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posted by DelenaLove1
Summary: While Elena is asleep Damon decides to give his three ano old daughter Delena a bath. How will Damon survive this? R&R!

Chapter 1

Damon watched as Elena slept, her hair falling beautifully around her. He softly stroked her face, completely in amor with this creature who give him a reason to live, a reason to become human again. A smile crossed his face as he turned around and saw his little girl standing in the doorway, clad in footie pajamas and was holding her urso in one hand. “Hey sweetheart.” Damon said softly, vamp speeding and picking her up. She giggled as Damon tickled her chin playfully, enjoying her laughter that filled his ears. “What do you wanna do while Mommy’s asleep?”

“I wanna take bath!” Delena exclaimed, looking up at Damon with her sapphire eyes.

Damon raised his eyebrows. “You want a bath?”


Damon sighed, figuring he should give her one or else Elena will be all over him later for it. He walked to the bathroom, turning on the water and helped Delena take off her clothes. Once the water was warm he put Delena in it, watching as she started splashing and playing with her toys happily.

There wasn’t a moment in his life when he was mais happier then he was at this moment. He smiled, grabbing the baby shampoo on the shelf and started lathering Delena’s hair up. He made sure to be as gentle as he could so he wouldn’t hurt her. Once he washed all the soap out of her hair and cleaned her body he stood up, watching Delena play. “You’ll be alright in here por yourself right? I have to go do some stuff but I’ll be back to get you out.”

Delena nodded, playing with her toy boat. “I be fine!”

He smirked, ruffling Delena’s wet hair. “I’ll be back.”

Delena watched as Damon walked out of the bathroom, a smirk appearing on her face as she grabbed the bubble bath soap and poured all of it, watching as bubbles quickly rose in the water. Delena giggled as she splashed the bubbles onto the floor, getting the walls and towels covered in suds.

Damon smiled as he heard the laughter of his daughter as he ascended back up the stairs. She must be enjoying herself. Damon sighed as he opened the door to the restroom, ready to get her out and put her to bed. “Alright Delena it’s time to come-” Damon froze as his sentence trailed off and he stared at the once clean bathroom that was now dripping with soap and water. Delena giggled at the sight of her daddy, standing there shell shocked. The floor was drenched and so was the towel that he laid out on the floor. “Delena,” Damon tried his best to stay calm, cool, and collected but it wasn’t working. “what the hell happened?”

“Bubbles Daddy. Look!” Laughter filled the bathroom as Delena clapped her hands which were filled with foamy white substance, watching as it exploded and splattered onto the wall.

Damon sighed, walking over to the cabinet and pulled out a clean towel, quickly grabbing Delena up and wrapping her in the towel tightly. “You have no idea how much trouble you are in.” Damon snapped, trying to keep his anger in check as he stormed out of the bathroom and headed for Delena’s room.

Delena looked up at him with big blue eyes. She always did this when she was in trouble, and it worked every time. Damon glared. “I’m not gonna punish you. Your mother is and trust me when I say that little act does not work on her.”

“But Momma’s asleep.” Delena said in a sing song voice, only making Damon mais irritated.

“I’m going to wake her up and after she cleans up your mess you are not going to be happy. At all.” Damon finished putting Delena’s pajama’s on and got up, still glaring at her. “This is the last time I am giving you a bath. Now get to sleep.”

“But aren’t you gonna tuck me in? Please Daddy? I promise I be a good girl.” Delena looked at him, feeling bad for what she did.

Damon let out a huge sigh as he walked over and threw the covers back, watching as Delena crawl to him. He bent down to her, looking directly into her eyes. “Doing that was really bad Delena. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Delena looked at him, tears in her eyes. “I sorry Daddy I promise I no do it ever again.” She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Damon felt his anger slowly begin to melt away as he pulled Delena close to him, wiping her tears away. “I don’t have the power to stay mad at you. Ever.” He kissed her forehead gently, sitting on her cama with Delena wrapped tightly in his arms. “I’m not going to tell Elena. This will be our little secret alright? I’ll clean everything up and your mom won’t know a thing.”

Delena nodded, smiling up at him, her blue eyes shining up at him. “I amor you Daddy.”

Damon smiled, brushing her hair back. “Love you too, you little monster.” He kissed her cheek and stood up, making sure she was fine before he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He sighed, walking into the bathroom.

This was going to be a long night.

