Spiritual Healing Wall

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plainfieldcs said …
Physical treatment in the form of medicine is the primary solution to this problem which has received acceptance over the years. But away from this treatment there lies a conventional method of healing which has proved instance of treating serious patients. In the process of spiritual healing, the person physically as well mentally is made to unite with the spirit. It is done through prayers, songs or hymns where the person is brought in God’s contact. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
The concept of Spiritual Healing is known por various names such as energy therapy, energy medicine, energy healing etc. It’s a admiring and unconventional method of treatment, based on the belief that a person can impose healing energy into the body of the sick through various methods. It can be practiced hand on hand por the process of direct touching or from a distant healing process. The process is nothing but healing a diseased or disturbed part of the body por the fact of belief. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
What is the power of prayers? What change can a belief of a person bring? In the present world when technology has ruled over almost everything what is the scope of super powers to bring change? This approach of changing por believing has been strikingly answered por the concept of Christian science and spiritual healing. The spiritual world has energy to heal the negative part of our body or mind with the positive vibes. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Spiritual healing is nothing but the healing of the spirit. It takes into account that while healing a patient, certain energies or forces from the Divine God directly affects the patient leading to his recovery some way or the other. The basic problem of every physical body has a spiritual dimension. So to cure a patient or a disease, certain force is needed to overcome the spiritual cause of the problem. The basic principle of spiritual healing believes in diagnosis with the sixth sense. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Mary Baker Eddy enquired for a long time about the grounds of Biblical lessons. She after long intervention found that Biblical scriptures are divine. She then went on teaching these lessons to the fellow people. She gradually grew up with the determination of establishing a Church where these teachings could be forwarded to rest of the people so that any sickness could be healed easily. In the ano 1879, she along with her disciples founded the Church of Christ Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
In the ano 1866, she slept on some ice and suffered from severe internal injuries. She spent long years of her life studying the reasons behind these healing. While people called it miracles, she termed it nature. She related her method of curing to the divine God. In the ano 1879, the first Christian Science Church was founded which introduced to people her teachings to heal patients por the Biblical scriptures. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Spiritual healing is a process of curing the damaged part por connecting it to the spirit. It might be possible por a silent touch or a deep thought of mind. A diseased body is nothing but a union of numerous negative vibes, which let creature turn feeble. por ad joining our spirit to our body, we enlighten the positive flame of fogo within us resulting in relief. Over the years people have termed this as miracles or illusions, but it is nothing but mere belief. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Sickness and death are illusions, along with the materialistic reality”, the key believe of Christian Scientists. Conventional Medicine works on the principle that some in the body is broken and needs to fixed, whereas Christian Science Healing works on the belief that the harmony is perfectly in existence, and thoughts contrary to that needs to be fixed. With this notion, Christian Scientists practice healing through prayers, songs and hymns. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Giving up is not a solution. It never was. Not on the hopes, neither the life, or for the quest of what we believe in. waking up every day, with a new vigor, to relive the choices made yesterday, sometimes with a dream to overcome a few, and make new ones. Over the time, a silent prayer whistles by, if there was something to hold on to. Considering that, the prayer is answered here, through songs, articles, hymns. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
There are times when it is required for miracles to happen. Acceptance comes during the times of need, but other than that the existence of a Science dealing with healing por channeling energy is denied. A renowned practice that is known por many names like distant healing, spiritual healing, Reiki, Qigong. The concept behind the methodology believes in channeling of healing energy por a healer to another person in need. Christian Science healing follows not this principle but believes the same. Posted over a year ago