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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Meishi King
Reason or meaning of name: none
Character's nickname: None
Reason for nickname: None
Birth date: 7/3/1973
Powers: None
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 40
How old does he/she appear: 30
Weight: 53 pounds
Height: 4ft 9in
Body build: slim
Shape of face: n/a
Eye color: golden
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan
Predominant features: IDK
Type of hair: Thik
Voice: Medium. Not too deep or high, with a Corvonian accent (another name for Japanese).
no geral, global attractiveness: Pretty
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: A black n' gold dress.

Good personality traits: She's super-sweet and kind to others. She loves kids (especially her own) and always there for her family when they need her. She's also very smart and good in battle, although she appearence says otherwise.
Bad personality traits: Well...she can be a bit over-protective of her kids (which is normal for a mom) and she tends to baby her kids a lil too much--mainly her son, Shock. She can also be a lil unreasonable about some things, but is naturally a nice person in general.
Mood character is most often in: Happy
Sense of humor: Good
Character's greatest joy in life: Her family. She loves having her family around.
Character's greatest fear: If she was taken away por some of the Mobian's from the surface world who hate Mobian's like her.
Why?: Cuz most "surface world Mobian's" hate Core-Mobian's like her.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil?: If the leader of the Corvon's (Yokai) took over the surface world.
Character is most at ease when: She with her family.
Most ill at ease when: IDK
Enraged when: someone makes fun of her race.
Depressed or sad when: IDK
Priorities: Her family, her job and doing what she can to take care of them.
Life philosophy: None
If granted one wish, what would it be: To have the Corvon's, Dino's, Surface Mobian's and humans all lived together peacefully.
Why?: Because she hates racial touro crap.
Character's soft spot: Babies
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes
Greatest strength: IDK yet
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: n/a
Biggest regret: Not being able to be apart of her kids' lives (In Shock's story, she and her husband's souls were taken por Malice).
Minor regret: None
Biggest accomplishment: Breaking away from her race to cadastrar-se the the other Mobian's.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know: Unknown
Why?: Cuz
Character's darkest secret: She is a Corvon, a rare Mobian race that lives in secret from the surface world of Mobius.
Does anyone else know? In the story, no.

Drives and motivations: A lot of things drive her to do what she does. Like her family and how driven she is to be free of her race. Most of the poeple of her race suck.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Unsure
How other characters will be affected: n/a

Country: Corvonia
Hometown: Unknown
Type of childhood: Growing up, she was raised in a family who's strickly bound por their traditions and how they aren't "allowed" to marry outside their own race. She spent most of her life trying to find out about the surface world she was told not to go to.
Pets: None
First memory: Unknown
Most important childhood memory: When she finally escaped her country to live up top.
Why?: Because she finally felt free.
Childhood heroes: None
Dream job: Nurse
Religion: Unknown
Finances: Unsure

Country: Doggaria
Current location: Freedom City
Currently living with: Her family
Pets: None
Religion: Christian
Occupation: n/a
Finances: Dunno

Mother: Kaminari Kayako
Father: Akiyo Kayako
Spouse: Jonathan King
Siblings: Brother n sieter: Ozora and Himeko Kayako
Relationship with them: n/a
Children: Shock and Kori
Other important family members: none

Color: Gold
Least favorito color: blue
Music: Classical
Food: Burgers
Literature: Mystery
Form of entertainment: Not sure
Expressions: Smile
Mode of transportation: A car

Hobbies: Dancing, being a mother and a nurse.
Plays a sport? No
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Reading
Spending habits: IDK
Smokes: Nope
Drinks: Nope
Other drugs: No
What does he/she do too much of? Worrying about her kids
What does he/she do too little of? IDK
Extremely skilled at: fighting
Extremely unskilled at: juggling
Nervous tics: Unsure
Usual body posture: Fair

Optimist or pessimist? Depends
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? A lil of both
Logical or emotional? Both
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Neat
Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident
Animal lover? Yes

How he/she feels about himself/herself: Pretty cool
One word the character would use to describe self: Awesome
One paragraph descrição of how the character would describe self: I may be from a race where most want to rule the surface world, but I am not like that--i'm nice, loving and would do anything for my family.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Her kindness
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? IDK
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her eyes
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her arms

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: She's very optemist towards others, but knows she can't just trust people so openly--so she tries to be cautious. She had always been fascinated por the Mobian's of the surface world and I loves to get to know new people and make friends with them.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes
Person character most hates: Her leader, Yokai. Yokai is the reason she left Corvonia to start with.
Best friend(s): She had some friends in Corvonia, but now she doesn't have many friends aside from family.
amor interest(s): her husband, Jonathan
Person character goes to for advice: No one
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Her family
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Unknown
Person character openly admires: Her daughter, Kori
Person character secretly admires: Her son, Shock
Most important person in character's life before story starts: Her family
After story starts: No one specific

Assuming they're strong emotions, how does this character deal with or react to:

Anger: Depends on who angers her. If it's her family, she'll try to not get angry. But for aleatório people, she'll growl ad pull out her Samurai sword (She comes from a long line of Samurai's).

