary to stay there after some one broke in there. Your knuckles bleeding. Edward said. Oh, I didn't even notice. I said with laughter in my vioce. It's okay it's just a little bit of blood. I said. Edward, this is going to sound like a kindergrander pergunta but..... It's okay go a head. Edward said. Will you be my friend? I asked Edward and felt stupid
about it. Yeah, I was your friend when I met you even though I didn't really speak to you when I first met you. Edward said. Cool. I said. Tell me mais about the you and BMX-ing. Edward said. Okay, the guys I raced for fun thought I was a guy until I had a nasty wipe out and my hat fell off and Than they saw my long hair. They were pretty stunned. I told Edward. Did you win a lot? Edward asked. Yeah but they guys didn't like me coming so they got the boss to band me. I said. Oh that stinks. Edward said. Yeah but I still hopped the fence everynight and went to go bike. When I learned that I was coming here, I went back to the shed where the boss stayed while it was open and spray painted "boy" with a círculo and a line though it in hot pink. I told him.
Edward just smiled. We where pulling into the garage. Edward got my bike out while I got my backpack and travesseiro out. Here I'll take you
bag. Edward said. Thanks. I said handing it to him. He smiled his gorgeous smile and I followed him up stairs. We got up stair and got into the living room while dad walked through the door with his suit case and stuff. Dad followed Carisle down a hall way that was right before the cozinha and right after the living room. Scarlet, I'll show you to your room. Edward said as he brought me back to from thinking too long. Okay. I said as I followed him up the stairs. We went down the same hall way and went to the very end and open a door seguinte to his bedroom. Here is your room. Edward said as he sat my backpack on the
bed. Cool, thanks. I said. It was really nice, it didn't have window on two of the walls like Edward's but it was really nice. There was an Edward silence. Where the bathroom? I asked. Oh right. All the rooms except this one as it own bathroom for some reason so you can use mine. Edward said. Okay cool thanks. I went to my bag and grabbed out pajamas. Oh let's get Carisle to fix your knuckles up before you put on your pajamas. Edward said. Okay. I said as I laid my pajamas on my bed. I followed Edward out of the room and back down stair to the hall I had seen my dad go down earlier. We walked down 2 doors and than Edward open the left door up. Carisle, can you fix her knuckles? Edward asked as we walked through the door. Yeah, hop up on the table. Carisle said. I did as he told me. I watched Carisle get out a bucket, guaze, and some neosporn. He placed my hand over the bucket and than poored some kind of stuff on it that cause it to bubble. He wiped it off gentle, than put some neosporn on and wrapped some guaze around my
knuckles. Okay, there ya go. Carisle said. Thank you. I told him. Where is my dad, I want to go tell him goodnight. I asked Carisle. First room on the right. Carisle said. Okay thank you. I left the room and went to go tell dad goodnight and that I loved him. Are you going to work tomorrow morning? I asked. Yeah, I'm sorry. Dad said. It's okay. Your work is important. I said. Goodnight and bye. I said as I walked out the door. I didn't know where Edward went so I made my way back up stairs. I grabbed my pajamas off my cama and knocked on Edward's bedroom door. Come in. Edward said. Hi, umm can I use your bathroom? I asked. Yeah sure no problem. Edward said. His bathroom was really nice like his room. I rinsed my face off to get what was left of my make-up off and than put on my pajamas. Thank you. I said. No problem. Edward said. Goodnight. I told Edward. Sweet dreams. Edward said. I smiled and went to my cama room. I untucked my cama and got on
the computer. I looked at pictures of me when I was back início biking. I fell asleep listening to my music. I woke up when the sun started rising or what I could tell through the window. I saw Edward, I turned and to turn on the lamp and than he was gone. It was weird. I fell back asleep quickly and had a nightmare. It was about the robber having a gun and he shot me. Edward woke me up. I looked at him oddly. I heard you talking about a guy with a gun so I figured you were
having a nightmare. Edward said. Thanks for waking me. I said. No problem. Edward said as he walked out of my room. I quickly went back to sleep after that and slept really good.
Every movie that hits theaters is going to have its critics and fans; some mais than others. This has certainly been the case with the Twilight saga as it has fãs in a frenzy and haters going berserk.

Then the fãs turn on the haters and become the haters of... well... the haters. All this going on with extreme passion on both sides of the ring.

It is a bit conspicuous that those with strong negative view points are not happy; but why?

Vampire filmes have been around for decades including Nosferatu and Bram Stoker's Dracula. Some claim that these are "real" vampire filmes and truly frighten people...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
to darkfairy97! thank you!

i woke.if you called that sleeping. but i diddnt want to move, i was too shocked to move, like i couldn't, paralized . again.
Jacob said that he wasn't going to leave the house after last night, had givin up to continuing carrying on about the scent.
i jsut sat back ,and diddnt reply. i couldn't say a word. my face was numb, my whole body was cut off from me.
i knew that me atuação this way would give concerns to jacob, but that diddnt matter now. i believe that after seeing Carlisle that Jacob knew who was there last night, but was too afraid of me to ask what happened....
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posted by KatiiCullen94
edward point of view.

