Sonic fã Characters Club
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter four
(Sept 19th Friday)

It was two mais days until the rain had finally stopped. Because of this a fair amount of the school got soaked when one student, whose name was Chad, opened the door to the inside courtyard, and allowed all the built-up water to not only rush into him and soak his clothes, but also a bit of the inside-hallways.

Grace had walked por and found herself surprised not at all to find Rynk sliding in it without a care in the world, or dimension in this case. The janitor’s blue pele, peles changed red that day, and it wasn’t going to go back any time soon.

Thankfully it was eventually cleaned, and por Friday students were back to one last dia of school before Saturday. From Saturday through Sunday the students were allowed off campus, and could virtually go anywhere they wanted to. They were however given special injections of a tacking fluid, as to ensure they did not get lost or were gone too long. It was not a painful process, and the liquid was not harmful, but the students did not enjoy the lack of privacy it made.

On Friday though it was a nice day. Grace enjoyed it a bit mais for the reason of her switching her art-class with gym. This gave her two sets of gym, but she did not mind after the bore she found in her art-class.

As usual, Rynk was there too.

“Hey Grace!” She waved in her cheerful disposition.

Grace was getting a bit ticked at Rynk showing up every single time something like this happened. Well… not every time. Every time but one. It was getting a bit weird.

“Are you following me, Rynk?” Grace asked, trying to sound mais confused than annoyed.

“Nope. I’ve always had two gym-classes. I amor P.E. Especially the rope-climbing.” It was true. Rynk was fairly good at it as well. Anything involving running jumping and especially climbing would have her all over it. You could tell por the light grey T-shirt she wore that stated brightly “PARKOUR”. But today was different. There was a group game that the instructor, whose name no one could remember, said that every student had to play at least once. It was called Dodge-ball.

“Uh… I’m guessing it involves balls that you dodge but what’s this game?” Rynk asked.

Grace was a bit off-guard for this one. “You…’ve… never played Dodge-ball?”



“Didn’t get the time, wasn’t around many people, bleeding to death, running, parkou-“

“Wait, wait, wait. Bleeding to death?” Grace tried to not look at the anklet on Rynk’s foot that would always weird her out por the amount of blood stained onto it.

“Kidding. So what’s this game?” Rynk said. With a straight face she said it, though Grace did not believe her. Sadly it was too late, because Rynk had already changed the subject.

“Well uh…” Grace scratched her head. “Well I don’t know if we’re doing the círculo way or the one where we’re all against a wall, but basically one person… or mais have a ball, and they try to hit the other people with it. If you catch a ball thrown at you the person who threw it is out, if it hits you you’re out, and if it misses you can pick it up and throw it at someone else… just make sure you through it at the opposite side.”

“Really? Cool. When we sta-“ *RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!* And the game began.

A red-blur when right over Rynk’s head. Her very large ears fell just in time to not be hit, but it went straight into Grace’s face instead.

When the ball stopped sticking to Grace’s face, she took on a scowl that would horrify a grown man. The student who threw it, who was the infamous Slice, was too busy laughing. Rynk herself was mystified as to why he was still in the school, and not in Juvenile Hall, but did not let on.

Grace slowly clutched the ball in her hands, her fingers digging well into its rubbery surface, stepped back, then leaped forward, sending the ball hurdling straight in between Slice’s legs. The scream of dead future children could be heard a mile. As well, it was then that Rynk realized that being in a school with Grace’s wrath was much worse than children-prison.
*Skills listed for “Grace”: “Art, and… a keen eye”*

And the games began.

Grace herself was doing very well at hitting every single student on the opposite side before they could even aim at her, while Rynk was simply trying to dodge what she could. She was surviving fairly, but then a ball came straight at her face.

In a split-second, Rynk had back-flipped into the air, and was currently standing on the side of the mural as if she was spider-girl. In short, the ball missed.

“CHEATER!!” A student yelled as he launched a fire-ball at Rynk. Rynk simply caught it in the palm of her hand, squeezed it hard, and defused it. She landed, then with a glare, walked up to the boy and held up her hand for him to see the burned-through skin, revealing metal bones completely untouched.