The End
Caroline looked around in Bonnie’s room. “It’s all so…white” she said turning to Bonnie, who was sitting on the bed. “I can’t believe you signed up for this. And without telling me”
“I’m telling you now” Bonnie said, while she opened her suitcase. “Thanks for bringing my stuff. I wouldn’t know who else to bother” she added softly.
“It’s no bother” Caroline said, though she avoided to look at her. She walked to the window. “Wow! You have to see this view, it’s amazing” she said, looking at the garden.
“Yeah, I’ve seen it” Bonnie said a little absent-minded....
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Damon opened his eyes, but couldn’t see a thing. He tried to get up, but couldn’t move. “Elena?” Then he realized Elena was in the room seguinte to his, probably fast asleep, so she wouldn’t hear him. He felt a sudden weight on the bed, but couldn’t rotate his head to check who it was that was crawling towards him. But it was Elena. Of course it was Elena. Who else would it be? She hooked her fingers in his and cuddles her face in his neck. He felt her warm breath on his cold flesh.
“I can’t move” Damon said hoarse.
“Sssh…Everything’s going to be fine”
Damon’s eyes widened...
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Caroline was standing with Elena, her cell phone in her hands, while cheerleading practice was on.
“I can’t believe I quit this a ano ago” Elena said.
“Why? You miss it?” Caroline asked as she was dialing a number.
“Not really, no” Elena sighed. “Maybe I should just get rid of my costume. It’s not like anyone’s going to see me in it anymore, right?”
Her eyes still on the phone Caroline replied mumbling: “Oh, I could think of someone who would amor to see you in it”
Elena elbowed her friend, but smiled at the same time. “So, what’s up with you and Tyler?” she tried...
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Katherine climbed out of the church and came face to face with someone she had rather not seen ever again.
“Hello, Katerina” Klaus said. “Have you missed me?”
Katherine stared at him, her eyes wet from fear. She didn’t notice the blond woman seguinte to Klaus.
“Please let me introduce you to my sister, Rebekah” he continued.
“Why are you here? Why have you come back?” Katherine asked shaking.
“Oh, haven’t you heard? Elena’s blood is the key to making hybrids” Klaus explained. He pulled Katherine against him. “And now that you’ve become such good friends with her you would...
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Twilight took over the day. Bonnie was in Caroline’s room. She was lucky her friend had been so kind to offer her a place to stay now that her house was ruined. Bonnie had tried to call Elena, but the line had been busy all day. She just wanted a chance to say she was sorry, but she realized at this point it was too much to ask.
So when her phone rang and she saw it was Elena calling she hastily picked up. “Elena?”
“Bonnie, are you alone?”
“Yes” Bonnie said. “Elena, I’m so glad you called. I’ve tried to reach you, but you were busy. Anyway, that doesn’t matter. I just want...
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It was the seguinte morning. Bonnie slowly opened her eyes. She saw a silhouette sitting seguinte to her bed, but her view was too blurry to see who it was.
After a minuto or three the room became sharper and Bonnie could see who the visitor was. She looked Caroline afraid in the eyes.
“Hi” Caroline said soft.
“Hi” Bonnie said hoarse and shy. “How long have I been here?”
“About 24 hours” Caroline answered. Bonnie nodded. “How, eh, how’s Elena doing?...And Damon?” she asked careful.
“They’re okay, considering what happened” Caroline said. “They’re dealing with it”
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This artigo is to every SE fã who says that Damon “stole” Elena from Stefan, this artigo will prove you wrong so prepare to face reality forthe first time TVD wise.

“I thought I can WIN her from you FAIR and SQUARE, she didn’t want me, it’s for the best, I’m better off being the bad guy anyway”-Damon 3X15 about Elena. Like Damon said to Stefan he thought he can WIN not STEAL Elena from him, he though without playing games on Elena, to try to get her to like/love him mais without acting/pretending like a “goody good boy” (like Stefan did) that he can WIN her over por just...
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“What do you mean, he’s gone?”
Elena told Stefan Damon was gone and so was Katherine.
“I mean he’s not here anymore” Elena said nervous. “He’s left…with Katherine” she added a little bitter.
“Maybe he’s with Ric” Stefan tried to reassure her. “They haven’t been able to talk since…the events”
Elena took her phone and dialed Alaric’s number. When he didn’t pick up immediately she got angry. “Goddamn it, Ric, pick up your freaking-”
“Ric!” Elena said.
“Is something wrong?” Alaric asked. Dumb question, if nothing was wrong Elena wouldn’t...
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“Before I kill you there are a few things you have to know” Bonnie rolled him on his back with her feet. “You’re evil. You’re a worthless, useless waste of space. You’re not even worth spitting on. You’re a monster. You’re a sinner and for your sins you have to make amends”
She walked around him pouring water over him and Damon knew what was to come. But this time he did not have the strength nor the courage to try and prevent it.
Bonnie looked at Damon and set him on fire. The flames started at his feet and searched their way to his chest. Damon rolled over the floor, but instead...
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Bonnie woke up and a bright light hurt her eyes, so she covered them. She looked around and learned she was in the hospital. She climbed of the cama and stared upon her own unconscious body.
“What’s going on?” she asked, not expecting a reply.
However, she did get one.
“You’re in coma”
Bonnie’s breathing went faster when she recognized the voice. “Grams?” she called.
Sheila appeared. Bonnie wanted to go to her, but she raised her hand and stopped her. “I’m not here for a family reunion” she said cold. “I’m here in name of the Bennett witches. You’ve seriously screwed...
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Damon almost let go and fell back, but Stefan tightened his grip on him and pulled him up. They were outside, standing in the wreckage that used to be Bonnies house. Damon jerked his hand and walked away from his brother.
“Damon, wait…” but Damon walked to Katherine, who came his way. She lay her hands on his upper arms.
“Are you alright? How do you feel?” she asked worried.
“Like someone who’s been tortured” he said with a faint smile.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you” Katherine said. “I had to keep an eye on Stefan”
“It’s okay” Damon reassured her. “Elena...
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Caroline and Tyler dropped on the ground. They looked up and discovered they were outside. A red glow enlightened the scene and the sun was slowly rising.
“Good thing Bonnie gave him back his ring” Tyler said.
“Can you please not say that name?” Caroline asked. “I don’t want to think about what she got me involved into, let alone hear her name, especially not from you”
Tyler took her hand and nipped it softly. “I’m sorry’
“ ‘s Okay” Caroline said, treating him with a little smile.
“Ehm, shouldn’t they have come out por now?” Tyler asked looking at Bonnies house.
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After what felt like hours they managed to dig a whole big enough to jump in. The moment Elena landed on the ground, which was pretty low, her phone rang. “Now what?” she said agitated. She looked at the screen. “Not now, Ric” she mumbled in herself and she pressed decline. It was then she saw she had two messages on her voicemail and Damon had tried to call her. She listened to the latest one. “Oh, shut up, Damon, you’re not going to die” she said with a fierce determination. Then she listened to the segundo one. She let out a cry, grasped her throat and dropped her phone.
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Stefan grabbed Elena por her hair and dragged her back into the house, his ripper face still on.
“Stefan, let go of me. You’re hurting me” Elena cried.
“Well, you’re hurting me!” Stefan growled. “We haven’t even officially broken up yet and you’re already clinging on my brother like a fetus on a navel string”
He dragged her to his bedroom and wanted to throw her inside, when he felt a sudden aching in his back. He looked aside and saw Katherine. He brought his arm back until he found the stake.
“Okay, first of all, ouch!” Stefan said and he pulled out the stake. “Second...
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This is so my favorito chapter =)

