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Everyone has been giving some form of an opinion this week, so I thought maybe I should too. But instead of adding to the drama over this user nonsense, I'll be bringing us back to the opinions of what this club is about: the freaking Winx Club. So, today I'll be sharing with you all my topo, início favorito eleven "good" characters. (And por "good characters" I mean, of course, the characters who are not evil) Why topo, início eleven? Well, as the Nostalgia Critic would say, I like to go one step beyond. So sit back, and enjoy my list of topo, início eleven "good" characters.

11. Clarice

Yes she might just be a minor character, but I thought she was hilarious in season four. When I re-watched the season, it really bothered me that everyone at Alfea were just worshipping the Winx. This never happened before in any other season. I mean Christ, they defeated the Army of Decay in season one, but you didn't see the other fadas freaking out and smothering them in season two did you? Clarice was someone who did not fall at the feet of the Winx, and I liked that. She was snarky, sassy, (Calling the Winx "show offs" and that they were "full of them selves"—which they pretty much were) and even made a bomb blow up in Flora's face. (Which is a total plus in my book)

10. Tressa

She might be a minor character as well, but I like her all the same. Despite the fact that she, her mother and brothers existence in season five is just a big middle finger to the audience, (Being that she's related to Layla even though this makes no logical sense what-so-ever) I still like her character. When we're first introduced to her in season three, she's seen as shy and doesn't believe in her abilities. The Winx help her overcome this and she was usually the one stepping in to fight back the mutant-mermaids of save Layla from the Kraken. In season five, we see her fight against Tritannus and protecting her mother and Nereus. Though she's given a short amount of screen time, she makes up for it in her actions. She's a Valente little mermaid that I am proud to have on this list.

9. Daphne

Honestly, I never thought I would ever say that Daphne is one of my favorito heroines from the show. I mean, she was hardly seen in the show and when she is, she's only usually talking to Bloom. But, I started to see how I overlooked her character. (And this is the Daphne from season 1 to the first movie. Season five just—) I realized how Valente she was. I mean, she sacrificed her life to save Bloom. I've seen some fãs argue that without Stella, she wouldn't have met the Winx and become who she is, which is a valid point. But Daphne was the one who saved her and sent her to Earth so she wouldn't get killed. Protecting your kin is sort of a duty us older siblings have, and Daphne took full charge of that responsibility. Daphne is also very kind and sweet. She helps Bloom develop her confidence and helps her whenever she needed assistance. She's also the one that leads Bloom into vanquishing the Ancestral Witches off of Domino. (Bloom thinks all hope is lost in Obsidian, but Daphne soon shows up and tells her to believe in herself and that hope is something never lost; Bloom then merging with her sister to take on the three witches) Without Daphne, Bloom's parents would still be trapped in Obsidian and I'm pretty sure all the Winx and Specialists would be too. She's wise, kind and Valente and a great big sister with a great character.

8. Palladium

I never really understood why I liked him, and I still don't know. Maybe it's because I've always liked elves? Maybe because I thought he was funny? Maybe because I thought he was cute? Either way, he's one of my favorito characters. (And probably one of my only favorito teachers—save for Griffin, of course) Palladium started out as a weird little geek in season one, who freaked out about small issues which usually lead to some comical scenes in the classroom. Season two is when he got his upgrade; not only in looks, but also in personality. You can tell he's much mais confident now than he was in the anterior season. He shows his powers off mais (Especially that bad-ass protection spell in season three) and I think interacted with the students more. (He really being the only one to do so, except for Wizgiz and Faragonda) He's smart, confident and adorable and of course, a bad-ass elf. What mais could you ask for?