The boy was not phased, while Grace could not decide whether to strangle the boy, or if Rynk was overreacting… both, she thought to herself.

“PLAY FAIR OR YOU’RE OUT!” The instructor blared in his deep voice before blowing the whistle.

“Uh, Coach, her hand’s kinda burned through!” Grace yelled.

The instructor had not noticed this, and quickly took Rynk por the hand and examined the wound. Rynk glared at the coach with deadly eyes, which creeped a few of the players out. Grace noticed both the hand wound, and Rynk’s attitude. It was… surprising.

“I’m FINE!” Rynk tugged her hand free and walked off a bit. The instructor put her out of the first round, without sending her to nurse strangely. When Rynk came back into the sport, her hand was back to normal health again.

“Metal bones, sticks to walls, regenerates. Any mais powers?” Grace called to her. Rynk was too busy throwing rubber balls to hear her, which was of course what she wanted Grace to think, and of course Grace saw through it.

“No one with ears that big would not be able to hear that.” She muttered under her breath.

After class…

“You okay, Rynk?” Grace asked as they wiped off some sweat with a few wet towels.

“Me? Fine. Why?” Rynk inquired, completely oblivious.

“Well you kinda went darksied on that kid. I mean, yeah he was a jerk, but-“

“I didn’t hurt him. I just showed him what his ‘gifts’ can cause.” Rynk started to walk off, slightly ticked, but Grace grabbed her shoulder lightly.

“Rynk, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” Grace couldn’t really believe she was trying to comfort Rynk. Not that she was a mean person, just the fact that she wasn’t use to being the supportive one in their little Duo. But Rynk’s face was angry, and this was not close to what Grace had seen before.

“Nothing, happened. I just don’t like him.” Rynk shrugged Grace off and walked off.

“What was that about?” Grace thought to herself. Rynk hadn’t acted like that before. Did something happen? Something with her parents maybe?

A short, yet slightly devious idea sprouted for Grace about sneaking in and getting Rynk’s file, though she imagined it would be much harder to get Rynk to ignore it than a wasted student.

The seguinte day…

Saturday was a nice time. The school was much less crowded, much less loud, and perfect for exploring, getting ahead in school for, and of course, sleeping. A lot of the students were gone, but a few stayed behind.

Grace woke up at TEN A.M. and though she did want to run off for the day, she also was extremely curious about what was up with Rynk. She sadly did not know where her dorm room was, and spent an hora searching for her.

As she walked she saw the Australian fox, Craiger, walk by, and quickly turned her head away from him. He noticed her, but walked on.

She found Rynk outside, climbing up the side of the building. There was one other student doing the same. A male one. Grace assumed it was a spider-mobian, or some anti-gravity-type, but they were both getting out of view so she quickly yelled “RYNK! YO!!”

Yo? She wouldn’t be repeating that word any time soon.

Rynk quickly looked down, said something to the boy, most likely that she had to go, then jumped down to the pavement, making it crack slightly.

“Ups.” Rynk said in slight surprise to her action. She shrugged it off, and turned to Grace. “Wazzup?”

“Rynk, what got you so upset yesterday? And can we talk inside? The sun’s really bright.”

Rynk sighed then started inside, motioning for Grace to follow. Rynk leaned up against a mural with her arms crossed and said “What do you want to know?”

“What did he do that got you so ticked off?” Grace asked again, getting slightly annoyed por all the repeating of that question.

“Aside from jump to conclusions, yell at me, attack me, use his powers illegally, and look ugly?” Rynk asked teasingly, though her face was mais annoyed. “He just reminded me of someone.”


Rynk looked up at Grace then down again. “Grace, I don’t exa-“ Rynk could not finish her sentence because Grace was currently hiding behind her back now. Rynk turned her head around the school and saw Craiger walking by.

“Honestly! What’s so wrong about a cute ausey guy?!” She questioned as she removed her hiding-place position. Grace was already gone. “Grace?” Rynk turned her head and saw Grace walking up to a teenage-aardwolf male student.

Rynk curiously follows of course. “Hi.” Rynk waves with her cheerful-self coming back.

“Hello.” The lobo greeted in a slightly shy, yet socialable tone.

