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63 fãs answered this question
52 fãs answered this question
Answer: <u><b>BART</b></u> He's sucha bad boi♥ lol xD N...
46 fãs answered this question
Answer: Because Matt Groening ran out of skin colour.
Answer: The Simpson's cat's name is Snowball II, because Sn...
36 fãs answered this question
36 fãs answered this question
30 fãs answered this question
30 fãs answered this question
Answer: I would tell him that Marge's sisters were coming o...
25 fãs answered this question
25 fãs answered this question
24 fãs answered this question
22 fãs answered this question
21 fãs answered this question
21 fãs answered this question
20 fãs answered this question
19 fãs answered this question
19 fãs answered this question
18 fãs answered this question
18 fãs answered this question
18 fãs answered this question
18 fãs answered this question
18 fãs answered this question
17 fãs answered this question
16 fãs answered this question
16 fãs answered this question
16 fãs answered this question
16 fãs answered this question
16 fãs answered this question
16 fãs answered this question
15 fãs answered this question
15 fãs answered this question
15 fãs answered this question
14 fãs answered this question
14 fãs answered this question
14 fãs answered this question
14 fãs answered this question
13 fãs answered this question
13 fãs answered this question
13 fãs answered this question
Answer: The show shouldn't be taken too seriously, even Sou...
13 fãs answered this question
13 fãs answered this question
13 fãs answered this question
13 fãs answered this question
13 fãs answered this question
13 fãs answered this question
13 fãs answered this question
12 fãs answered this question
12 fãs answered this question
12 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
10 fãs answered this question
10 fãs answered this question
10 fãs answered this question
10 fãs answered this question
10 fãs answered this question
10 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
Answer: are you serious? :D this is a fã club dude :) i do...
9 fãs answered this question
Answer: They met in the detention hall. Homer for being him...
9 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
9 fãs answered this question
8 fãs answered this question
8 fãs answered this question
8 fãs answered this question
8 fãs answered this question
8 fãs answered this question
8 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question
7 fãs answered this question