7. Nebula

I found Nebula's character to be very interesting. I couldn't really remember much of it, and re-watching season four, really made me appreciate her more. She's a perfect example of what loss and pain can do to someone. Morgana reveals to the Winx that she was once the fairy of peace, but after the Wizards attacked and trapped the Earth fairies, she became vengeful and tossed aside her anterior position; thus becoming the fairy of revenge and war. When she possesses Roxy with the White círculo and hunts down the Wizards, we get to see first-hand just how pissed she really is. She goes through anyone to get to them and shows them no mercy when she's attacking. She's the only fairy who remains set on the idea of war on humans and the Wizards throughout the majority of the season. Nebula even overthrew Morgana. She blamed the queen for what happened at the judgement day, saying if they had just destroyed the Wizards, no one would have perished. Nebula is cold and ruthless and does whatever she wants to get what she wants. Revenge is a very deadly motivator and she is just the epitome of what someone so angry can do. But, what I like about her character is that she feels remorse. She isn't just some rage-filled monster. She feels saddened at how she treated Morgana and how she almost got her warrior fadas killed in the attempt of defeating the Wizards. She even threatens to kill herself so she can have redemption for the way she treated Morgana. But Bloom talks her out of it, and the queen forgives her for what she has done; then making Nebula queen of Tir Nan Og. I believe this action restored Nebula's faith in Morgana and made her the fairy of peace once again. Her character had changed completely, and I found this transformation very interesting. I believe when most people saw Nebula, they thought she was going to turn out into a villain due to her behavior. Well, I guess she's just another example of: you can't judge a book por its cover.

6. Morgana

I don't see why people don't like Morgana. I liked her ever since I first saw her in season four. She turned out to por one of my favorites, because she's one of the only parents shown in the show. (And she's important to the plot too, which helps a lot) Morgana reminds me of Daphne with how she helps Roxy believe in herself, and to not give up. But of course she's mais frequent because she's her mother. Morgana being Roxy's mother helped me like her character as well. Roxy is one of my topo, início favorito characters, and though she does a lot of developing on her own, Morgana is who really pushed her to be her best. (As most mom's do) What I also like is what happened with Morgana's character. Morgana is seen as this kind, loving, motherly-figure in Roxy's dreams, but when they release her and the Earth fadas from their prison, she is vengeful and bitter. She declares war on humans and the Wizards and wouldn't even listen to her own daughter. Throughout the season, you can see how her views on humans change and she even gives the Wizards a chance to redeem themselves. (But of course they have to be dicks about it and trick her) This says a lot about her because she found both of those people horrible. She hated humans because they stopped believing in fairies; making the Wizards mais powerful and they too weak to escape. She hated the Wizards...well, for obvious reasons. Being able to get over those very strong and angry opinions is not something easily done and it shows just how kind and understanding Morgana really is. She's strong, beautiful, kind and regal. Who owns the thrown? Morgana.

5. Mirta

Mirta is a character that I've liked ever since I first started watching the show. She was cute, fun, spunky and had a very unique personality and look to her. Mirta was someone always shown as picked on at Cloudtower for thinking positive thoughts on fairies. I always felt so bad for her, and the mentality always reminded me of this; oh you're different? Well, that's bad, so we're going to make you feel bad for feeling and having different opinions! Maybe that will make you change your mind! This kind of reminds me of what the lgbt community is going through. Everyone gives them so much crap for how they feel and whom they choose to amor and be by, and I think Mirta is in a similar situation. She likes fadas and has nice views on them, while everyone else around her hates them and just has completely negative views on them. The Trix picking on her, making everyone know how she feels, is just the same with how gay, trans and bi children (And even adults) are picked on; people poking-fun of their lifestyle and amor choices. But, as we all know, Mirta didn't change her mind on fadas and even helped the Winx out a number of times during season one. I like this about her character because she's Valente and it shows that she will fight for what she believes in. She fights to save the Winx; to save her best-friend Lucy...she fights for all those she cares about and that is the best reason. Something I amor about her too is her look. I've always loved her short, red, pixie-cut hair and the style of clothing that she wears. Now being a fairy, it's nice to see that not all of them wear bright as cores and heels. She's kind, Valente and unique and all-in-all an awesome character.