“Do you know him, Grace?” Rynk inquired.

“Uh yeah… y- you could say that.” Grace answered nervously. She did not want to go one about their past, but Dante apparently did not know that.

“I used to know Grace from a long time ago. Back when she was uh…” Dante realized himself that this was not a good topic, but Rynk had already guessed part of the truth.

“living on the streets?” Rynk asked. Both of them turned their attention to her a bit mais just then.

“How did you…” Grace was half surprised only por this seeing how Rynk had made a few hints about knowing already, but she did not expect it so soon.

“Imma guess you two were friends back when you lived with parents, then you either moved, or ran away maybe? And met up again, then left cause one of you did something wrong?”

Both mobians froze. Only one conclusion arose. Rynk had already known about them years ago, or at least looked them up, or something. But when asked, her reply was simply “I’m imaginative… wait I got it right?”

Grace did not believe Rynk was really THAT imaginative. No one could be. Right?

“It’s not like I can’t sympathize.” Rynk added, which in turn added mais mystery. Dante was about to ask what was up with her, when Craiger walked up to them.

“G’day mate, Sheela, and Croikey.” He chuckled. Grace made a mental note never to mention meeting him to anyone.

“Another new friend?” Dante questioned.

Craiger chuckled. “Hardly. G-R-A- er I mean,” Craiger remembered the tongue-threat and decided to lay off the joke for his own good, “Grace heah doesn’t exactly give me the time of day.”

“I know that feelin-“ Dante was pulled aside por Grace before he could finish.

As they chatted, Rynk and Craiger had a small chat as well.

“So… does she still hate me?” Craiger inquired in a slightly sincere tone.

“Nah. Just give her time.” Rynk said with a nudge. “She’ll probably end up liking you, if this is one of those Soap-Opera’s I’ve heard about.”

Craiger chuckled. “Ah’ve got an idea.” They both walked over to Dante and Grace, and Craiger announced “So anyone want ta go eat at some burgah joint? Ah’ll pay if you want.”

“I’m up for it.” Dante shrugged.

“Me too.” Rynk seconded.

“I’m out.” Grace sighed.

“Me too.” Rynk seconded.

“Wait, you don’t have to stay because of me, Rynk.” Grace assured.

“Yeah I do.” Rynk chuckled. “You’re my only friend in this school.”

“So you’re going to choose me over some cute Australian fox, and my old… f-friend?” Grace had to force friend in there. She was still recovering from having Dante back in her literal life.

“Oh so Ah’m cute again?” Craiger teased.

“I WAS TALKING THROUGH RYNK’S VIEW!” Grace snapped. She turned to Rynk again. “Seriously. I’ll be okay. Go have fun.”

Grace turned to leave, but Rynk still followed, and Dante and Craiger left. Grace didn’t even notice Rynk still being there for a second.

She turned around and felt an all too familiar feeling. Both of them did. It was mais than a week atrás that Grace attempted to ditch Rynk rather abruptly, so why was it she always wanted to be around Grace? Was it a big-sister kind of deal? Grace was at least two years older than Rynk, so it could be possible, and Rynk was almost always alone when not with Grace, or when finding a brief play-mate, which did not happen too often.

“Rynk, what is it that makes you want to stay around me? Do you want me to say I’m sorry?” Grace pleaded.

“Well an apology wouldn’t be exactly a bad thing I guess,” Rynk answered, “but I just like being with you. I can relate to you. That and I’m wondering when you’re finally going to stop looking at my anklet and ask what it’s about.”

Grace gulped. “You noticed, huh?”

“Actually everyone stares at it.” Rynk muttered. “But it’s better than starring at something else.”

Grace nodded. “So what IS the story about that?”

“What can I say?” Rynk shrugged. “I’m a rua Urchin.”

“I KNEW IT!” Was what Grace wanted to say. It was a bit strange though. Aside from the anklet, Rynk never looked like a homeless-person. This was different. “Street Urchin? You?”

“Yep, me. All my life. No parents. No friends. I even had a little vigilante-name.” Rynk informed.

“Vigilante? You’re a super-hero too?” Grace asked in dis-belief.