Sadness: She usually just hides away somewhere isolated and cry. Other time, she'll probably lay on the sofá with a blank stare.

Conflict/Danger: She's very good with this. She's a trained Samurai so one can guess she's very calm.

Rejection: IDK

Fear: Same as Shock

Change: She likes the good kida change.

Loss: Same as Shock

Flirting: When she was younger, she flirted a lot. Now? Eh....doesn't need to--she's got a husband.

Pain: So-so

Stress: IDK

Peer pressure: Doesn't give into that easily.

Guilt: Same as Shock

Being wrong: Same as Shock

Being criticized: Doesn't really enjoy it.

Praise: Doesn't really care about it much.

Love: She doesn't have any issues with this emotion. She loves this feeling.

Being hated: She acts like she doesn't care, but she really does. She hates being hated.

Humiliation: Same as "being hated"
Demons,Soldiers,Helicopters,Jets,Tanks,A burning City,A Lightning Demon,And Typhoon's Group.

That's just GRRREEEAATTT isn't it?

Typhoon,Slahsing Demons left from right,Running across the Hellish City,Then he jumped and kicked down another Demon and slashed it's head off.

Haze,Being the Swords man he is,Cut down every last Demon he saw,He chopped off the legs of the one in front of him,and Stabbed his face.

Nocturn,With his Shotgun,Walked down the street,And continued to shoot down every Demon,He put a shot gun up to a Demon's face and shot it clean off.

Mother,Being the most Ferocious,Ripping apart...
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posted by thetacoman
Siria left her Brother's castelo confused.
The Old One was determined to stop his son.Siria never told anyone, but she often served as the Old One's secret keeper.
'I never allowed your Mother to hear the true Prophecy. She shall urso 5 children, but only you shall be her true children.'
Siria took that as one of his delusional rants until now, when her Mother claimed to be with a 5th child.
Should she now have a new sibiling? And if so, how should not be her true sibiling?
We shall see, she thought, in a few months if we are just a group of insane Few.
After all, shouldn't the queen of Nature and...
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posted by thetacoman
The King toiled in his bed.
He wouldn't fall asleep again.
Not after that awful night-terror.......

There was a man in a dark purple capa with his presumed son strode around a carcass-strewn battlefeild.
"Daddy?" the son asked.
"Why are we here? And where's Mommy?"
The father continued to walk, examining the dead. "What wonderful new soldiers," he mumbled to himself, completeley ingnoring his son.
"Daddy?" the son pulled on his father's cloak.
The man had grew tired of answering to people a long time ago.
He pulled a faca from a man newley killed.
"Here," he shoved the faca into his son's face.
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posted by thetacoman
It seemed a coincidence. The pair slowly made its way to the city center. But the elements seemed to unite against them.
Wind howled its complaint.
Water smacked against their bodies.
Fire snuffed itsself out.
Nature hurled dirt to nuvem their vision.
Light attempted to blind them.
But all was in vain.
Darkness formed a barrier around them.
And they would need it for this ceremony.
The child got out the ancient tome, as the Gaurdian prepared the altar.
"When, Gaurdian?" asked the child.
"Very soon...." he answered.
From the pit in which he resided, Seth felt the energy. It called to him like a fresh...
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A/N: This is the usual typical story of one being ‘mind-swapped’. Typical, repetitive, boring, overused… Yeah, I know. Whatever. I’m trying to put my own spin on it anyway… Well, allow me to clear some stuff up before we begin.

This is based around ME, Mephisto N, and my Invader Zim FC, Mef. The ‘me’ of this is older- I’d say I’m around, what, 25 in this? Mef’d be 120 years, or around 15. In this, I’ve accomplished my dream of going big with ‘The Three Legged Chook,’ which is a key part in the story.

I can kinda imagine myself to end up and described here. I don’t...
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posted by sierradawn9
If you are to fill this out, please include the fact that I wrote it. Me. Sierradawn9. Thank you. This sheet is about you, not your character :3.