(p.sfor New_moon_master!)

imortality, hurts when you have nothing to live for.
the darkness helps, being alone, cutting off all sanity.
bella., her brown eyes. her scaret blush, fragile. beautiful. Isabella.

"Carlisles home, edward please come down and greet your father."
esmes thoughts begged. she found any eccuse just to see me act "normal"
i diddnt move, only to continue my rocking back and forth.
"hey carlisle, how was work?" alice said joyfully.
"umm ok i guess" he mumled, even up here i could hear everything that was said.
"i saw bella today"
my head jerked up. and i sped...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
the remake of the old capter 3, i was just to tired that i worte horible

dedicated to migutza2006

i sat down with my hot warm of coffee into the old armchair. just starrting at her lie there in her deep innocent slumber.
i couldnt resist, to walk over and just stop and stare.
she had two dimples painted in her cheeks with her smile, as thought hse was having a dream, a good dream. she was a good dream only waiting fr me to wake up.
she was peace, the inner tranquility that i longed the heal from.
she may not be able the heal the hole in my chest, but she was one big bandaid.
i stood there for minute...
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posted by SuperFunFan1001
Hope ya like it!

Bella’s POV
Uuuh what happened? “ Bella? Bella sweetie?” called a sharp yet beautiful velvet voice.
I opened my eyes and sat up. In front of me there was a man with black hair and almost translucent skin.
I shot up and got into a fighting stance. “Who are you!? How do you know my name?” I growled. “Bella?” he looked confused. “It’s me Aro. Don’t you remember?” he was staring at me as if I had grown a segundo head. “What are you talking about? What don’t I remember?” I said to him putting as much coldness...
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This is the lyrics to death cab for cutie meet me on the equinox on the new moon soundtrack. Enjoy!

Meet me on the equinox
Meet me halfway
The sun is perched at its highest peak
In the middle of the day

Let me give my amor to you
Let me take your hand
And as we walk in the dimming light
Oh darling understand

That everything
Everything ends
That everything
everything ends

Meet me on your best behaviour
Meet meet on your worst
For there will be no stone unturned
Or bubble left to burst
Let me lay beside you darling
Let me be your man
And let our bodies intertwine
But always understand

That everything
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posted by AliceRoxx
This is Bella dwelling on how her life turned out. It is supposed to be if Alice never saw her jump off the cliff, so they didn't go to the Volturi, Edward is still alive somewhere but she hasn't seen any of the Cullens since her disastrous birthday party. Enjoy!

“Goodnight Mama!”

“Goodnight sweetie, I’ll see you bright and early in the morning, ready for fishing with Grandpa ok? amor you”

I hugged and kissed my two, adorable children and wished them goodnight.

Oh, how big they were getting! Ben was almost eight! How I loved our little Ben, just like his father. The same sun-kissed,...
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Nightmares no Dreams, things I see,
one of them is you,
because we're dividido, dividir in two,
all of my life,
I dreamed to be your wife,
it isn't real,
you don't know how I feel,
it took me so long,
to figure out you're wrong,
I drive down the road,
not knowing where to go,
might as well jump off a cliff,
I have no idea if I'll live,
so now I'm at the bottom of the ocean,
my mind going through all of this confusion,
I have no mais air,
I still don't see you anywhere,
but you're trying to save me,
I thought you still hated me,
as my fingers slip through yours,
I now touch the sea floor,
knowing that I won't exsist anymore.
posted by TWILIGHTFAN1557
The years passed por quickly and like time Renesmee grew quickly.But thankfully this did not bother me anymore for I knew she would live seguro and happly forever with her Jacob and family always por her side.She had grown to be exacly like Edward but Edward still insisted that she had my eyes.Nessie was 12 now.It was so amazing how patient Jacob has been with Renesmee it wasn't like he was in a hurry for her to grow up he just enjoyed every moment of being with Nessie. Everything was just so blissfully calm and perfect.Edward,Jacob, our Nessie,and me were out hunting in La Push ,the pack didn't...
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 *Disclaimer-I own nothing* This is some pics from when Bella enters the Ballet studio. :)
*Disclaimer-I own nothing* This is some pics from when Bella enters the Ballet studio. :)
I shook as the driver pulled up to the sidewalk seguinte to the Ballet Studio. I nodded to the driver, then he took off. The yellow chipped taxi zooming off into the pitch black darkness. I glanced at the doors to the ballet studio. Rigid, old wood framed delicate paned glass. I grasped the rusty old handle and heaved with all my might to open it, expecting it to be heavy. Which it wasn't and I flew backwards. I fell into the door but kept half my balance. I quietly stepped into the studio.
"Bella.. Bella, Bella where are you?"
I ran towards her voice in frantic movements. The sound was...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 13

“Where’s my dad?” I asked Jacob. “Is that him sleeping upstairs?” I asked. Jacob just shook his head yes. “Thanks for bring her here and I need you and just you tomorrow at my house for Neisse. All the rest of the people will fill you in. I amor you Jacob like a brother and a son. Thank- you for over all these years. Edward and I need to get início so I’ll see you in the morning make you sure you get there. Bye “I said. Edward picked up Neisse and we started walking out the door in the woods then we started running home.
    When we got home...
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Rotten Tomatoes has a pretty cool artigo featuring 5 cool facts about The Twilight Saga: Eclipse!