Rynk chuckled. “Hardly. I just beat up people that tried to wrong me. I’d make little moon shapes on them after I wasted em as my calling card I guess you could say.”

Rynk…a murderer, and rua urchin. How did this compute? Grace sure didn’t know. She did know however that this creeped her out. It felt a bit like the feeling someone would get in a game called Ib, when you find out what the character really is, and they start talking strange.

To say the least, Grace took a step back. “What’s wrong?” Rynk asked with a concerned tone.

“You killed people?” Grace asked lightly. She was no stranger to killing herself, but with another person, it was different.

“Not on purpose!” Rynk defended. “I had to survive! They attacked me! They were trying to put me back in… in…” Rynk shuddered with her eyes shut tight as if it was getting extremely cold inside.

“Back in?” Grace new she shouldn’t press more, but she did.

“… Never mind. I’ll… I’ll see you tomorrow I guess.” And with that, Rynk walked off. Grace didn’t chase after her. She knew that Rynk would probably just get mad or hostile. She didn’t blame her. Whatever happened during Rynk’s life was not pleasant, and Grace knew unpleasant from personal experience.
posted by zougethebat1
Shock,Natsumi,Emily,Breeze,Extreme and Whirlwind were in the park when they looked up and saw Zouge flying in the sky."Hi Zouge."Natsumi yelled but Zouge didn't answer.They decided to fallow her.They fallow her intill they came to this huge building.The building was red,green and was decarted in pretty light."Were are we?"Shock asked "I don't know but it's very cold here."Breeze said as she tried to keep herself warm."Oh stop complaining and lets go"Extreme said as he used hes fogo power to keep everbody warm.They went toward the coloerful building to see what was inside.What they saw seguinte amazed them.
I will write an artigo not focused on war becuase of the recent uproars about the psycopathy of some.
Heh, psycopathy...
A man in a very nice tuxedo drove his car into a garage.
Now, to be clear, this was no ordinary man, tuxedo, or car.
This was Mr. Traesly, in a Derrek Mortuary tuxedo, driving a Derrek Mortuary carro fúnebre, carro funerário into the garagem of the Derrek Mortuary Home.
I want to make it very clear this man was virtually owned por this company.
He parked and shut off the hearse, climbing out and typing a code onto a panel-
-Opening a hatch beneath the carro fúnebre, carro funerário and reaching into...
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This is an opinionated guide, folks, it's my opinion, so stfu.

OK, let's start with design and illustration, don't go to TeamArtail, find a good screenshot and colour over it, don't use a base everyone else has used over 1000 times, I will say, if you're having a hard time with a pose, look for a resource image and copy the pose from that. Spines are ok, as long as they aren't exactly like Sonic's, that's been done. TO DEATH. DO NOT GIVE YOUR CHARACTER 2 raposa TAILS, I'll explain mais on that later.

Next off, let's try naming, don't give your character six names, the maximum is three; First name,...
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
Once everyone was inside, they talked some more, and Silhouette spoke "Settle down, settle down! I was glad that you could all make it! Now as promised, come with me to the dining room to eat dinner." Silhouette guided the way to the dining room. To everyone's surprise, three people were already sitting in some of the seats. It was Kiseki, Dark Drum and Amethyst. Shion thought to himself "thats who I saw in the window......" At that moment a girl named Tokyo (a dancer) burst out of the kitchen. She spoke "Um....Silhouette... Me and Kimi need your help in the kitchen!" Silhouette said " I'll...
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Ok here it go

1) he is one my close friends on here, he has really SHOCKing guys and is the #100 fanboy of that black hedghog who I will not name, his very fun to rp that I have ever met and all started por his dog going good characters slaping my character in the face but r now so close as brothers that I want him and his friends in my story.

2) u were the first FEMALE lobo my character have seen and u r so fun to rp but for some reson we lost our rp flame but I think your character cool so I want to her in my story.