She is definitely a character that would have never been on this list if I wrote this last year. I used to hate Stella. In fact, she was my segundo least favorito Winx fairy. I used to despise how girly her character was, how obsessed with her looks and fashion she was and how she just loved attention from both men and women. (Plus the added "dumb blond" stereotype was not helping things) But, now that I have had a chance to re-watch anterior seasons (And even the latest one), new light has been shed on this once hated character. I never realized how relatable Stella's character actually was. Her parents are divorced and this is probably something most teens have to deal with. Most of my friends have divorced parents (Mine included). Stella also shows feelings of she being the reason why they dividido, dividir up. This is a popular and sad thought that most children have when this happens to their family. Stella thinks she wasn't good enough of a daughter and that maybe she did something that upset her mother and father. She's seen battling these emotions (More-so in seasons 1 & 3) but even thinking these things makes me sympathetic towards her character. She is also a very Valente and kind character. She risks her life to save Bloom when she barely even knows her; she almost dies in the Downland trying to save Brandon; and risks her life to save her father after he is being attacked por a dragon. She is also much smarter than most people give her credit for. One of the best examples is when she saves Flora and Layla from that mutant-squid in the Royal Deeps in season five. She's the only one that notices that the shield is the only thing that can save them. I also think her vanity is downplayed. Throughout season three, she is put in various situations where she has to learn that being beautiful is not what counts. She has to face this when turned into a monster and when receiving the Water Stars. I really like that she's shown maturity and growth in seasons 3-4. (And maybe even a little in 5) Though there are downsides to her character as well, I think the good aspects of her are what shine through the most.

3. Layla

Layla is one of my favorito characters. She is strong, brave, kind, independent...everything a good character should be. Her character always fascinated me, even from when she was first introduced in season two. Layla is a Valente character who risked her life to save the pixies, save the mermaid queen, save her family and protect the Winx. She didn't need any help from men, and didn't even seem interested in them. (Which was nice, seeing as how all the Winx were in a relationship) She could take care of herself, and though we have other characters who can too, she's the one whose really become the most independent. She is kind, helping Flora and Helia get together and comforting Musa throughout season four. Layla is also a very strong character. She's strong in magic, yes, but she's even stronger emotionally. What she went through with Nabu is something very difficult and tragic. Most people can't even go on with their normal lives when someone that important is taken away from them. Which is why I admire Layla. Even after so much heartache, she went on with her life. She understood that mourning Nabu would only do mais pain than good. Though we see her sad now and then, we know she's strong enough to deal with it. Not only does she have the support of her friends, but she also has a strong will. She's brave, strong, spunky and fun, she's our princess of Andros.

2. Roxy

I liked Roxy as soon as I saw her in season four. Why? Because she had an adorable dog! Okay, now I have better reasons for liking her, but who doesn't amor Artu? He's adorable! Anyways, Roxy is a character that has grown on me even mais after I re-watched season four. I don't understand why most people dislike her. I actually find her character to be very interesting. What most people complain about is her crying. Well, yeah. She cries. So what? The girl is sixteen years old and has lived her life like any other teen. I don't think you would be feeling so hot if a group of six girls broke into your house and told you that you were a "fairy" and were "in grave danger". Any normal person would find them insane, right? Oh don't tell me you wouldn't. Of course she tries to ignore it but runs into the Wizards where her life is turned upside down. She's basically thrown into the world of magic without any warning. (Well, except for maybe that half-assed one por the Winx) Some of you might argue that Bloom was the same way. Excuse you but no, she wasn't. She was attacked por Knut yes, and Stella's powers surprised her, but she at least attended at Alfea and got to adjust to the world of magic. Roxy was just told she was a fairy and then almost kidnapped por a group of middle-aged guys. I think you'd be pretty freaked out too. Besides, it's not like she cries that much in the season anyways. The only time she sheds tears is when she's under immense stress, someone she cares about has gotten badly injured or when she doesn't believe in herself. Now, tell me, who hasn't shed a few tears under those conditions? What I like the most about her character is that she does eventually believe in herself and becomes confident in her abilities. She shows that if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. And she does what she sets out to do. She releases the Earth fairies; she saves Morgana; she saves her father and she helps defeat the Wizards. She set objectives for herself and she accomplished them. She may be weak and inexperienced as a fairy, but at least she had the guts to try and do the best she could. Roxy is also very kind and supportive. She loves and nurtures animals; something I do, which makes me relate to her character. She loves her friends and family and supports them in any way she can. She supports her father por protecting him and helping him at work (The Fruity música Bar) and she supports the Winx por helping them in battle and cheering them on. Roxy is a great character that has a lot of potential. I was really disappointed that she was just tossed aside in season five. I understand that she needs to study and develop her powers, but she could have at least come along or appeared when they were on Gardenia fighting the Trix or those mutants. I hope that they develop her character mais in season six, but I doubt that's going to happen. Her power is something that I amor too. I mean, how cool is it that she can communicate with animals? She can even make them talk! It was so awesome when she made Artu, Kiko and the amor Pets speak. (Well, maybe mais Artu and Kiko than the amor Pets, but, it was still cool) Roxy is an amazing and unique character and I hope to see mais of her in the future.