What's your name?:
How old are you?:
How messy is your room?:
How many brothers and sisters do you have?:
Are your parents married or divorced?:
What's your favorito color?:
How many chores do you have?:
What's your favorito couple (from ANYTHING)?:
What's your opinion of me (please no severe haters T^T)?:
Did you like this quiz-thing?:
posted by sierradawn9
AU: Thank you MephilesTheDark for the monkey-thing! And por the way, this is not really me...

 It was the oddest little thing...
 A pineapple... With monkey limbs and a little monkey head. The eyes freaked most people out, though. They didn't blink. They were red with yellow outlining, and they followed people. 
 If people even came close to it, it would chuck vomit at them... 
 I was stupid enough to sneak up on it and touch it. 

 It sat on its weird poleiro made of a broken concrete stair, watching others walk by. It slowly cocked it's head to the side. Creepy thing... 
  I slowly tip-toed up to it from behind. It turned it's head 360° to look at me. It shot vomit like a heat-seeking míssil from its throat-hole. The vomit landed on my face. I myself vomited, but on the freaky monkey-thing... Its mouth was still open. It stared at me with almost flaming eyes. One twitched.
 I suddenly heard a beeping. 
 Beep, beep, beep, beep...
 Oh crap.
Looking out toward the streets, Ferricus sighed of frustration, and regret. He regret the fact that he mocked all the many people that had no money in the anterior years…It seemed that Karma had bitten back, and his sister, Midasu, created some foreshadowing on his future. He still remembered the quote that she said, even though he was too arrogant and narcissistic to even care:
    “You won’t stay rich forever, Ferricus. You need to stop mocking others for what they don’t have themselves. This may happen to you, as well, one day.”
    And so...
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I remember Black Skies,
The lightning all around me
I remebered each flash,
As time began to blur
Like a startling sign
that fate had finally found me
and your voice was all i heard
that i get what I deserve
So give me reason to prove me wrong
to wash this memory clean
let the floods cross
the distance in your eyes
Give me reasons to fill this hole
connect the o espaço between
Let it be enough to reach
the truth that lies
Across this NEW DIVIDE!!
There was nothing in sight
but memories left abondaned
there was no where to hid
The ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in
Between where we were standing
and your voice...
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posted by daian-raid
here comes my hero:

"sari" is a Black hedgehog lived in his planet before reaching 11 years, since when he was ten he had his first changing in his life, and humans came and kidnapped him, where he lived for a long period of time in the o espaço colony "vin", knowing that when captured por humans, no one tried to help him, except his brother, even his father did not try as necessary, although he was able to save him, however "sari" accepted the matter, because people wanted to use his power to stop war, and provide peace on the planet, and promised to return to his homeland after he helps them ,...
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This is actually inspired por an old artigo I made here about Horn's average day, I remade it and here it is! Enjoy.

The following takes place between 0 Hours and 2359 Hours

0000 - 0330

0330 - 0530

0530 - 0750
Style Hair.

0750 - 0800
Beat Coro With A Blunt Or Dull Object While Eating maçã, apple Jacks.

0800 - 1100
Get Pissed At The Local Bar.

1100 - 1230
Attempt To Drive Drunk.

1230 - 1231

1231 - 1340
Realize It Was Unsuccessful.

1340 -1400
Return início From Police Station.

1400 - 1610
Clean The House After An maçã, apple Jacks And Coro Related Incident.

1610 - 1730
Beat Coro With A Spiked Or Sharp Object.

1730 - 1800
Attempt To Relax.

1800 - 1802

1802 - 1950
Flirt with (Wo)Men.

1950 - 2130
Sustain Serious Genitalia Damage.

2130 - 2200

2200 - 2300
Realize Your Homosexuality.

2300 - 2359
Stay In The Closet

Lather, Rinse & Repeat.
posted by IntrepidKeris
aleatório flashbacks about Bieber opinions:

~At School~
Syd: I hate him! He sounds like a girl!
Aly B: Me too.

~At friend's~
Izzy: Justin's so cute!
Bre: Yeah!

~At my house~
Me: I dunno if I like his cantar or not...
*finds amor Me por Justin Bieber*
*clicks* Me gusta.

*after brushing teeth*
I'm gonna finish my Gatorade!
FFFFFFFFTERRIBLE-but not as bad as laranja juice.

Yeah...super-duper bored...

OH! Btw, I'm thinkin' up an AWESOME new story! It's gonna be called...
The Christian Chronicles!
Yes, it is a Christianity-based story, about someone's struggle with faith and life. If you are offended por it, I suggest you not read it.