3) now I don't know much about u but playing with u in the high school made...
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One dia Emily came inside the house like crazy
Emily:Guys guys guy!!!
Slash:What do you want!!!
Emily:(looks at him for a littil then she slaps him)
Slash:What was that for you bìtćh!!!!( he's hand is on he's cheek)
Emily:I hate you that's why.
Slash:Emily is what happen!
Melody:What do you want Emily?
Emily:Where's Justin?
Justin:I'm right here.(Gets soco por Emily)
Emily:Ahhh!!!Justin don't scare me like that!(got that from family guy)
Melody:Justin are you ok!
Justin:Yeah. So what do want.
Emily:Sonic wants to speak to us!
Slash:Ok so were do we find him?
Emily:We go and find him in the frost.
So they all go and find Sonic and on there way they got attack por The Destroyer V.3!!! Well that's all folks!

when we got to the garoa mountain and got too where the shooting estrela landed, there was just an unconsous cat there. misery, hyper and curious as usual, went up and touched the girl. "OW WAT THE HELL" misery screamed. she had burnt her hand some how and then it started to rain. tuesday, confused, said "wat the hell just a girl? u mean that this girl was the estrela that fell from the sky? arc r u sure this is where the estrela landed?"
arc replied "tues have i ever been wrong?" arc was mais of our tracker of sorts. then misery burst of in screaming "U...
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~and so i have decided to mover all the rainy days chapter to this fã club for all the awesome persons who havent read it so they can and they can b very happy for they have read the best fanfic ever(even tho it really sucks) so praise me persons~

"Its all i can remember, just this this memory. I cant remember my mother, my father, or anything else from my childhood, just this. they were fighting over me, calling me names, these odd adults i cant remember who they were just family...i think. "I dont want her"said one lady, mayb my grandmother,"she will probaly have a darkside""wat do u mean"said...
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brenden a lot of people ask how dose he have pk powers if hes not erteh bound releted well here it is

brenden i got them before i met lily thats when i found the lucas trophy

brenden of coruse i woke up lucas and and turned him back

brenden lucas siad thank u well he saw my moms zero brace so he thought i was one of queen zaannes men then he attack me well i fought him

brenden then i beat him and turned him back agian
well that dident go so well till i explianed then it was ok aperantly he lost ness and his bro clay so i helped him find them

brenden it took a while but he thought me a couple pk...
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--------------------------------------------------At this point, Mef was gnawing on Sonic's right arm, Zim was pulling his left, and Brianna was shouting in his ears. They all stopped and looked up. "What are you looking at?" Sonic asked. A claw grabbed Sonic's head and trapped him in a dome and pulled him up. He struggled to get out, but to no avail. "Thank you Zim, but I need your help no more! Here's your reward! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Dr. Eggman shouted, and dropped a sanduíche on Zim's head. "Traitor!" Zim shouted as Robotnik flew away with Sonic. Once Robotnik had reached...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Alright guys. Mephisto N here.

So, recently, a LOT of people have been asking me shit about mental conditions I have, my phobias, my aura-seeing, etc, etc...

So, yeah, as I'm too lazy to repond to each indivially, I'm composição literária an artigo about eeeeverything wrong/unusual about myself. Because people find it interesting. I dunno why.

Anyway, let's start off with the bad shit. What IS wrong with me, hmm?

-Refinded homicidal tendancies.
-Refined suicidal tendancies.

Now, we'll run through them all, one por one.

Sadism is finding humor in...
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posted by virusw
this is my first artigo so i hope you all like it. anywho here it is.
*AT ELISE'S HOUSE* *knock knock knock* elise: doors open! sonic: oi elise happy valentines dia hehe. elise: oh ya todays valentines dia i totally forgot. sonic: how chould you forget valentines day? elise: well i've been a little occupied lately because i herd there's going to be a total eclipse in a few days i was just researching if he was right. sonic: oh one whats a total eclpse? and two who told you that? elise: one a total eclipse is when the moon completly covers the sun. and two shadow did. sonic: hugh, well anyways...
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posted by thetacoman
Vulc stood in the court of the Old One, listening to his two halves argue.
Today was scheduled to be his trial for forcing the valcanoes to erupt on the mortals, but if he was lucky, the Old One would tire of debating with hisself and declare him innocent (wrongly, of course).
"I tire of this debate," said the Old One. "Begone from my prescence."
Vulc was rather lucky.

