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Do you think this is a good idea?

My best friend's house burnt down last night and everything was destroyed. I'm giving her my MP3 player that doesn't work very well and the movie Labyrith do you think this is a good idea? I would give her mais but i have no money.
 thisperson1212 posted over a year ago
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Sandfire_Paiger said:
Movie: If she likes that movie, sure.
MP3: Not sure. You say it doesn't work very well?
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posted over a year ago 
RobinFan360 said:
did this happen to be in california? in the Torrence,San Pedro area? :/
and im sure it is! i mean, something is waaaay better then nothing right?
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posted over a year ago 
well it actually happened in utah
thisperson1212 posted over a year ago
oh..ok nvm
RobinFan360 posted over a year ago
hidan141 said:
Your most likely lying about the house. Pics or it didnt happen.
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posted over a year ago 
...thats mean
RobinFan360 posted over a year ago
Sorry. I havent seen any real news because i dont have cable.
hidan141 posted over a year ago
why would she ake something like that up? it not like you have proof its a lie :/
RobinFan360 posted over a year ago
Sorry, sorry ;__;
hidan141 posted over a year ago
misse1000 said:
Try to be as supportive as you can. She may appreciate it, especially in this difficult time for her.
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posted over a year ago 
SummerMoon said:
MP3; It's not really nice to give someone something that doesn't really work.
Movie; If she likes it sure.

That's sad though :( If you ever get a chance tell her that i'm sorry it burnt down ^^
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posted over a year ago 
blazeandarose said:
if she likes the movie, sure.
your mp3 player, umm, not sure.

i feel bad her house burnt down. :(
oh, and like some of the others say, try to be supportive for her since this is a rough time for her right now.
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posted over a year ago 
GoldnSnitch_96 said:
MP3 player- If she hasn't got a house, I am doubtful she has music. Also, if it dosen't work well, u will look like a cheapskate.

Movie- Again, if she hasn't got a house, I doubt she has a DVD player or TV.

Also, thats pretty damn tragic. How did the fogo start?

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posted over a year ago 
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