estrela Wars: Clone Wars Club
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posted by lovingflame
"The padawan has greatly improved with her new leg. We may have a problem if she leaves for the front too soon." Said the doctor.
Koi-soli,touched the glass of the clone pod greedily. "Did you hear what I said?" The doctor, stepped up closer to his master.Koi-soli smiled."She has no intention of leaving. Her dedication to her group says enough. No she plans to graduate with her group. Or so I've heard." The clone frowned.
He hadn't credited the unproven, soon to be jedi commander of having those kinds of feelings towards clones.
" What about the other?" He whispered as the idea still made him feel uncomfortable.
" The other matter will solve itself. If it is a success, we will be able to give the jedi near enough full grown masters. Imagine how greatful they will be. When they no longer have to wait for the padawan's to be of a certain age to start their training. It will give them such an increase in their ranks as never before seen."
" What happens if either one fails?" Koi-soli shrugged. " We start from scratch. Except with the true and honest body of a skilled padawan."
The doctor gulped at those words.
" What happens when she starts showing changes? Those boy's will start asking questions. Maybe even contacting the Order."
"Leave that to me, maybe we will have to quarantine them. Is that what you would wish to see?" The clone shook his head, quarantine
meant certain death. " No, but ..." The creature narrowed its eye's at him. The clone fell silent and excused himself from the private lab. The little girl inside the pod looked up worriedly from her solution. Koi-soli, bent down and pressed a hand to the one the girl pressed against the glass.
" All will be well my pet. Just a little trouble, thats all. Nothing to be worried about. Sleep and grow for now. Your teacher improves herself to train you." The head tails on the girl bounced lightly as she went back to sleep. Hmpf, they said cloning a jedi was impossible. Yet no one had said it of a padawan. Koi-soli, covered up the pod and turned off the labs lights. As he went to observe the original, padawan Ahsoka Tano.
"Ahsoka will you stay after class." Commander Flash commmented as the sino rang to end the period.Besides the usual daily, smirks. The added attention brought out mais of the sneers, snickering and jeers. Sharpshot eyeballed and kept track of all those who did. Adding them to his list. " I'll wait for you outside." He said getting up from his seat. Flash walked out from behind his desk. It still took Ahsoka back seeing the paralysed clone use a droid dekar as his legs. The story went, as follows. The dekar had taken out his troop of engineers. So the Commander had seen to it personally. Yet not before it had paralysed him from the waist down.
" Well come on up. I don't quiet fit down the isles." The clone smiled. He was one of the few outside her unit who was considered her friend. Ahsoka packed up her pack and approached cautiously. " You're one of the best students we have here. That's bound to make some jealous. Rex would be quite proud of you." That made the young padawan blush.
" For what sir?" She responded.
Flash chuckled. " Your new grenade. Its on its way to being mass produced. Just in time for the seguinte invasion of Geinosis. " Ahsoka's face was blank. The commander narrowed his eyes." Aren't you glad? You're about to make a name for yourself. No jedi skills required. That in itself speaks highly of you." Ahsoka blinked. " Yes I'm glad. I just wish we could be there." The clone let her go. Knowing there was something else still on her mind. He shook his head, she'd either come around to telling them or she wouldn't.
Ahsoka walked out of the door and smacked up against a solid mural of clone armor.
"Hey watch it, I'm walking here."
" Well ex-cuse me." Sharpshot said, leaning Ahsoka away as he caught her. Frowning in concern he continued.
" You o.k.? What did old Roll-A-Round have to say?" Ahsoka punched him playfully on the shoulder. " One of these days he's going to catch you and when he does you better be running. " Sharpshot laught as they started to walk down to the seguinte class. " No really. What did he want to talk about ?" Ahsoka smirked and kept quiet, letting him wait.
" You get a reasignment to a boring outpost. Or what?" Ahsoka raised her eyebrows.
" What would you say if my little gernades were picked to be used in the seguinte invasion of Geinosis." The clone's eyes lite up like a fogo work. "Holy kriffing bantha shit!" Ahsoka cringed at his language as she smacked him on the shoulder. " Calm down, I don't want everyone and the enemy knowing. I can hardly believe it myself." Sharpshot made an effort to calm down,up until he ran into the rest of Snake squad. por the end of the day, every clone and cloner at the facility knew about it.
morgan gritted her teeth against the electrofied whip, as she took out one of her new fangled creations.Fastening one onto the whip it lost all its power. The boy who held it, tried to bring it back quickly. While morgan threw what looked like a rock at him. Padawan Moren ducked the first, finding he'd stepped right into the second. Master Yoda and Windu, came progressivo, para a frente unhurriedly. It was not the first time they'd found morgan and her loyal band of padawan's in practice.
" Strange it is in the way her talents lie." Mace Windu nodded. morgan after being placed at this academy, had proved herself most useful. Though not in the way he'd once believed.
" Does she still refuse to meet with the council?"