1. Tecna

And my number one favorito "good character" is of course, Tecna. Tecna is the one character who has been my all time favorito ever since I first saw the show. She was smart, funny, cool, her fairy outfits are awesome and that British accent she had was way too snazzy. (I'm referring to the 4kids dub) For some reason, I was always liking the smart female characters. I know now it's because I can relate to them. Though I'm not smart in all subjects, the ones I excel at, are the ones most people turn to me for help in. Tecna is always giving help in difficult problems and she's the one doing her homework and knowing the answers; like me. We're both hesitant on sharing things and don't really like showing affection. I don't care for showing affection, and the only ones I really show it to are my mom, dog and pet lizard. I'm reclusive about sharing certain aspects of my life and thoughts—even to my closests friends. Tecna and I are both very rational. She believes in science and probability, as do I. Science is something I've always loved and lived by. It makes the most sense and of course, provides the most substantial evidence. It gives us facts and explanations to live by. We also even relate with family situations. Tecna's father is only shown in the comics, but he is portrayed as cold and firm. He doesn't like Timmy and tries to force Tecna to break up with him. He doesn't want her going to Alfea either, and would like her to return back to Zenith. Tecna of course refuses to do either of those things. We're both stubborn as well, and I refuse to go with most of the "plans" that my father has "offered" me. He always blabs on about how I should become a lawyer and that I should do this and that. I have never been interested in law. Maybe the science involved in it (Like forensics) or the criminal profiling, but not standing in front of a jury and ranting on about how my client is guilty or not guilty. I have gone against most "plans" that my father has given me, and our relationship is rather strained. (As is Tecna's with her father) Not only is she the most relatable, but she also has good aspects of character. She is very brave, the most prominent examples being the closing of the Omega portal and saving the Winx from ravenous spiders with little to no power. She is kind in her own way and tries her best to be part of the group and even improves in showing off emotions. Her character developes over time and I amor that. Though she has kind of gotten dull in season five like the rest, I still amor her. She's my ultimate favorito and she will always be. Because she's Tecna, fairy of technology.

Well those are my favorito eleven "good characters" from the series. If you're wondering if I'm going to do an artigo with my favorito villains, well, the answer of course is yes! But, I don't think it's going to be eleven. (Seeing as how there really aren't that many decent villains) Whatever the number is, just know, it's coming. Well I hope that you liked my artigo and opinions. Feel free to comment what you think about the characters above, and what you thought of my opinions. Thanks for reading!
added by nmdis
Source: devianart.com
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Bloom2
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Frorentsiya
added by Bloomerica
added by zanhar1
added by WinxClubBloom99
added by Marlil
added by weheartwinx
added by Winxlove
Source: me
added by Alifya
added by vanessa_winx
By request on fanfic I decided to continue with this one. Kind of had a few ideas anyhow.

But it didn’t go away.

