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Spoilers — Ask Ausiello | TVLine

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It was called ‘Bones’ Episode 200 Spoilers in Season 10 — Ask Ausiello | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Got a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Send any/all of the above to 
Question: It’s been too long since you’ve had anything on
. With the show about to return, what can you tease about it? —Cassidy
Ausiello: Booth and Brennan are going incognito again, and the setting for their covert mission sounds LOL hilarious. “They are going to be undercover at a crossword puzzle tournament,” reveals exec producer Stephen Nathan, who hints that they will be taking on new aliases this time around. “That remains to be seen, but I’m smelling new [personas].”
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ever since San Diego Comic-Con — which was like a zillion years ago. I need you to go back and pester Stephen Nathan to get an answer to how long Brennan and Booth’s relationship will be affected by Booth’s PTSD. —Cindy
Ausiello: Geez, you guys are really on my case about this little
scoop respite. Even lovers need a holiday, right? To answer your question, Nathan says the PTSD arc will “not be overwhelming,” but “it’s something he has to deal with. It’s not as if he is in a rubber room, you know? It’s a trauma that has shaken his trust in the people and the institutions that he took for granted. So it’s just a matter of regaining that trust, and that’s what he’s dealing with.” And here’s a BONUS SCOOP to keep you placated: The show’s 200th episode will explore “what Booth and Brennan might have been like in another world,” teases Nathan of the milestone outing, which he insists will not be a dream, nor be set in an alternate reality. “It’s going to be like going for a ride at an amusement park.”
number, we do have a title — “The San Dominick.” And Matt Mitovich has learned that it’s the same episode that brings back fan fave Diane Neal as CGIS Agent Borin. The plot: During a joint NCIS/Coast Guard training exercise, Gibbs and Borin find a body floating in the water. Once it’s determined that the deceased was a crew member aboard a ship run by a Captain Tom O’Rourke (Supernatural alum Beaver’s role), the two decide to pay a visit to the vessel some 60 nautical miles away, to further investigate the “man overboard” situation.
Ausiello: When the sitcom returns, they will still be boyfriend and girlfriend. And Raj will still be on cloud nine. “He’s very much in the giddy, ‘OK, I have a girlfriend and she’s really cute and she likes me phase. And I get to see her naked,\'” previews showrunner Steve Molaro. “They are still in the honeymoon of that. And as we got through the season, we will explore more of her personality and what she’s really like.”
will reintroduce Matthew Goode’s character on the upcoming season? —Lucas
Ausiello: Ohhh, Finn Polmar looms large in the Sept. 21 season opener — and in a way that could very well decide if he and Alicia will ever share the kind of closeness she had with Will. Seriously, you’re about to see just how pitbull-like this guy can be.
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Question: Any scoop on what is to come for Alicia and Peter’s marriage on
Ausiello: Eli’s determination to have Alicia run for state’s attorney — and which side of that debate Peter is ultimately on — stands to play at least a small part in the married couple’s future. (A certain someone who doesn’t wear panties also threatens to be a fly in the ointment.)
Question: Anything Diane-related for The Good Wife? —Amy
Ausiello: With her move to Florrick-Agos’ decidedly downscale digs, Diane might face a few moments of asking herself “What the hell is this place?” previews creator Robert King – especially now that the show has cast Danny Hock (The Knick) to guest-star as a homeless man who frequently uses the fledgling firm’s bathroom “as a poor man’s shower.” (If you’ll allow a moment of self-congratulation, it should be noted that I broke news of that highly unexpected character in this very column back in July.) Nevertheless, Emmy nominee Christine Baranski’s alter-ego will ultimately find herself excited by the question of whether she can help a firm grow from startup to powerhouse — “and whether she can do it better and possibly with more of her ideals in tact,” King adds.
Question: Could we please have some info about Kensi on
Pretty please? —Abby Ausiello: Hmm, how about an exclusive photo from the Season 6 premiere (airing Monday — remember, Monday, Sept. 29 at 10/9c)? What’s going on here, you ask? As show boss Shane Brennan told Matt Mitovich during our Fall Preview Q&A, “Talia (returning guest star Mercedes Masohn) poses some questions that make Kensi stop and think [about her Deeks situation]. She also gives Kensi some, let’s call it, ‘unasked-for advice.’”
Question: I’m not sure if Manu Bennett is a series regular for
Season 3? Will we be seeing Slade at all? —Nasir
Ausiello: In the DC Comics universe, one should never say never, but no, Manu/Slade will not play a role in the early part of Season 3, at least.
Ausiello: As revealed at Comic-Con, the Big Bad is this guy — the iconic DC Comics villain Ra’s al Ghul, just recently cast with Aussie Matt Nable. And though the League of Assassins leader is first seen in Episode 4, it will take a bit before he and Arrow butt heads, swords or what have you. “Before the winter break, which would be Episode 9, you’ll see some big stuff with him and Oliver,” promises EP Greg Berlanti.
? Don’t both shows shoot in the same town? —Gwen
Ausiello: Were it as simple as sending Vancouver Taxi to fetch Anders (or his leading lady Rose McIver aka Tinker Bell, for that matter), but it’s not. “We would love to drag [David] across town, as [
cocreator Eddy Kitsis. “But he’s not in the first batch [of Season 4 episodes].” (Dr. Whale does get a shout-out in an early episode, however. So there’s that.)
Ausiello: The episode will be written and directed by series creator Kurt Sutter, and it does not currently have a title (“I usually don’t get those until I’m through writing Act 1,” he says). The last scene, however, is already taking shape. “I have a sense of what that final sequence will be,” shares
‘s fearless leader. “I’m not quite sure how I’m going to get there yet, but it gets a little more clear with every episode.”
Creator on MIA Funeral, Gemma’s Ghostly Chat, Bare-Naked Juice and More
Question: I sensed some sparkage between Wendy and Nero in the
‘s premiere. Is that going to lead to something? —Ben
Ausiello: As Sutter shared in our Fall Preview Spoiler Spectacular, an “interesting friendship” will develop between the two ex-junkies. Elaborates the EP: “Nero makes the ironic realization that, at the end of the day, the woman who was probably
most damaged in the pilot is probably the most self-aware human being in Charming.”
‘s Katrina – please tell me she’s in the real world longer than just one episode. —Erin
Ausiello: Well, she’s around long enough to engage in some retail therapy, says executive producer Mark Goffman. “I would say she doesn’t cling to her wardrobe the way that Crane does,” he teases, adding that when Mrs. Crane hits the mall, her style is “pretty edgy.” So… no Revolutionary War re-enactor costumes? “She’s a much cooler dresser in a way of mixing and matching the modern era with her own.”
Question: If and when we meet Crane’s mother on 
, will Victor Garber return as his dad? —Dave
Ausiello: “There’s no doubt that we will learn a lot more about Crane’s mother, potentially in the second half” of the upcoming second season, Goffman tells TVLine, going on to say that Garber – who’s already filmed at least one Season 2 episode – would be very welcome to make another visit. “He’s unbelievable. We loved having him on the show last year and are excited to have him back.”