Skiibe(skee-bee) Hone the Hedgehog
angel Andrews the Wolf
Tibeste Marcus the Creature
Mint the Cat-Dragon-Dog
mais chars to come! :D
the only reason why i started drawing

ok people been saying im very talented im happy bout that but the only thing im not happy about is people saying that they suck and im greatest

ive had a few people saying that well heres the truth of why i started drawig and gonna end it when im 16

well i only started so i can show my dad how much i miss him but everytime he looks at it

it seems he dosent beleive in it and takes it início and puts it on the mesa, tabela like it belongs there with the rest of stuff

ive been wanting to say why he treats my drawings like crap like me and my sister

thats why i have anger...
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Lights flickered all around. " Tails," Teardrop said" We'll never make it. They'll find us and kill us." Tails said " No. We'll find a way out. I gotta plan."

As the sun bared down on their backs, Tear and Tails sneaked to the beach. " We'll have to swim." Tear said with a smile. " Uh... uh... uh..." Tails stammered. " What's wrong?" Tear asked. " Um... nothing." Tails said. Tear dived in the water. " Here goes nothing." Tails said. He followed in after her.

They cam to a small island. Tails looked terrified. Tear grinned."This is it. Calypso's island." They walked towards a garden. A small figure appeared. "Hello." she said. "Welcome,visitors." Tails and Tear asked in union:"Who...are you?"
"I am owner of this garden. Prisoner of this island. I am..."

My name is Aries, the Purple hedgehog. I'm Sonic The Hedgehog's Daughter. My dad and mom are trapped in another world. They have been for years now.
I am just an average girl. I look like my mom, Amy Rose, but have most my dad's personality. Thats what my Uncle Tails says. I live with him. He tells me all about my parents. He is also like, the smartest guy in the world!
He told me that when i was little, like baby little, or 1 or something, my dad used to carry me on his back and take me on adventures with him and runs. I can't remember, I was so young.
So far, my uncle built a dimension transporter....
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posted by marksmen456
Typhoon,the hedgehog that slaughtered the G.U.N base,was heading towards the woods,he probrably thought he would be seguro there,he was wrong....

Up at a helicopter,A wolf,wearing sunglasses,asked what he needed too do,and where he can find this,'Typhoon'

The Commander said to him,"Typhoon has been located in the forest,find him and kill him."

Alyosius nodded his head.

Soon the helicopeter landed in the forest,and the Black Knight Alyosius walked out,he automaticaly searched around for movement.

Typhoon suddenly felt weak while walking,"What's going on?" He asked too himself,then he remembered.

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posted by Silvaze_4_life
This is the 10 frases that Danny use in his life and in his stories.

1. Most cant relive life...i relive all.

2. Finding your calling in life is easy... preforming it is the hard part.

3. No you cant stop it...its too powerful for you and me.

4. If we are mobians...are we like the humans.

5. Everyone has a power, a skill and a your own will find it.

6. No one is good or bad...they are the same thing.

7. Being a hero is hard but earning your reputation at the end is all i need.

8. He win ands we lose...but if we win we fight to win another day

9. Don't judge a hedgehog por its looks...judge it por what choices it chooses

10. Matter is in my world...all i need to do is to learn it more.
posted by Noda-echidna
    It had been a mês since she left and Maurice still counted the empty days that passed without her. He wasn’t over Noda, nowhere close to giving up as long he felt her beating in his heart. Maurice knew why she left but, couldn’t make sense of it. Lately, he couldn’t make sense of anything.
    Standing at the edge of angel Island, where the wind would ruffle his pele, peles and tangle his spines behind him, he felt closest to her. Here, he could feel her clearly, he could hear her breathing, and almost, just almost he could see her if closed his eyes....
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posted by Puppetmaster111
 X in shadow form
X in shadow form
Name: X the nightmare king (Ultimit weopon prodject #: 616)
Age: ???
Weekness: Sun light and anything holy (like holy water).
Likes: Dark, moon less nights; anything creepy, and giving people nightmares.
Dislikes: His weeknesses.
Family: ???
Friends: He has no friends... exept for his mentally ill servant Ziv.
Powers: Shadow ball (does 20% of damage if not blocked), shadow of nightmares (does 100% of damage and can't get blocked), bloody legends (does any number of damage if not blocked), sável (Does 90% of damage if not blocked), protect, camoflash, revenge (depens how much % of damage you did to...
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Moxie the raposa in Distbia

Chapter one Just the begenning

" And this why I've always say ' keep your eyes open ' ", said Harper who was again telling Floria and me another story about her working for the F.B.I , which I never really believed anayway . por the way we just got finished with trainning .

Harper the rbbit . She was the first one I met before Floria . She was a bit anoying , no very anoying . She told me storys about her working for the F.B.I , and she still dose . She nothing but ready for anything .

Floria the cat . She was the segundo one I met . Shes quite ,but very strong , and...
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