Elena looked around and learned she was in Damon’s bedroom. She looked at her hands. They were covered in blood. That way she knew she didn’t just have a dream, she knew it meant something. Damon needed her.
She heard her phone ring and saw Alaric was calling her. Remembering what Stefan had said she picked up. Giving him no chance to say anything she said: “Damon’s not with you, is he?”
A little confused Alaric replied: “No, but Elena...something happened with Jeremy”
Fear came over Elena. No, not Jeremy too.
“Damon stabbed him, but it was really...
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Tears rolled over Elena’s cheeks as she held Damon in her arms. This could not be happening. This had to be a nightmare, one she needed to wake up from. She closed her eyes and memories of her and Damon flashed through her mind.
“I’m coming with you” she said. “Really?” Damon asked suspicious. “Damon, I ran through the rain. I’m soaked. Don’t go pergunta my honesty now” Elena said. “Okay, I just… I assumed you’d stay with your friend” Damon said still surprised. “You assumed wrong” Elena said calm. Damon focused on the car again, with no success. “I can’t...
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Jeremy and Jenna were now somewhere unfamiliar. It was cold and dark and musty. They were standing in front of a cage, seguinte to Bonnie, who looked furious. Apparently Damon had done something Bonnie had not allowed him to do.
“You have been a very bad boy, Damon, disobeying me like that” “I’m sorry” he mumbled, though he didn’t mean a word of it. “Shut up” Bonnie commanded. “I believe bad boys should be punished” she finished with an extremely evil smile on her face. Damon swallowed, fearing whatever was coming. But Bonnie just sat there. She wasn’t mumbling anything, she...
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chapter 18 and 19 happen at the same time ;)

Jeremy opened his eyes and looked around. He was in the hospital, but everything was bright and it was extremely quiet.
“Hello, Jeremy”
Jeremy turned around and couldn’t believe what he saw. Or who he saw.
“You seem to be a little shaken. What’s wrong?”
“Am I dead again?” Jeremy asked.
“No, don’t worry. You’re unconscious. Though you almost died. Your friend Bonnie tried to kill you again”
“Do you have any idea how contradicting that sentence sounded? Friend and kill are two words that don’t fit together”
“This had to happen....
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Bonnie sank down seguinte to him. “I’m sorry” she said. “For your arm, your eyes, your ear, your chest. I don’t want to hurt you, but when you’re around I get really mean. You bring out the worst in me, Damon Salvatore”
“I figured”
Why was he talking to her? He should just ignore her.
“Don’t you ever wonder why no one saw the cuts in your face?” Bonnie asked. She felt Damon shrug and he groaned. His arm hurt.
“The spell I put on you let’s people only see what I want them to see” Bonnie explained. “It’s quite exhausting, but soon I can just drop that part of the spell....
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Damon wished he would stay unconscious until he died, so he wouldn’t have to feel anything anymore. Part of him wondered why he didn’t just switch off his humanity, so he wouldn’t feel any pain. But if he wouldn’t feel the pain, neither would he feel the joy he felt when he thought about Elena.
Elena. Damon hoped she would never hear that message on her voicemail. He hoped Stefan would be decent enough to erase that message.
Stefan. Damon knew his brother hated him, but this much? Then why did he sacrifice himself to save his life? Why did he cadastrar-se Klaus to get the cure? And where was...
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