The Following Club
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“Okay, that’s it” Mike said decisively, and he pulled Deb up. “You go take a shower, then I’ll take care of dinner”
Reluctantly, Deb left the kitchen, and startled a little when she saw Ryan and Claire. She didn’t care much for Max’s opinion. She hurried to the hallway, and ran upstairs.
“Totally insane” Mrs. Weston noted.
“Shut up” Ryan snapped.
Mrs. Weston raised her eyebrows. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to strike a nerve”
“I’ll see if she’s okay” Max suggested, but as she stood, Claire put a hand on her arm.
“No, I got this” Claire said.
Deb’s back ached from the burning hot water, but she didn’t lower the temperature.
“Are you okay?” Claire banged on the door.
Deb rolled her eyes, and closed the tap. “Why does everyone feel the need to check up on me?” she muttered, and she stepped out of the cabin. “I’m fine” she spoke a little louder.
“So, Mike’s mother seems to be a piece of work” Claire tried to make a joke. The door opened and Deb stepped outside, wearing nothing but a black bra and matching panties. She was drying her hair as she walked to the bedroom. “What the hell happened to you?” she heard Claire gasp behind her. She groaned and quickly let her hair fall down so it covered her back, and mais importantly the scars.
When they arrived back in the living room, jantar was being served por Ryan. “Don’t worry, it’s delivered” he winked at Deb, and she relaxed a bit. She pressed her lips together when she saw Mike and Max sitting seguinte to each other, unmistakably orchestrated por Mrs. Weston. But then Claire offered to switch places with Mike, which granted her a grumpy glance from Mrs. Weston, but a grateful one from Deb.
Ryan, Claire and Mr. Weston tried to keep casual conversations, but the rest of the party felt rather awkward. It was awkward for Deb, because she knew Mrs. Weston couldn’t stand her. It was awkward for Max, because she knew Mrs. Weston tried to set her up with Mike. And it was awkward for Mike, to be in the middle of it all.
“Well, I think we’re all done, here” Mrs. Weston announced eventually. “Debra, you can collect the dishes”
Automatically, Deb stood, but Mike stopped her.
“No, I’ll do it” he said short. “Mom, care to help?”
“Actually, I think Maxine should” Mrs. Weston replied hastily, seeing an opportunity and grabbing it with both hands.
“Max is our guest” Mike replied, dismissively.
“Well, I’m your guest, too” Mrs. Weston argued.
“Yeah, an uninvited one at that” Mike snapped. “Kitchen. Now” He collected the dishes and walked into the kitchen.
Mrs. Weston reluctantly stood, and followed Mike.
“I’m sorry, Michael, I didn’t mean to-” she started, but Mike cut her off.
“I need you to stop bullying Deb” he said sharply. “She told me what happened. How can you be so mean to someone you don’t even know? You won’t even give her a chance”
“I’m just worried about you, Michael” Mrs. Weston tried to reason with him. “Why does she need a cop to keep an eye on her? She must’ve done something seriously wrong”
“Has it ever occurred to you that Max is here for Deb’s protection?” Mike fired back, angry.
Mrs. Weston swallowed. “Protection from what?” she asked, frowning.
“People like you, it seems” Mike snapped hostile.
“Is that the reason she’s mentally unstable?” Mrs. Weston asked, carefully. “Because, she’s not in her right mind”
“Yeah, and you bitching on her, every five seconds, doesn’t help either” Mike replied, not really denying Mrs. Weston’s assumptions.
“Mike, that woman needs mental care” Mrs. Weston hissed. “And, honestly, I think she’s too old for you. She could be your mother”
“That’s gross. Deb’s four years older than me. That would mean…” his voice trailed off. He was going to say ‘That would mean someone forced himself on her when she was still a kid’ But since it had happened, although not at the age of four, Mike found it inappropriate to voice his thoughts. “If you can’t be nice to Deb, leave her alone. You can’t upset her…She’s pregnant”
Rob parked his car across the ‘Dahlia Dancers’, tapping the steering wheel anxiously. A police furgão, van was parked right in front of the club.
His phone rang in his pocket, and he pulled it out quickly.
“What’s going on?” he asked nervously.
“You don’t want to come in here” Claudia replied vaguely. Then she elaborated: “One of the girls talked. The feds are all over the place. They want to talk to you”
“I’ll talk to them, alright?” Rob promised. “I just need to get something first. Can you buy me some time?”
“What about tonight? We’re supposed to open in an hour” Christina...
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“I really don’t know what else I could tell you” Rob was sitting opposite two investigators, who had brought him in for questioning. “Why would Deb say she didn’t kill that man, if she didn’t do it?”
The investigators traded a glance, and then one of them, Cookson, opened a folder and pulled out a piece of paper. He put it down on the mesa, tabela and shoved it towards Rob.
“Do you recognize the handwriting?” Cookson asked.
Rob picked it up, and glared at it. “Sure” he muttered, and then looked up at Cookson. “That’s Deb’s handwriting”
“That, Mr. Lively, is the statement...