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Ausiello: Series creator Jason Katims tells us he’d like to bring back as many
alums as possible for the show’s final 13-episode run, but squeezing them in will prove challenging. “Because we are coming to an ending, the stories are leaning toward the bigger issues in the lives of our characters,” he explains. “There are only 13 episodes, so there’s not a lot of room to say, ‘Oh, let’s bring this person back.’ It really has to fit into the bigger plan.” So far, both Matt Lauria and Sarah Ramos — both of whom are set to return for at least one installment — fit that bill. And so may Jason Ritter’s Mark. “If that happened, it would be later in the season,” he says of a possible Ritter reprisal. “I would love to find a way to have him come back.”
Question: Can you find out if Castiel and Crowley will be in the 200th episode of
Ausiello: I can, I will and I did. “We can’t give too much away about the 200th episode or the storylines leading up to it,” a spokesperson for the show tells TVLine, “but we can say that while Misha Collins and Mark Sheppard are not in the episode” — not a huge shock considering series-regular status doesn’t guarantee a presence in all episodes produced — “they, and many other favorite characters from the past nine seasons, will be represented in a way that we think fans will love.” Considering how unique the show’s past meta episodes have been, in what crazy way do you think “Castiel” and “Crowley” will make their presence known?
That’s a wrap! Please send questions, comments, and anonymous tips to (
Additional reporting by Michael Slezak, Vlada Gelman and Kim Roots
YES!!! I am glad the 200th episode of Supernatural will focus on the only characters that matter: Sam and Dean. I’ve never liked Castiel so I am glad he is excluded.
Says the guy who trolls Walking Dead articles whining about Darryl/Carol.
I don’t “troll” those articles, nor do I whine. I do, however, ship Daryl and Carol. It’s called being a fan.
^^^^^ THIS! A “fan”? How bout a RABID fan?
Me too! I like cas ok and crowley but i’m also glad it is focusing on sam and dean, which is how it should be because 10 years with sam and dean and Jared and Jensen is a huge milestone.
Considering the show would have ended in the 5th season and was supposed to without the angel storyline this is disappointing, as is the hate directed towards Misha. For some reason, Mark doesn’t get the hate directed towards him. Wonder why? Everyone actually involved with the show has said over and over again how important Misha and Cas are to the show but bros only fans like continue to spit your vitriol. Disgusting.
Puddingtame… alistaircrane likes to troll and complain. He does it on the Walking Dead articles as well.
I agree. The silly fans that troll their opinions and believe their trolling matters are the truly sad ones. Yes the show was actually supposed to end in the 3rd or 4th season WITH the Angel storyline intact. Unfortunately Sera Gamble never got to finish S7 or her idea for the other Big Bad which was a being called “Chaos”.
The realms of Heaven and Hell plus Purgatory were locks keeping it in and when they opened Purgatory they were supposed to eventually fight an extended battle with Chaos. It would have been such an interesting storyline.
@puddingtame – Yeah, I definitely don’t get the vitriol that poor Misha gets from “only bro” fans – it’s really disgusting, especially the middle-aged women who bully and insult him daily on twitter. He’s talented, open, kind, hilarious, irreverent, and doesn’t deserve that. It’s disgusting and the cast and crew definitely do not approve. Trust me, they know about that section of the fandom and since they’re all a big family who supports each other, they can’t be happy. But if anyone has doubts about Cas and Misha’s importance to the SPN Family, watch the Warrior Angel documentary on one of the seasons and see them all gush about him. Kripke loves him, Carver loves him, Jim loves him, Jared and Jensen love him (and are his good friends), so that’s enough for me. They haters may be loud but they’re a minority and definitely have a reputation in the fandom. Pretty sad that they stoop to such hateful lows.
Hey! I’m a middle aged woman and I love Cas so don’t include me in your complaint! If Jared ever left the show I’d watch SPN continue with Dean, Cas and Benny! And I still miss Bobby, Jo and Ellen!
@Tracy I love how you “randomly” pick only Jared for ever leaving the show. You Destiel fans keep complaining about bro-only fans for hating Misha but you hate Jared as much as you accuse bro fans of hating Misha.
No matter how important Cas, or any other character, is for the show, he can never reach the level of Jared and Jensen. Because while you can have a season with 10 (more or less) Cas-less episodes you can’t have that with either Sam or Dean and that’s a fact whether you like it or not.
Excuse me, but I never said anything about Misha. I said it was Castiel I dislike. Stop making false assumptions. It’s embarrassing.
Not just talking about you, Alistair, I’m referencing a very particular group of fans who are downright cruel to Misha daily. It’s disgusting.
First, the show should’ve ended at the end of the fifth season. Second, those five season pretty much wrapped up all the loose angel threads, so I don’t see how the Angels had anything to do with getting more seasons. Finally, don’t take this as hate towards Misha, because I actually love Castiel, but hate towards what the show has turned into.
Exactly. The show no longer needs the angels. Season 9 was the worst season yet because of its extremely heavy focus on the angels. We need to get back to this show’s roots, with the boys hunting a new monster from folklore or urban legend each week.
“But, anyway the original point I was trying was to make, though, is: that is cedit to Jared and Jensen. And that is credit to, like, the unbelievable, uh, charisma that those guys have, both together as a unit, seperately as actors, because really… the real… like we can talk and I can ramble and, ‘oh, because the structure of the seasons and blah’ – It’s because of Jared and Jensen, right? And it helps that it was a show we had fun writing, but ultimately it was those two guys, how charact- like that’s why we been on ten years. People love them, and they love them as brothers, and TV does this beautiful thing where you find a character that an actor can inhabit and become symbiotic with, and, and you love them. You will sit with them through a racist truck story, because you know next week… you’re like: look I love them, and next week it’ll be better. And it not because of me, it’s ’cause of Jared and Jensen.” –Eric Kripke, on why Supernatural has lasted ten years.
Ugh, there you are Kelios. Slither back to spngossip to discuss your J2 fantasies there, hmmm?
I agree with you, which is why Wincest slash fiction is so appealing to me!
Straight from the CREATOR of the show. Jared and Jensen.
Well, you’d know all about leaving Misha out of something, wouldn’t you.
I’m shocked out of my mind! I really can’t get my head around the fact that Cas is NOT in this milestone episode!!! He’s too important to the show to be subbed by a representer! Are they that dense?! I’m disappointed.
Meanwhile, other shows use their big number episodes to pay homage to their fans AND cast members by having reunions and such. Supernatural is taking ten steps back by excluding both.
Well considering that there have been many fan favorites comes and go over the years, I’m thinking the considered the logistical nightmare it would be to bring the actors back to reprise their roles, never mind Mark and Misha, but then you’ve got JDM, Jim B, Mark P, Rob, Felicia, Osric, DJ… That added to the nightmare popularity contest that would surely emerge in considering who and who not to include.