Upon returning to his castle, Vulc heard news from his sister.
"Are you sure Sister? Mother said it herself?"
It was rather odd. Vulc was one of the Four. For there to be a fifth?
Heresey. Pure heresey.
"Mother did say so...
Vulc, I fear...
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posted by thetacoman
Milendor was mais than happy to leave his four children in the care of his beautiful bride.
The four of them always made a ruckus, and he longed for the time before them, when he and Selena themselves were children.
Milendor was equally unhappy that he, the King of the Few, should be tasked with the task of keeping down the Old One's own son.
'I may be wary of my children, but I never sealed them underground' thought Milendor.
It thought into Milendor's head, forcing itsself to be heard;
'What gives a father a right to nearly kill his son, or trap him in the ground? It is as you said, YOU would...
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posted by sierradawn9
"CarBuckle! Let's bail! I hear the cops!" the other gangster yelled to CarBuckle. The grey hedgehog's head jerked up in the direction of he siren. 
 "DAMNIT!" he yelled. They bolted away from the bloody corpse that lie in the alleyway. They took a right turn into another tunnel that wasn't a dead end. There stood a female hedgehog with a gun pointed at the two.
 "Stay right there!"she commanded. CarBuckle noticed the police badge on her shirt. He saw that her brown eyes were death-staring both him and the other gang member. 
 "Woah, hold on honey. Don't get your panties in a twist. Just......
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The following artigo is a story behind Estelle Potter and the brutal past that brought her to become a dark, unforgiving soul, along with an extreme sense of greed to take every sparkling jewel and evergreen dollar for herself.

There is also a twisted ending that you would never expect...

HINT: One of The Fifth Experiment characters is dead for the whole fanfiction and the official thing. And the 'Estelle being dead' statement that I told you in the fun facts was a lie. It is somebody else. I won't use that The Fifth Experiment Character, except in RPs.


Screams of terror came...
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I stumbled Out of bed.

"7:30?!" I said to myself.

I was hopping on one foot trying to get my pants on. All i could hear was "Aries! Aries, you are going to be late for school!" That was my uncle tails.

"Uh.."I hesitated. I threw unfinished homework in my school bag.

I rushed downstairs and threw a piece of bacon, toucinho into my mouth. "Aries, Did you do your homework?" My uncle tried to ask. I tried to avoid being grounded.
"Uhh, cant talk, Got to go." I did not regret my previos comment and rushed out the door.

I ran as fast as I could. Which wasn't very fast compared to what my dad could run. I dont...
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posted by PhoenixRoyale
Vivina followed the blood to the back door and quickly ran down the steps. When she pushed the door that leads to outside, she bumped into someone and fell to the ground. She rubbed her head and got up. "Why don't you w--" she froze when she saw a black hedgehog with red eyes standing in front of her, with blue streaks.

"Why don't I what?" he said in a dark voice.

"N-nothing..." Vivina said, blushing.

"Who are you?" the hedgehog asked.

"V-Vivina...w-what about you...?" she asked.

"Javinx. I'm a vampire." he replied coolly.

Vivina jumped back. Her eyes turned red and her medieval flail flashed in....
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posted by shadowgirl101
3 yrs after Jaydes disapearance, everyone had come to the conclusion that she was dead. Even
Kyron was convinced that she was dead, he gave up his chance of finding her. Then there came
a battle, between the gang and another gang, and they had brought a weapon that no one not
even Kyron expected. in the middle of the battle they had unleashed their secret weapon. It
was a girl that looked almost exactly like Jayde. Kyron stopped in his tracks. she was
unleashing her wrath on everyone. Kyron wanted to help her. But he knew he couldnt. he ran
towards her as she was killing gang members. with a deadly...
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posted by sierradawn9
Ash shot out of bed,panting.The nightmare still lingered in her head.It was still dark out,so she checked her alarm clock:3:33am.She had done it again.3:33am was about the same time she woke up from the nightmare last night,and the night before that and so on for about a month.She never bothered to tell anyone about it,thinking it would pass.She looked into the full-length mirror and screamed at her blood-red hair.It instantly changed back to jet black.She hyperventilated,wishing none of this terrible things would happen.The nightmares wouldn't happen after she fell asleep again,but they still...
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