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As the years passed, Deb began to lose hope of ever being released. If not for Susan, Deb would’ve gone full depression mode.
But Susan would wake her up every morning, her eyes sparkling, and if Deb would refuse to open her eyes, Susan would tickle her until she heard that laugh she had grown to love.
“I made you something” Susan mentioned, once Deb was fully awake and up.
Deb frowned, worried. “Did I miss something? I mean, it’s not some kind of anniversary today, is it?”
“No, no, no, no” Susan hastily reassured her. “I just got bored , while you were having hot dreams about...
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A ano and a half later…
Deb was staring at the white envelope that had just been delivered. It was sent por the Academy for Young Adults.
“Aren’t you going to open it?” Susan asked, curiously.
Deb turned the envelope round and round in her hands. “What if it says I’m not smart enough?” she panicked. “I totally screwed up with math. And geography was a joke. Sure, history went pretty well, but then again, I pretty much lived in a biblioteca for some time”
Susan jerked the envelope out of Deb’s hands, before the latter could babble even more. She ripped it open and read the letter...
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There was a moment of silence, after Deb had confided in Susan. Then, Susan let out a long breath.
“Wow. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Do you know what I would do if I were you? I’d try to find out mais about the subject. I’m sure there are books about cults in the library”
“What good is that going to do?” Deb shrugged.
“You’ll need a job when you get out of here. You might as well specialize yourself in something you have experience with” Susan replied.
“I’m not getting out, Susan” Deb hissed. “I’m convicted for murder. I’m in here for...
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The furgão, van stopped in front a huge building with many small windows. Two women in uniform got out of the van, and walked around it. They opened the backdoors, and told the passengers to get out.
“Look at that” a ginger-haired woman mumbled, behind the barbed wire. “Fresh meat”
Both hands and feet chained, the new inmates shuffled forward. Once inside they were each separately brought into a room, where a correctional officer, and another woman, were waiting for them.
“Take off your clothes, please” the woman ordered, while putting on a pair of gloves. The ‘please’ didn’t make it...
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Rob returned with a notepad, and a pen. He gave both items to Deb and sat down. “They’ll be here soon” he explained. “They asked if you could write your statement down, and sign it. It would save them some time, and they would see it as a sign of cooperation. It’s really important that you cooperate, Deb. Do you understand that?”
Deb nodded scared. What the hell had she gotten herself into?
Rob nodded at the notepad. “Just remember what I told you, and write it down”
Deb gazed at the notepad, swallowed, and opened it. The blank page, staring back at her, looked so uninviting she wanted to shut the book, and smash it against the wall.
“You can do it” Rob encouraged her softly. “I’ll be with you, every step of the way”
Those words seemed to do the trick, because Deb conjured a faint smile, and started writing…
“Throw the faca on the ground” Ryan ordered. The woman obeyed. “Now put your hands in the air, and turn around, slowly”
Ryan produced his cuffs, and walked to the woman, to cuff her hands. He brought her to the motel room, and put her down on a chair, as Mike watched, frowning.
“Ryan, what the hell are you doing?” he asked urgently. They were wasting precious time here.
“This woman followed us” Ryan explained, his eyes on his captive.
“I wasn’t following you” the woman commented. “I was following the guy that was following you” She realized that what she said was quite...
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Ryan and Mike decided to stop at a o jantar, lanchonete on the road, to have a late lunch, or an early dinner.
“What?” Mike said, when he basically crammed his comida in his mouth.
“Nothing” Ryan replied. “I’m just glad you decided to not starve yourself”
“Why would I starve myself?” Mike shrugged, a little annoyed. “How is that going to help Deb?”
Ryan shook his head. “Has it occurred to you that, maybe, she needs the kind of help you can’t provide?”
“What are you implying?” Mike frowned, angry.
“She grew up in a cult, Mike” Ryan said, frustrated. “How many people get out, without...
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Ryan was waiting outside, while the doctor was inside with Mike. Ten minutos ago, Ryan had left to go get some coffee. When he’d returned, Mike had opened his eyes. Ryan had called for a doctor, and now he was waiting for an invitation.
Finally, the door opened, and the doctor allowed him to go inside. “He needs to rest, so keep it short” she warned him. Ryan nodded, and entered the room.
“Hey, there, buddy” he mumbled, on his way to the bed.
“How long was I out?” Mike groaned, as he tried to sit up.
“Two weeks, give or take” Ryan replied. “You missed a lot”
“Where’s Deb?”...
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In the months, and years, that followed, Debra tried her best to be a model patient. She attended every group session, didn’t mutilate herself, she was polite to other people, except Annabel, whom she’d given the silent treatment, ever since that day.
There was not a dia going por that she didn’t think of Rob, and she could feel that he was thinking of her, too. And so she would do anything to make sure that, por the time she turned eighteen, she would be released from the clinic, in the hope that Rob would still be waiting for her.