So yeah a warm fuzzy reunion including everyone’s fan favorites does seem to have the same kind of appeal to me. :/
200 episodes are usually used to look back at the main characters’ journey and as much as I love Castiel and Crowley, this has been the brothers journey and they should have time to focus on them and hopefully give them more of a purpose in this instead of cleaning up Castiel’s messes and dealing with Crowley for some reason.
I seriously doubt that they could fit that many guest stars in one episode. So if on the off chance you’re incorrect on that issue I would actually wait UNTIL it airs to say whether it is a good episode is or not. The fandom really needs to allow the show to flow organically and just watch episode to episode without calling every episode described as something you are either not looking forward to are you and others believe it is the death knell of the show.
Spoilers have really started to create entitled viewers that completely ruin forum boards with bickering and sniping at each other. Not entirely directed at you per se Caroline. But I would seriously wait until the episode airs to share your opinion of it since neither one of us knows what will happen exactly aside from a Meta inspired musical episode.
Not true they pay plenty of homage to their fans all the time, I know I am one of them fans.
I am hoping they have Cas back he is a regular now, and Crawley, I am sure they are not going to leave them out. And for me, Sam and Dean are my main characters, love the show, but love them most of all.
I love the show, I hope it never ends, I could watch it forever, it’s my favorite and always will be. I am a die hard Supernatural fan always. I have never seen another show I like as much as Supernatural and never will.
Don’t agree about the Cass part but we don’t all have to agree. I like him fine.
But yes I’m exited to see Sam and Dean have the spotlight in this special episode.
Agree, Kara – I love Cas. He’s an honorary Winchester at this point – and he and Crowley have gotten to be some of my fave characters on the show.
Dean would disagree with you – he even said to Cas in season 8: “You’re family.” And that is a huge thing to the Winchesters. Cas, Charlie, Kevin, Bobby? All family. Remember, it doesn’t end with blood.
Its supposed to be family doesn’t end with blood. Dean even said Cas is family and that he needs him.
They have a spotlight in every episode. Nothing is new here.
Oh, shut up. This whole “only bro” attitude is so tiresome and just plain insulting. Without all the supporting characters, we wouldn’t be REACHING a 200th episode, and Misha and Mark (as well as Castiel and Mark) are genuinely awesome, lovely additions to the cast.
You’re quite rude. It’s sad you must resort to namecalling just because someone doens’t share the same opinion as you. The show is and has always been about Sam and Dean travelling the country hunting monsters. Please remember that going forward.
Please remember to step on a lego while you’re fapping to bad Wincest fics.
Stay classy Cass/misha fans. And keep trying to play that victim card. It’s one thing to have a difference of opinion. This is a unnecessary nasty personal attack. Nice try though.
Pretty sure you have no room to comment, based off of the things I’ve seen you say on Walking Dead articles in your crusade against any Darryl and Beth interactions in the name of Darryl/Carol fandom. Perhaps you should try following your own advice before lecturing other people.
I have every room to comment. I do not understand why you are bringing up The Walking Dead. We’re talking about Supernatural here, and shipping Daryl and Carol has nothing to do with disliking Castiel. It seems to me, DWF, that you are just looking for reasons to be nasty and bash me. Again, I have done nothing wrong. I expressed my opinion regarding Castiel and now his fans have crawled out of the woodwork to bash me. How lovely!
Thank you, Jessica, for the defense. I have no idea why Misha/Cas fans are so nasty. I am sure Misha would not approve. Cas fans take it very personally when people disagree with them, which is just silly. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you can’t handle differences of opinions, Cas fans, you need to get off the internet because you will not be happy here.
That is the reason I love the show, the ties between the brothers, the love they have for family and each other and would do anything for each other. It’s about loyalty and love, which today we see little of. Without that, the show would become like a lot of shows, boring and slow and unexciting. Supernatural has all four, excitement, love, sadness, and it is so funny, which I love most about it.
I disagree, Alistair – there are a LOT of characters who matter to the show: Cas, Crowley, Bobby, John, Ellen, Gabriel.. I could go on, and I would have liked to see anyone who was available to come back.
“I’m glad he is excluded”. Do you realize how petty and immature this makes you sound? What the hell? I can only hope you’re a teenager who doesn’t know any better, because hate isn’t cool. Everyone is part of the SPN family and there are a ton of people who disagree with you re: Cas.
I have the right to dislike Castiel just as you have the right to like him. You need to take your own advice that “everyone is part of the SPN family” and start treating me, your fellow fan, with respect. Right now, you look like a hypocrite.
If you want to talk hypocrisy, by all means, let’s do it. Saying “I’m glad he’s excluded” is not in the least bit kind or respectful. It’s petty.
No it’s not petty, it’s how I feel. I am allowed to be glad that Castiel isn’t in the episode. I am not sure why that personally offends you. I suppose you cannot wrap your head around the fact that Castiel is not as beloved as you imagine.
You do have that right, but I don’t understand it, I love Cas, he adds some refreshment to the show, and he is funny and a good actor. Cas doesn’t take anything away from Jensen or Jared, they are great in their own way.
I think the slip in this comment really highlights where the breakdown is happening — no, Cas is not “a good actor”. Misha is a good actor. There’s an emotional connection resulting in the two being intertwined in our heads, sure, but nobody is disrespecting Misha in this instance by saying they don’t want Cas in an episode. People get so insulted when you express a different opinion about a favorite character, and that’s understandable, but (not you, but other comments in the thread) acting like these characters are people with real feelings that are hurt when someone’s glad they’re not in an episode is just ludicrous.
(Personally, I love Misha. I didn’t even mind Cas at first. I’m just tired as heck of the angel crud, and wish we could go back to more of the show’s original formula, which IMO Cas fits into as more of a consultant than a backseat regular. That’s on the writers, though.)
Is that where your enjoyment comes from? Hurting people who are from the same fandom as you? Enjoying their pain when their favorite characters are underrepresented? What a horrible way to live. And you probably don’t consider Casfans to be “true fans,” am I right? If I’m not a “true fan,” then what the heck are you?
Last time I checked, having a differing opinion doesn’t hurt anyone. I’m allowed to dislike Castiel. We live in a free country. My disliking him doesn’t impact your love of him in any way, so I have no idea why you have decided to attack me.
Right you are, and I agree you have every right not to like Cas, and that doesn’t bother me one bit, and it shouldn’t bother anyone else either. Freedom of choice is your right and everyone’s else also. All that matters is you love the show as much as the rest of us, and you want it to be the way you feel comfortable with it, no shame in that.
Very disappointing to see Cas and Crowley won’t be in it considering how important they are to the show’s history.
No, they are not important to the show’s history. Keep in mind the show’s best seasons were the first three—-interestingly, those seasons were Cas- and Crow-free.