It never would go away…at least not for at least another eighteen years. Icy ran her hand over the slight curve of her belly, wondering if she should just kill the damn thing before it had a chance to live—before it had a chance to bare her attacker’s face. Frankly Icy didn’t want any reminder of that night, not even in the form of innocent blue—or maybe his silver—eyes staring up at her. In fact the last thing she wanted was to urso a child with that man’s genetics...
continue reading...
posted by Winxclubgirl202
 Your the one!!
Your the one!!
(Author's note- Sorry guys, I've been super busy within the mês I never got time to post chapter one. I thank LoveBaltor for helping me)

Bloom and Winx got on stage, Aisha started to play and so did the others. Bloom sang "Woke up this morning I'm so lazy! I'm late again"
The sun is shining I feel great
I rush down the street, my friends are waiting for me"
One mais adventure
It's going to be a tough dia at school
There's so much to learn and we are giving all our best"
No time for foolin'
It may seem hard but it's my life." The girls kept going, none of them noticed that someone evil was watching. It was the Trix who were waiting for the right time to attack. After the show was done the girls got off the stage and Bloom ran straight for he boyfriend, Sky. He told her "you did great" Bloom smiled and replied "thanks Sky" That's when the Trix made their move, with someone else with them.
posted by Princess-Flora
 I missed you
I missed you
Wizards of the black círculo versus the Specialists
Tecna: you did (relieved and everyone looks over in her direction)
Ms. Faragonda: yes, but you will have to do it fast because after midnight the spell will become permanent (hint at what the cure is)
Tecna: okay but what is the cure
Ms. Faragonda: (if you figured out the hint then you know the cure) true loves kiss
Tecna: Really? (Shocked that it is so simple)
Ms. Faragonda: I would hurry because there is only five minutos until midnight
Tecna: okay, but what if it doesn’t work?
Ms. Faragonda: (sighs) then you will have to say goodbye and it also...
continue reading...
True, we're a little mais than halfway into the season, but I just thought of this review now, so this is as close to the midpoint as we're gonna get. :) Anyways, I'm just going to give my opinion on the pros and cons of season 5. It's not the best season, but there are some good things about it. It's not perfect, though.

Con: Environmental Theme is Very Forced

Yeah, we all know it is. It would have been fine if it was subtle, but it seems like the writers are trying to shove it in our faces, with the band and the trash thing in "The Emperor's Throne." A little is great, but this is just too...
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posted by Blader1367
Voiced by:Letizia Ciampa (Original/Italian)
Helena Evangeliou (Seasons 1-3), Angela Galluppo (Season 4), McGovern Kathleen (Movie 1's trailer), Cindy Robinson (Movies 1) (RAI English)
Liza Jacqueline (4kids)
Molly C. Quinn (Nickelodeon)
Birthdate-December 10 (Original/Italian/Nick)
January 27 (4Kids)
Favorite comida : Pizza
Favorite Color : Red
Favorite Hobby : leitura books about spells
Pets:Kiko the rabbit, Belle the lamb, Ron the cat, Peg the horse/pegasus/unicorn, Buddy the dragon (Inner dragon)
Favorite Pet : Kiko
Homeplanet- Domino(Sparks in 4kids version)
Parents:Vanessa & Mike(Adoptive...
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A cold wind has swept over the dusty roads of Magix.An unseen bunch of girls just got up in a bus,and said something to the driver.After that,the bus rode down the streets,giving a smoke of billowing dust.In the roads of the forest,someone can be heard chattering,but the voices are too small that no one can follow where it comes from.Just then,Alfea College zooms to view and the bus seems to take the way to the school.The bus stopped in front of the gate,and out came the unseen bunch of girls.And,as they walk across the gate,their faces can be seen.It's the Winx,visiting Alfea for the second...
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And so the seguinte day..
"I can't believe Stella did that to us, I thought we all were friends," cries Flora. Layla holds Flora's hands. "Don't worry," she says. "I believe Stella will stop all this," "Oh yeah?" asks Tecna and points to the window. It was still raining.
Stella found a club called 'Dark Magic.' She enters it. Is she willing to practice dark magic?
Bloom and the Winx run to procurar for Stella. But they couldn't...
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