Fact #1: It’s Darker

The brand new poster for Eclipse (above) hints at a darker tone with its brooding storm clouds. With 30 Days of Night director David Slade at the helm, it’s unsurprising. “Every movie is different because we work with a different director on each one, which I love,” Taylor Lautner tells RT. “David Slade is perfect for the third film because it’s darker. Eclipse was my favourite book.”

Ashley Greene, who plays vampire Alice, tells RT that Slade isn’t just a prince...
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 jake and bella
jake and bella
come cadastrar-se the Jacob n' Bella vs. Edward and Bella club!!It's where you can come and debate which of these two couples is better! SO PLEASE JOIN!!And you can always come and post anything you want about jacob and bella or edward and bella or each of them seperately!!! So PLEASE COME cadastrar-se AND SHARE YOUR IDEAS ABOUT THESE WONDERFUL COUPLES THAT WILL SOON ENCOURAGE OUR FUTURES!!JK!! No RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE!!!! EDWARD AND BELLA!!!


;) :) ;) :) ;) ;)
edward e bella
edward and bella
posted by smg09
p.s. If you didn't read the books already this is a huge spoiler....

Plot summary

Breaking Dawn is dividido, dividir into three separate parts. The first part details Bella's marriage and honeymoon with Edward, which they spend on a private island off the coast of Brazil. Two weeks into their honeymoon, Bella realizes that she is pregnant and that her condition is progressing at an unnaturally accelerated rate. After contacting Carlisle, who confirms her pregnancy, she and Edward immediately return início to Forks, Washington. Edward, concerned for Bella's life and convinced that the fetus is a monster as...
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Nightfall Chapter 21: Will I Be Able to Save Him? Jake's POV

**I'm sorry I have been MIA with the chapters fr a few months but I will be uploading a ton today to make up for it :)Enjoy! **

It kind of sucked to give up our alone time. If I could I would spend forever with Nessie hidden in these woods- but my coração leapt at the thought of seeing our children. I stopped running for a moment completely thrown back por the thought. Our children. Ness and I had 6 kids to raise. My chest filled with pride at the thought, but reality quickly set in leading my throat to dry up. How in the hell were we...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 7: powers
My head hurt to much I just wished to die I think it was worse than the venom that spread in a humans body to change it to a vampire as my old vamp friend Kayla told me how painful it was for her. i wanted to scream and make the pain less por screaming it out but my mouth didn’t obey me I tried to mover my hands, legs but they wouldn’t mover to it was like I was paralyzed my breathing got harder I needed mais air then someone touched my forehead and brushed my cheeks going down to my breasts…. thats what Damien always does! What's happening? is he doing this to me he likes...
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posted by MissCupcake
jacob black
Jacob Black
Name: Jacob Black

Type: Human/Werewolf

Special Ability: None unique only to Jacob except those abilities that are common to werewolves: telepathy with his pack, delayed aging, advanced healing, senses, endurance, durability & strength.

About Them: Jacob Black is Bella's best friend from New Moon and on. He is a Quileute Native American and a werewolf-although later revealed to be a shape-shifter as he doesn't transform on the full moon. In Twilight, Jacob plays a minor role, being a forgotten childhood friend of Bella's. In an attempt to learn mais about Cullens, Bella flirts with Jacob, and...
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posted by MissCupcake
jasper hale
Jasper Hale
Name: Jasper Hale

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: Can manipulate the emotions of those around him

About Them: Jasper Hale, originally born Jasper Whitlock, is the adopted son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, adoptive brother of Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie, and husband of Alice. Due to his past, where he was able to feed on humans whenever he chose, Jasper lacks strong self-control. However, we also find that the "vegetarian" lifestyle is not Jasper's first choice and that this also affects his self-control. Tall with honey blond hair, muscular but yet lean, Jasper portrays his special ability well....
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I don't know why Bella was atuação so werid ,these past couple days.Maybe human stuff.
but that night i found out .....

"bella are you ready to go back to the cottage"
I asked her from downstairs alice ,was playing bella barbie.I would give her a few minutos to wash the make-up off her face.
i heard her opening the door and her slow footsteps coming down the stairs. i don't know why but these last couple days she had been super careful of were she was going ....ohhh little did I know.

We were walking hand and hand back to the cootage when i put my arm...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 9:

“Its fine Love, Let’s get back and figure this out. Love, you know you can talk to me about anything right?”
    “Yes I know. I just needed time to think without having to worry about Jasper felling my Emotions or Everyone looking at me and I think the family needed you and Neisse needs you to pick her up so I thought you were needed there mais than here with me.”
“Okay but don’t be scared to ask to talk. Let’s get início until Neisse gets very worried and Alice and Emmet come looking for us.” He said with a make shudder .I laughed.
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