I think the ratings would disagree that 1-3 were the best seasons. They were good, yes, but they were also redundant and if it had kept that format, it would have gone stale and ended without the addition of some additional characters and big plots. Besides, “best” is subjective. I personally thought 4, 5, and 8 were the best. That doesn’t make me more or less right than you, so please don’t state opinion as fact.
Ratings have NOTHING to do with the quality of the storyline, but you probably know that already.
That’s just YOUR opinion. Generally the Kripke era, seasons 1-5, is considered to be the best of Supernatural. And while I enjoyed seasons 1-3, it’s season 4 and introducing the character of Castiel and the apocalyptic storyline that really got me hooked. I get it, feeling sentimental for that early seasons of our favourite show. But getting rid of Misha and Mark won’t make it great again. You know what would? Firing Carver and all the mediocre and self-indulgent writers and hiring someone with an actual talent and creativity. My only hope is that after season 10 they’ll loose interest in this mockery of a show it once was and leave it to professionals.
Nothing “sentimental” about anything. The facts speak for themselves. The first three seasons were excellent. Each episode was a mini horror movie. Since the angels were introduced, the show hasn’t been scary at all, and that’s a fact. Removing Castiel and Crowley would take the show back to its core focus, Sam and Dean, and restore the show to its past glory.
“I am glad he is excluded.” I had almost forgotten what big a-holes some people in the supernatural fandom can be.
Look in the mirror. You can’t handle or accept the fact that not everyone loves Castiel.
But that isn’t true, I like Cas very much, but I love Dean and Sam the most, just the way it is, and I love the show to focus on Dean and Sam the most.
If the show had stayed just focusing on Sam and Dean only and the monster of the week format it would have ended years ago…it’s the relationship of the brothers complimented by the fabulous supporting cast, amazing writing and a great mythology that keep the show going!
No, the Monster of the Week format was the best and could have keep this show afloat. There are still so many urban legends/monsters they haven’t explored. Now the show is all about angels/religion and it’s no longer scary.
No you keep saying this is fact but opinions are not facts, they are just that, opinions. This show is afloat, 10 seasons in when they threatened to cancell it numerous times in the earlier years. I have no problem that you don’t like Castiel or any of the angel arcs but you are representing your opinions as fact and that is not true. I’ve watched this show from the first episode on the WB and to me, I’ve loved the changes along the way because just as in life, things change and nothing really stays the same.
Your so right, I have watched and loved the show since day one myself, and the changes are refreshing and new characters are also refreshing and add to the excitement of the show. I don’t dislike any of them, they all serve a purpose and make it the great show it is.
I really don’t think it would of ended that soon, it has a lot more followers than you think in every country. I think the relationship between the brothers is what keeps it going, and the new cast they brought in, adds their own flavor to the show true, but never like Sam and Dean does, they are the real focus, and when that is forgotten the show will end.
Right here is why the Supernatural fandom is messed up, and why the writers made a terrible choice. When fans like this alistaircrane can dismiss a major character who was a part of the show for SEVEN SEASONS and has ALWAYS played a crucial role in shaping the show’s major mytharc, and act like ONLY Sam and Dean matter, it creates a toxic environment in the fandom that pits Cas fans against Sam/Dean fans and it’s SO STUPID and unnecessary for things to be this way. As a result of this ridiculous decision, the fans of this VERY popular character feel excluded, beaten and less likely to tune in. Including Misha in the 200th episode would have sent a clear message to fans like alistaircrane, that Misha fans DO matter, but instead it has only given fuel to these jerks to continue to bully a large portion of the fandom. Instead of the 200th episode being something for fans of ALL the major characters to enjoy, it feels like a kick in the teeth. Add this to other disappointing spoilers which seem to indicate the demon!Dean will be resolved in a few episodes, and we have a major PR failure on CW’s behalf to get the fanbase excited for the upcoming season.
I have to admit, as a Cas fan, hearing this news about this ep was kind of heartbreaking, because it does kind of make me question as a fan if I even should be here, or like tptb would like us gone or something.
Wow. You feel like that over one episode? I’m sorry.
I know, right? I hope Supernatural spins off Castiel into his own show and takes his fans with him. I wouldn’t watch, but Supernatural would be free from their curse and the show would be good again!
I’m a fan of Castiel and pretty much all of the characters on the show because they have all given something to the greatness of it. I’m not mad that he isn’t in the episode. He wasn’t in some episodes last season. I’m not upset because it isn’t my show and it isn’t my vision, it is the producers vision and he feels that Dean and Sam need to be the featured characters in the episode. Why do you think it’s a slight against you, the EP doesn’t even know you, it’s just the way he wanted his 200th episode to play out? Come on folks it’s a land mark episode that will be done well and representative of 9 seasons of great characters and good storytelling.
Dude, Winchester fans aren’t the ones who bullied a CW exec off Twitter. Some of you are such raging hypocrites.
Hey, PR! Those same things that starminion is bitching about are the things that will make me tune in, so excellent work! I’m excited!
Dude, Winchester fans *are* the ones who bullied Adam Glass off twitter. Funny how you forget that isn’t it?
No, actually, it was the crazed “minions” who kept and still keep harassing the higher ups in this show.
Sorry, but saying my own opinion on the internet now qualifies as bullying? I don’t like Cas, I think he is overrated and overstayed his welcome, and guess what? I have the right to voice my opinion anywhere I want, and if you are hurt by a mere opinion and immediately go to feeling excluded and bullied, maybe you should reconsider your sensitivity towards internet in general and different opinions in particular.
Not everyone is going to like your fave or your opinion. Get over it.
Exactly what I’ve been saying. Castiel fans seem like an overly-sensitive bunch who crumble at the mere thought of someone disliking their beloved. Maybe they need to pack it in and stick to fan zines or something. The internet is too much for them.
LOL! Castiel is not Supernatural. Sam and Dean are. That’s a fact. Go rewatch the pilot. The premise of this series is the brothers travelling the country hunting monsters. Fact.
Literally nobody cares about your opinion or your smugness.
Actually, your very post invalidates that argument. ;-)
Castiel saved the show…. without him it would have been deadly boring pretty much since season 5…
Nope. He ruined the show. The show was at its best before the angels, led by Castiel, hijacked the show.
any chance of Michael B. Jordan or Minka Kelly?? Would love to see them.
MICHAEL B. JORDAN RETURNING PLEASE! I’m sorry for the people who like Haddie as a lesbian/bi. But, I loved HaddieXAlex’s relationship. :(
I was just trying to decide between doing (another) crossword puzzle or getting work done. The first question is obviously a sign. Thanks for endorsing my laziness, Ausiello.
I know right?!!? I want/need his character and Amber to get back together!!! Like so bad!
Bones and Good Wife scoop! You’re my tv hero! Thank you!
Thanks to Gwen for asking about Dr. Whale. I was just thinking about him today! I’d certainly rather them focus on the core characters than get overwhelmed with too many storylines for each character, but I always thought Dr. Whale was unique being non-Disney and also not in the book but still in Storybrooke (they mentioned that but never went further into it). Hopefully Rob Thomas will let Once borrow him some time!