The dia of her eighteenth birthday came, and much to Deb’s...
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It was a few minutos after dawn, when Annabel woke up. She noticed Deb wasn’t in her bed, and she stood. She walked to the bathroom, and knocked once.
“Deb, hurry, I need to go” she muttered, sleepy. When no response came, Annabel tried for the door, and found it unlocked. She pushed it open, to see no one was occupying the bathroom.
Deb was already up and fully clothed, and was now on her way to Rob’s office. She would apologize for her actions from the former night, and assure him that anything like that would never happen again.
However, when she reached his office, and wanted to knock,...
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“My father used to tell me stories about a girl named Annabel” Deb said. She and Annabel were sitting on Annabel’s bed. “Her mother killed her, and herself. The mother’s name was Rose-Anne. My mother’s middle name is Rose-Anne”
Annabel shook her head confused. “Why didn’t they keep me? Was I not a cute baby?”
“It had nothing to do with you” Deb soothed her. “And trust me, you were much better off without them”
“Yeah” Annabel sighed. “If your drawings are any indication to what kind of a person my father is, I should be grateful I got away” She looked down at...
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The moment of truth had come, and Dale rubbed his hands nervously. “Do you really think this is a good idea?” he asked, doubtfully, looking at Harrison, Deb’s father. “What if she declines?”
“How could she?” Harrison asked back, trying to reassure Dale that everything would work out the way he wanted it to.
“Maybe this is going too fast” Dale continued, shaking his head. “Maybe I need to give her mais time to fall in amor with me”
“She’ll have all the time in the world, afterwards” Harrison replied, fierce. Dale was not going to back down now. Not after everything Harrison,...
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She stormed to the door, and wanted to open it, but found it locked. “What the hell” she muttered to herself, as her anger increased. “Dale! Open the door!” she shouted, while banging her fists against the wood. “Open the goddamn door!”
Dale was standing right outside the door, playing a catching game with the key.
“If you don’t open the door now, Dalen I’m going to jump out of the window!” Deb threatened, and to prove that she was serious, she walked to the window. “I’m opening the window”
Dale quickly inserted the key in the lock and opened the door. “Please get...
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It wasn’t until Deb couldn’t feel her knees anymore, that Dale decided to call it quits. Him, Deb, and Mrs. Parker had been praying on their knees for two hours.
Dale’s voice had resonated through the basement, leitura chapter after chapter, verse after verse.
“We’ll have to do this before every meal, until your soul is cleansed” he said, getting up.
“How will we know?” Mrs. Parker asked, concerned.
“I’ll know” Dale replied confident, and holding Mrs. Parker por her shoulder, he added: “Have faith”
Mrs. Parker nodded, and left the scene.
Dale turned to Deb, to see her, converted...
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A while later Deb got another visitor, her mother this time. She put her hands on her sides and looked reproaching at Deb.
“Get up, child, and get dressed” she ordered. “Dale is expecting you. He wants to have breakfast with you”
“Mom” Deb moaned, holding her stomach. “Can you please tell Dale I’m really not up for it? I feel sick” She had barely said it, when a new portion of vomit escaped her throat. “You have to take me to the hospital. Please, I won’t try to run”
“Nonsense” Mrs. Parker shook her head. “I will discuss this with Dale. He’ll tell us what to do”...
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“Sorry, Deb, no can do” was the answer, when Deb asked Rob, nicely, to return her sketchbook. “It’s the only thing securing you to come back to this office, and I think you really need our sessions”
Deb frowned sad, and frustrated.
“Can I ask you something? What’s Annabel’s story?”
“That’s classified information” Rob replied strict. “Besides, we’re not here to talk about Annabel. We’re here to talk about you” he reminded her kindly.
He opened his escrivaninha, mesa drawer, and pulled out the sketchbook. He flipped the pages, and then stopped.
“Today, I want to discuss this drawing”...
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Sunlight shone through the window, but it was Deb’s intense stare that woke Annabel up. She caught Debra, sitting on her knees, in front of her bed, her hands folded as in a prayer.
“What are you doing?” Annabel asked, suspicious.
“I’m praying for your soul” Deb replied, her eyes closed.
“My soul doesn’t need any saving” Annabel snapped, and she jumped out of bed, causing the picture, of her parents, to drop on the floor.
“It does, when you’re getting involved with those people” Deb replied, with a nod at the picture.
“Those people are my parents” Annabel hissed, defensive....
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It took three men, to pull Deb away from Annabel. She kicked, and screamed, as they dragged her down the hallway.
“You don’t understand” she panted, desperately. “She’s one of them!...What’s that?” Her eyes bulged at the size of a large needle.
“Just something to help you sleep” one of the men said, pointing the needle towards her neck.
“No, I don’t want-” she started, but then her voice trailed off, and she hung limp in his arms.
A couple of hours later she woke up in solitary.
In the meantime, Annabel tried to fathom what Deb had said. If she could believe Deb, they shared...
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