"Yes I do. I don't need them sticking their noses in my business. I get enough of that from you." Master Windu frowned.Their relationship was still one of grit teeth. Especially after he'd caught her escaping from the council's guest chambers on mais then one occasion. Her bracelets, magnetic had come in far too handy for escapes. Master Yoda, chuckled. " Such animosity speaks well for Arcane. Keeps you on your toes she does."
morgan smiled as she helped Moren up from his zapped position. " A little less pow,from now on Moren. Can't be frying a future jedi his brains now. He may just need them." Moren groaned. Shaking his 15 ano old head, he'd been the one to set the gage on the energy beetle. He pried it off from his chest. Turning it off, no one would guess it could pack such a punch.
"Greeting's Arcane." Master Yoda announced.
The padawan bowed deeply while morgan mirely nodded. " What have you for us this day?" Lowering his hand. Moren presented the bug for the master to take. " A beetle?" Master Windu inquired. " Well its better then a borboleta isn't it?" morgan asked sarcasticly. She produced another from her belt. Turning it on sent it crawling around like any ordinary beetle, til she flipped on the blue light on its back. Landing on the tall master it shocked him. Just lightly. The padawan gasped. " Is it just a beetle now?" Master Yoda shook his head, she was so quick to take offense. Of course morgan had earned her respect from the academies inhabitants.Through not only a show of creative force, but refusing to be left out of any of the training. From early morning exercises with the clones to the meditation and sword play with the padawans.Many of them took to calling her sis or Mo, as a show of endearment. While at the coração of some laid, a dangerous feeling of desire. To which they battled most silently. " How did those blade armas work out? I know its a little old fashioned maybe, but one blade takes out quit a bit.Or was the scuttlebutt wrong." Mace Windu still smarting from his mistake, answered.
" No, they weren't wrong. What do you hope to gain with these? " He raised the bug for her to take. " I know their not as quick as the balls, the boys carry these days.Then again, all you have to do is program these suckers. With the right one, you don't even have to worry about running into the kriffing clankers. Unfortunately, the bugs explode after they devour the last of the energy sources."
Windu furrowed his brow at her." And that's a problem?" morgan rolled her eyes."Yes, its a problem. Look I appreciate the opportunity that made me all the fine credits, but I make things to be re-used not to be remade. I've got other creations to work on, if I want to keep a head of the competition."
"Thoughtful you are." Master Yoda nodded. morgan smiled thinly. " Speaking of my ideas, I need permission from you Master Yoda."
"For what do you need my permission?"
Morgan's eyes shyed away for a moment.As if floundering for the right words. Which was not an easy thing to catch her in. Master Windu smiled slightly." I've read through all the archieves except for one. "The girl steadied herself for the rejection, Master Yoda smiled. She reminded him of someone, he'd once known. In fact he'd been working on it since she'd arrived on his ship. Yet the memory slipped away, always just as he felt himself grasp it. " Sith you seek. Forbidden knowledge for Jedi, but not for you. Permission I give you. Send letter I will to the archieves of my approval." morgan bowed deeply in respect.
" You will not regret your trust in me, ever."
As the two jedi masters left Windu turned to his long lived friend." You know I would never normally disagree with your desicions, but have you lost your mind. morgan is still an unknown quality.Just because she hasn't morphed into that beast in mais then a year. Doesn't mean she is all that trust worthy. " Yoda frowned. morgan had had a hard time adjusting to her situations, up until the academy. Here she flourished and had regained some of what, he suspected she had lost."Trust her with my life and others I do. Emotion be her greatest strength and weakness. To trouble it leads her. Much like Skywalker she is." Windu frowned at the mention of the Chosen One.
Commander Wayne slept restlessly.
His dreams were getting mais detailed and disturbing. He held her roughly to him, as she whimpered." My brother may claim you for his own, but not til tomorrow." He man gritted out, Morgan's green eyes pleaded desperately.
" Please, I had no choice. He was the One chosen. It's hard on him knowing how you feel. Please, please don't do this."
He bite into her as he kissed the trembling lips. Moments later he gasped as morgan kicked him. Making a run for his twin brother's room. It didn't matter, he'd planted the seed of doubt in his brother's mind. She had very little hope of a happy marriage.His smile was wicked,yet tragic. For he to loved her, too excess-obsession. If he had to stand por and watch, then he would ruin whatever happiness she imagined. With a start the Commander sat straight up, sweating he could still feel the sickening smile on his face. The reality of his dream hit him with such force he nearly puked. If morgan hadn't kicked him when she did, he'd of raped her. Wayne shook his head. No, he had no twin and morgan was not married or marrying. Yet the possibility of it shook him to his core. If he asked to be reassigned, they would ask perguntas and if anyone found out he'd be taken apart. Which would only tear her apart. Hell was not an option, he clung to his cruz that morgan had given him.
" Please God if you're listening. Save me, save Morgan." and in those shaking moments he felt as if somehow he'd been heard.