Super excited about Supernaturals 200th episode the more I hear about it. I love Misha and Mark but Sam and Dean are the heart of the show from the start, they deserve the spotlight in this special landmark episode. Besides, I’m sure Cass and Crowley’s presence will be felt in a clever way, even if they are not there in person.
The only actor I’d really like to see in the 200th episode other than Jensen and Jared is Jeffrey Dean Morgan as John Winchester. It’s high time he returned to the show!
Completely agree, Kara! 200 episodes are a big mark. Sam and Dean deserves the spotlight!
Sam and Dean may be the main characters, but without all the supporting cast, I can almost guarantee that we wouldn’t be hitting 200 episodes. This is disappointing news.
Agreed that Misha and Mark have made a special contribution to Supernatural. But I don’t agree they are the reason behind the 200 episode landmark. To me Sam and Dean deserve the recognition and spotlight because they a) have been in all 200 episodes, and b) they are the reason Supernatural made to 200 episodes.
I would be mad too if my fav had not been in this episode, but let the rest of us who love and value Sam and Dean enjoy this special episode. Or not, hate on it you want but that’s on you. :/
I think anyone who has been a series regular at any point on the show has helped SPN meet the 200 landmark. I love and value Sam and Dean too, to quote you, and I’m not hating on anything – but I think the exclusion is a shame. I would have loved to see everyone in the episode, frankly.
Well I think there will be a lot if inclusion from past characters going back to season one. But that doesn’t mean important actors who play these character will return, such as John and Mary Winchester, Ellen, Jo, Bobby, Chuck, Gabriel, Kevin, Garth, Charlie, ect, and yes Cass and Crowley will likely be there portrayed in clever ways without bringing the actors back. There are so many who have made immense comtributions. What I’m saying is that IMHO Jared and Jensen and Sam and Dean made this show what it is, and deserve the recognition here. It’s not about exclusion, but if that’s what you choose to focus on again, that’s on you.
It is definitely all about Sam and Dean. Agree with you so much!!
Okay, I am fine with the Bones undercover episode as long as they bring on the brilliant Will Shortz who was featured on How I Met Your Mother in Robots Vs Wrestlers. Pass that info along. The dude is funny as can be.
I think in the 200th episode important past characters will be represented by the opposite sex. That would hilarious.
Now I’ll be disappointed if this doesn’t happen. 😃😜
haaaaa good one….what about Bones ep 200 is “a day in a life of..” we get to see B&B outside/before/after the crime scenes, what do they do when not fighting crime ?…..I would be fine if the ep didnt even have a crime…I think ep 200 ìs a perfect time to do something a little different.
Interesting Supernatural spoiler about Mark and Misha–I’m looking forward to how it works out. Tho maybe a little sceptical about the whole musical thing.
Thanks for The Good Wife scoop! I just really wish the Kings would finally discuss why it has been ages since Alicia and Kalinda have had any “real” interaction with each other. I just don’t get why they seem to have completely dismissed it and not worked on reconnecting the two in some way over the past several seasons. Their friendship was one of the best parts of the early seasons. The show is still amazing as ever currently, but reconnecting the two of them would make it even better for me.
Great news about Supernatural 200th episode, Ausiello! Thank you! :)
Eh. I’m skeptical about the musical aspect and now I’m disappointed that Misha and Mark aren’t involved. I’m sure it’ll be a good ep, but I’d prefer a celebration of EVERYONE who has contributed to the show reaching 200.
This show has first and foremost always been about the Winchesters travelling the US and hunting monsters. Hopefully this episode is about bringing the show back to its roots. Supernatural’s best episodes are its Monster of the Week episodes, not the mythology-driven ones.
Monter of the Week gets old fast. I guarantee we wouldn’t even be discussing an episode 200 if the format hadn’t changed. Give me a myth arc with an expanded cast any day. Roots are the beginning, but roots also grow into wonderful things – like the entire SPN history, including new and very loved characters.
No it doesn’t. Each episode of Supernatural is meant to be a short horror film. The mythology has destroyed the show and removed its most compelling elements. I still watch because of my love for Sam and Dean, but the show is no longer as good as it once was, and that is absolutely due to Castiel and the angels consuming the show.
That is true, but my favorite episodes are seasons 1-5, when chasing monsters was the order of the day for Dean and Sam. But I still love the new characters they introduced.
Especially the last few years. The angel wars are not something I care about anymore. If I ever really did to begin with.
The above debate represents how Supernatural fans are a terrible fandom. All they do is bicker and fight over nothing. So one person is not a fan of Castiel. Move on, it’s not a big deal.
THANK YOU for the bones spoilers and the glorious photo of Booth & Brennan… fav tv couple are HOT….cant wait for the undercover ep, wouldnt it be fun if Booth were the games nerd champ and ep 200 sounds intriguing…
Thanks for confirming that Cary won’ t have a shred of good storyline that season too. (The Good Wife).
It does look yet again like they are going to under & misuse Cary. I predict that they make him the villain against Alicia and blame him for all of the problems at Florrick-Agos.
Since Alicia turned on Cary and sided with Diane about a merger this will be unacceptable to me. If so The Good Wife will have to go to DVR or DVD status for me. Five years of total abuse for Cary is more than enough.
Well, I think it’s what’s going to happen. The complete lack of spoilers about Cary’s role in that story (who pratically, according to TV line preview, will just spend his time saying ” no” to Diane, fretting about it and that’s all) looks like a dejavu. Last year the same thing happened with the new firm storyline. It was all about Alicia and Will fighting in court or occasionally about Diane and it ended up that spoilers just mirrored the entire devolpment of the season. And we know what happened with Cary last season and how they once again ( and probably “for good” according to those spoilers) incredibily missed the bus as for him. Yeah, 5 years of abuse are more than enough.
I definitely don’t think it’s five years of abuse. He was featured heavily the first two and a half seasons. They really should just reduce him to recurring guest star status rather than keeping him as a series regular. He will never have a storyline as big as Alicia, Diane, or Will (they are/were the big 3 and Cary was always a character whose story would revolve around them). I personally would prefer they cut back a bit on Peter (not Eli though) and give Cary a bit more to do, but Peter ties into Alicia’s life heavily professionally and personally. Overall though, the show isn’t really suffering because of there being less Cary. It’s coming off a phenomenal fifth season and is probbly the best show on network television currently. It’s ridiculous how it was snubbed for the Best Drama Emmy this season of all seasons.
I liked what they did with Cary in Season 5. Cary & Alicia have/had great chemistry as work partners. You are little wrong about the “abuse” though. Many, many critics and commentators have mentioned that the show has not always been good to Cary. It seems like they always are looking for a way to use Cary only in ways to make the women look good. We all know the show is about Alicia and strong women. No problem with that at all. But it is not realistic to have Alicia be “Saint Alicia” at the everyone’s expense. Also, they continue to pour on new characters and guest stars at the expense of some of the finest supporting actors on TV. I almost hope Cary turns bad this year. If they are going to downplay him again then at least let it rip Cary!
Oh, you’re so right. After 5 years of loyalty to the show they should really free Matt Czuchry and send him to hell for good. At least it would be in line with the way they’ve wasted him for the last 3 years. The wastefulness would be complete.
And sorry if I don’t give a damn about the show not suffering of it. Because obviously I’m “suffering” of this and unfortunally it’s the only thing which matters in my case.
@DW I liked what they did too. I enjoyed them working together and sort of becoming like friends over the past season. Hopefully we can see more of Cary/Alicia and Alicia/Kalinda in some way I hope this season. Obviously their new partnership will bring about tension between them, but that’s expected.
Cary is a likable character, but to me he was never more than a supporting character and I thought they used him well in the early seasons for the purpose of the story at the time. I do get what you’re saying about the underuse. He did sort of become the George O’Malley of the show, but the only people who know why are the creators. Maybe he just no longer fits with the story they want to tell. Maybe he’s just serving his purpose as a supporting character in moving the plot forward. Nothing we can do about it other than stop watching the show and this is my favorite show, so Cary isn’t the one who would make me stop watching it. At least he’s still on the show and hasn’t been written out. Also, this is one show where I don’t mind the guest stars so much. I love so many of them. Elsbeth, Colin Sweeney, the quirky judges and many more. Keep those ones coming back.
@DW I think it’s up on Matt Czuchry now. The more he sticks with the show without any purpose than being a tool to give other actors/actors their big moments/exits the more he’s digging his career’s grave. He’ll end up being relegated forever to those types of roles.
I think you are right not the none abuse… one thing you are not right on is make him requrring they don’t do that because they don’t want to risk Matt isn’t arround then they need him for an episode same reason they made David Lee a regular in season five! they needed him a bit more than normal supporting actors so they couldnt risk he wasnt around for filming…
another thing this one for Lucy… they dont set him free or he doesnt leave (Matt) because he has signed on a contract and he would be breaking that if he left now… so they actually pay him big money for doing nothing… it is the same with Archie!
and now all get a freakign grib it is Alicia’s show! it was never about Diane or Will either though many seems to think so after Will/Josh left… was he giving strong storylines yes, because he tied so much into Alicia’s life and history so they needed to explore him more to give more to that background! If you look at it Diane doesn’t have that much of her own either, CB is actually strongly underused too if you look at it hard… if she has storylines of her own it is one thing here and there nothing big and often done in an episode with much stuff going on elsewhere too… 419 comes to mind with Kurts return and all that were at the same time focusing on Alicia’s dreams of Will and Will/Laura and Alicia complicating that relationship ending in them breaking up, along with Sweeney plot returning… But here is the thing the show is the Alicia show… you say it right that Peter is connected to her and yes he is why he ties into so much… and for the record no to not cutting back on Eli unless that extra eli goes to eli with Alicia plots… no more Eli season 3 use no cheese plots. and personally i dont want Peter cut back either but that is my personal view but i like his dynamic with Alicia and Eli and that he is tied to her life!
for regulars they also dont use often both kids are signed as regulars and they are not even in each episode! yet it is the fewest that complain about underuse of those two actors … they have them as regular because suddenly they are needed and if not regular or a hard contract they might not be avilable!
also i think it was DW that said this about Cary used to push the others up, sure with Kalinda you can debate that, but i would say Kalinda was rather used to push Cary’s ego… 522 anyone? the sexual violent scene! anyway with him used to push Alicia up! Yes of course he is! Because it is a one main charcter show… none of the others have ever entered as leads but JM they all enter as supporting and that is the truth even JC was a supporting and they know it they are supporting with a regular contract!
@abz….I should clarify that I really liked what they did with Cary in Season 5 until that last episode. Then they reverted back the old form where Alicia, Diane & Kalinda all ganged up against Cary. That’s what bothered me. @Lucy…I think the show has been great for Matt Czuchry’s career. A very high quality, long running show. It, and the actors on it will be remembered for a long, long time. Just wish they’d utilize him ore is all.
I think he will likely be remembered like the show’s punching bag not good enough for writers to get his own storyarc.
@kate his contract ends this year. So, yeah, it’s up on him to sign it again…on the same terms.
And as for Cary and Kalinda…Cary is just something they use to give Kalinda something to do when they don’t know what to do with her or just miscasted her seasonal love interest. Obviously they are not serious about those two or they would have written for them something better than the rubbish we were subjected last year.
None of the questions asked by the readers were Cary-related.
All the questions “answered” were not-cary related. And I’m complaining about it because that’s exactly what happened last year. Ausiello had nothing to spoil about him because the character had nothing really interesting to do. In his own firm.
I hope I’m wrong but the coming season does look like ominous. I keep wondering why such a smart and stylish guy like Cary doesn’t have any life of his own on this show.
What exactly does this mean “Seriously, you’re about to see just how pitbull-like this guy can be.” Pitbull-like is pretty vague and antiquated stereotype (of a category of dogs identified visually and subjectively) that has really horrible repercussions. I would think there are hundreds of more descriptive words a self-proclaimed animal aficionado and accomplished writer could use.
I love the Winchester brothers but I disagree about excluding Cas & Crowley from the 200th episode. They’ve all contributed to Supernatural’s longevity and it would have been respectful to acknowledge that by having them appear, even if only for a few minutes.
Yep, exactly. Even just one scene with them would have been a nice touch – because it isn’t much of a love letter to the fans if such beloved/popular characters aren’t involved. Mark and Misha are brilliant.
Well, that’s disappointing about ep 200. I’d like to see all regular cast members involved in the episode, not played by teenagers in the musical. Misha and Mark are such a huge part of the show and the fandom, not to mention really awesome and talented. I love Sam and Dean, but I also love the supporting cast who has helped with the longevity of the show. J2M2 are Supernatural for me.
I like Crowley but I love me some Sam and Dean. I’m glad they are *probably* going to be the main focus for the 200th episode. I hope it turns out great but I’m still skeptical.
Sam, Dean, Cas, and Crowley should have all been involved, IMHO. All four of them are awesome and the reason I watch.
New clothes for Katrina, eh? Hmmm. I love the idea of her embracing the modern world a little more easily than Ichabod does, but now I’m very curious as to what will be considered “edgy” clothing for her.
And yes to Victor Garber coming back to “Sleepy Hollow” as often as he can. Always good to see him on TV.
Finally some Arrow spoilers without Oliver and Felicity dating. Thanks god.
Glad I didn’t get my s10 season pass yet b/c mocking fans in the 200th episode of Supernatural with fake!Cas and fake!Crowley? I’ll be fake!watching & remembering season 7’s ratings nosedive after Gamble returned it to a “bros only” format.
I like Cas and Crawley, but I want the show to focus more on Dean and Sam myself, but do hope to see Cas and Crawely on the show again.
Cas and Crowley not in the 200th? Well I aint watching it. Sorry SPN.
I wouldn’t miss it for the world, both will be in other episodes they have contracts now, and I am sure both will be in the 200th, without a doubt.
I’ve watched SPN since the first episode, and I’ll continue to watch until it ends. But it’s never JUST been about the brothers to me – I’ve loved all the supporting cast so much, and without them, the show would have gotten redundant really fast. The expanded universe and overarching plots have helped it reach ten seasons, and I really love Cas and Crowley. It’s definitely a let-down that they aren’t involved – and I know I’m not the only one who thinks that.
I really love the Talia/Kensi/Deeks triangle. Now i like that he isnt DOING anything wrong, he was loyal to Kensi while she was in the Mid-East, and he was loyal to her in the finale, so i want that to keep going…but i love Talia seeing what we see in Deeks ( really good looking, adorable, cool, hilarious, loyal, etc) and actually acting on it, instead of what Kensi does, which is nothing, and whine that Deeks “keeps saying things but not saying what you want clearly”.
My hope is Talia’s “un-asked for advice” and what she says that opens her eyes isnt stuff that makes her pull away from Deeks, but its stuff that makes her realize hes worth fighting for, hes worth actively perusing, and so they advance the Deeks/Kensi story line more. I imagine they wont have them full on date and be in love anytime soon, i think it might just be too much of a “case an episode” type of show but i hope im wrong.
I don’t watch LA but always thought Mercedes Masohn would have been a perfect replacement for Zeva. She and Tony had great chemistry in her very short part in Truth or Consequences and she could sure kick butt on The Finder. Guess it won’t happen for sure now that she’s been on LA.
Honestly, this is really disappointing. Misha and Mark deserve to be in the episode as well. I don’t care if you dislike the character. It’s a real smack to the actors and fans who are anxiously waiting for this episode. They are important characters. Without fan favorites besides Sam and Dean, how long would this show last?
Thank you! Totally agree. J2M2 are the show for me, and they are all important. Fan favorites are such a huge part of the show and they really need to be in it. Even just for a little bit.
Wait… if Katrina’s going to hit the mall once Ichabod and Abbie rescue her, does that mean that we’ll (FINALLY) see Prof. Crane in a shopping establishment? This should be fun…
Considering the 200th episode is supposed to be a love letter to the fans, I wonder whose bright idea it was to exclude the Cas & Crowley fans? They’re just as much a part of fandom as anyone and of course they’d want to see their favs in this episode. I’m a Dean fan but I’d have loved for all four characters and their fans to be represented. This is really disappointing news.
I agree – it’s not a real love letter if all my four favorites aren’t included. Mark and Misha deserve to be involved. -_-
We have not seen it yet, maybe they are, if if they are not, next episode they will be in I am sure, they are regulars on the show now.
How dare they, HOW DARE THEY DO THIS WITHOUT MISHA. If they wanted to give half the fandom the finger they could have had the guts to do it in person. That’s it, I’m done with this show, if they want to slap me in the face I can watch something else. I can’t believe I wasted so many years and so much money at conventions over this. I had a friend who was tapped as a Neilson household and he didn’t even WATCH Supernatural and he marked the show down for me because I loved it so much. Ugh, I wish I could go back and tell him not to. What a rotten thing to do to fans.
Umm, so, does this mean your friend committed fraud on his Nielsen diary?
I’m pretty sure Misca can’t claim “half the fandom” either.
Just a reminder that without Cas there would be no Sam and Dean because Dean would still be in hell. It was Cas who saved him, not Sam.
Nah Dean could have been saved by any other angel following following orders. Remember in canon Cass was following the angels orders.
Regardless of why he did it, he was still the one to rescue Dean. So without an angel rescue there would still be no brothers. Plus, Cas stuck around to help the brothers of his own free will. If Dean had to rely on Sam he’d still be in hell (and purgatory).
What I am saying is without Cass there would still be Sam and Dean season 10, there just would have been another angel to save him ordered by God.
Or if Dean had to rely on Sam to rescue him, Sam likely would have gone full dark embracing his powers to save Dean from Hell. Who knows?
But regardless my point stands. Without Cass this show will always come down to Sam and Dean. You are free to interpret differently if you like.
My point is that it was Cas who rescued him and stuck around. Sam gave up on rescuing Dean. So in that sense no Cas, no Sam and Dean.
Yet it’s always Sam who is there standing by Deans side when it goes down, and vis versa. But yes Cass has been used as a handy plot devise for the sake of drama a lot I do take that point. Lol.
‘not a huge shock’? are you kidding? The fandom is blowing up with shock right now. If they didn’t want people to be furious about this they might have warned us.
Tremendously disappointed to finally have it confirmed that Misha Collins won’t be in Supernatural’s 200th episode. Castiel has been a part of this show since season 4, and many would say that he is what keeps this show running. Not having him (or Mark Sheppard) in such a big episode is a really bad move on SPNs part. They’re excluding two of their fan favorites and in doing so also hurting a big part of the fandom. This episode was described as a “love letter to the fans” but i’m not really feeling the love at all.
As a Cas-fan we’re constantly pushed down by a ~certain part of the fandom, we always have to fight for ourselves and it’s really disheartening to see that Cas won’t be in the episode. I will not watch it, nor the rest of the season. No Cas? No care.
Caroline – in the SDCC TV Guide issue, Jeremy Carver even said something to the effect that “after the brothers and their relationship, Castiel is the biggest reason this show has continued.” So it’s really disappointing to see Cas (and Crowley, because come on, Mark and Misha are amazing) left out.
It’s sad that Castiel and Crowley aren’t going to be in the 200th episode. The show wouldn’t have survived this long wothout those two indispensable characters.
What I really want to know is when is the new Ryan Murphy show for HBO called Open is going to air, I know they said they needed to do some more work on it, but I would really like to know whether HBO is going to air it or not! I am a huge fan of Anna Torv who is one of the stars of the show, and I really want to know when we will be seeing her on TV again! It seems like Murphy is more interested in working on American Horror Story and Glee then on this show, I just hope Anna isn’t being wasted on this show! I mean lets get the ball rolling and finish the pilot at least, or if your not even going to do it, then just say so, that way Anna and the other actors can do other things!
Thanks for the scoop on NCIS. Glad to see that Jim Beaver will be guest starring. Also glad we get a story on board a ship! With one notable exception, NCIS stories taking place on ships (or subs) have been first-rate.
Too bad a love letter to the fans, couldn’t be a love letter to all the fans. This should’ve been an episode packed with as many characters as were available. Ironic that Mark is in the picture that accompanied this article. Not happy with the blatant exclusion.
Between this and hearing that the Demon Dean storyline is being cut short (big surprise, it’s Dean’s story, so of course it won’t last!), I’m ready to give up. I just wish Jensen would walk for season 11 and move on to a project that has genuine respect for him, since it’s clear SPN doesn’t (that DVD “Blood” featurette was the most insulting crap ever). BTW: Misha Collins has been in more seasons (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) than he hasn’t (1, 2, 3), so the fact that he isn’t in the 200th is pretty crappy. And I’m not even a big Castiel fan. But this is just another sign of disrespect towards anyone not Sam/Jared or a Sam/Jared fan.
You said it. Really disappointing to see the demon!Dean plotline cut so short, especially when we had soulless!Sam for half a season. And I really like Cas and Misha, so it’s disheartening to hear this other news, too. Misha will have been in seven seasons out of ten at this end of this upcoming season – he’s a huge part of the show and definitely right up there with the brothers for me.
I’m expecting Demon!Dean to linger a bit, but only because Sam uses the MOL cure to parallel the dubcon possession by Gadreel (b/c Mark of Cain = a finger on that shaken bottle of beer that is Demon!Dean = bottle explodes in 10.09 aka midseason finale).
If Carver’s been trying to break down the toxic bond to reform it into something where they meet in the middle…kinda needs more than just Sammy and Dean versus the apoc-I mean, the world.
No idea who the new ladies are/role they will play in this b/c why bother getting attached? They’re just going to be called b1tche$ and killed off in a gruesome way for brother feels.
Jan Brady is that you? It’s always Sam, Sam and Sam. Even when it’s about MC it’s still all Sam’s/Jared’s fault. your one kind of obsessive i’ll give you that much.
At SDCC Carver called the 200th episode of Supernatural a “love letter to fans.” In reality? More like a FU to the fans that got them to season 10 (absolutely laughable when Carver was announced as show-runner during season 7). It’s been a great nine years, but by his definition I’m not a “fan,” I feel I should exercise reciprocity and skip season ten.
Thanks for the Dr. Whale question. Once has many wonderful secondary characters who are sadly under utilized but I am glad the actors are finding work elsewhere.
Disappointed that we won’t see Cas and Crowley in the 200th episode! I love Sam and Dean, especially Dean, but the show is so good because of the writing, the brothers and the great supporting characters and ALL of that should be highlighted and commemorated in the 200th episode!
I’m not seeing how Castiel or Crowley could be represented in the 200th episode without taking a huge dump all over the show’s own canon. Chuck Shurley/Carver Edlund only published his novels up to No Rest for the Wicked. Becky later went and uploaded his unpublished works as her own fanfic but it still wouldn’t be considered canon according to the book universe. The only way to get away with including them without going canon divergent would be if Becky or Chuck himself were producing the play, as they’re the only two people in the show’s universe who even know that Castiel and Crowley are official characters in the book series’ canon.
Its already a given that Becky is producing the play by Carver at SDCC soo…
also, Charlie has read the books, so its not too farfetched that the others have too
In “Pac-Man Fever” (written by Robbie Thompson, who also wrote the 200th)
CHARLIE: What about, uh, Castiel? He seems helpful, and dreamy.
There are only 3 shows I like on this list and they are
Cool spoilers for Bones, but I would have like to have a Rumpelstiltskin and Belle spoilers that they are married(Once Upon a Time).
Cass is my favorite character in the show :(That is so DUMB!!!!!
Glad to hear Diane Neal will be back on N C IS
I cannot say it enough- thank you thank you thank you for continuing to give us so much Arrow scoop!
I liked arrow when it first started, then it became the same old same thing, and got boring. I will continue to watch it and hope they have improved it somewhat.
“OK, I have a girlfriend and she’s really cute and she likes me phase. And I get to see her naked,’” .. the crew, cast, and fans always talk about how much the relationships between Leonard/Penny, Sheldon/Amy, and Howard/Bernadette have grown, and how much all those characters have grown as individuals, so when the hell are they going to have Raj grow up? It’s great to be excited and insanely happy in your relationship, and sex is great (!), but he always acts like a 16 year old who’s never seen a woman naked, and is always so surprised, and giddy and the thought of being (in a relationship, or just sexually) with one. It’s gotten sooo annoying, and really old -_- .
“…will be represented in a way that we think fans will love.”
You mean on our DVD players, watching the episodes from s1-s9 that they are in, and skipping the 200th?
Technically, yes, the 70 episodes with Misha Collins and the 39 with Mark Sheppard (numbers only as good as imdb is), but Jim Beaver goes back to season one and I’m expecting surprise!Bobby in 10.05 since 8.19 and 9.01 both “surprised” us with Bobby.
IIRC: Beaver wrote an *apology* on his Facebook after 9.01 because he didn’t realize it was a one and done…he felt bad about saying he was back on the show because people thought he’d be in more than one episode, and people were sad (including him) when it was just a cameo *tips hat to him*
The last thing Supernatural needs is meta episodes, especially when they don’t contribute anything to the overall story or character development.
Jensen Ackles in Variety at TCAs (18 July 14):
“[Mark\'s] on as a contract player now, we’ve got Misha fully contracted now, and I couldn’t be more excited. Personally I think it’s something we probably could’ve done a couple years ago, because I think they’re integral to the story and to the boys moving forward,” he said.
“It definitely is going to make for some interesting storylines and arcs this year, having them both available to us full time, not having to share Mark with another series or having to share Misha with something else. The fact that they’re both on full time was welcome to us.”
“Fully…full time…full time” but not fully full time enough as regulars to be in the 200th? Wow.
Contractually, being a TV show “regular” just means a minimum of 13 episodes out of 22. That’s it.
Starting in season 7, Supernatural runs 23 eps…and Collins has filmed less than 13/season as a regular. Technically, someone can be a regular and only in a single episode (SAG-AFTRA has the .pdfs if anyone needs help falling asleep).
Actually, that’s not what it means, Carla. It was explained at a convention that being a series regular *only* means that if they call you you have to come, there’s nothing about a minimum number of episodes.
That being said, TPTB over at Supernatural are absolutely insane if they think Misha and Mark fans are going to feel the supposed “love” of this love letter. I won’t be watching, that’s for sure. (And for those whining that Misha can’t claim half the fandom, check out their twitter followers and see who ranks highest among our lovely main FOUR characters)
IIRC it was Jim Michaels at Vegascon 2014 who said (above, series regular).
Let us all remember that time Mark Sheppard accepted his role on Doctor Who before getting permission from TPTB on SPN (story time at RisingCon 2011, I think)…and was the junk in Dean’s trunk b/c he was filming White Collar (@jarpad 9.01 livetweeting, I think).
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3Bones Season 10 Trailer Reveals [Spoiler] Is Pregnant! Plus -- Naked…88
4Report: Teen Titans Pilot, Featuring Nightwing, Nearing Order at TNT81
5Saturday Night Live Adds Michael Che as Weekend Update Host…71
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DWTS Season 19: Who\'s Likeliest to Win? Check Out…
Glee\'s Lea Michele Confirms Frozen Cover in…
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