dramatização aleatória Club
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1) what gender are you?

2) Whats your name?

3) What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Opening up to people.

4)What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Being alone but its obvious that no one wants to leave me alone.

5)What is your current state of mind?

6) What is your most treasured possession?
They all burned in the fogo when I was little. Since then I gave up on treasures...... I have clothes that's it.

7) What or who is the greatest amor of your life?
Glow. She is the first and so far the only person that I have open up to.

8) What is your favorito journey?
Isn't life a journey.

9) When and where were you the happiest?
When i was little and i was with my family. Im working on being happier.

10) What is it that you most dislike?

11) What is your greatest fear?
Never put much thought to it................

12) Which living person do you most despise?
Momo. I know shes young and has much to learn, but she is so happy and cheery all the damb time. No matter how many times i yell at her she always forgives me.

13) What is your greatest regret?
Not opening up to others sooner.

14) Which talent would you most like to have?
I guess it would be cool to be able to sing.

15) Where would you like to live?
Alaska. Not a lot of people live there.

16) What is the quality you most like in a man?
Are out saying that I'm gay?????

17) What is the quality you most like in a woman?
Well I like when they treat me like a person and not some kind of beast. I think that was the lobo in me talking.

18) What do you most value in your friends?
I dont have friends just enemies. Well except for Glow shes a friend.

19) Who is your favorito hero of fiction?

20) Whose are your heroes in real life?
I dont have real life heros. Im my own hero.

21) Which living person do you most admire?
Den. He always has a calm head. Hes a great leader.

22) On what occasions do you lie?
When it gets people away from me.

23) Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
*yells* Glow I need your help for this guestion!!!!!!!!!

24) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My anger. I would tone it down a lot......

25) What are your favorito names?
Samuel. Kristi. Mitch.

26) How would you like to die?
In the heat of battle with another pack.

27) If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
A bird. Ironic right.

posted by southern-belle
There once was a place where all was good

No poverty strife or fighting for food

A place call Utopia that lie on an isle

There once no war there, at least for a while

Then one dia the land we loved so dear and true

Was overthrown por armies, first one then two

One from each country the armies did come

They admired Utopia, wanted to be shown how it was done

The Utopians showed them, as was their peaceful way

What they did on this isle from dia to day

After much time spent the armymen found

It was much better here mais safe, mais sound

And so to Utopia there was to be flown

All the women and children, brought...
continue reading...
posted by Kibarules77
All the rp people put are dying because everyone keeps putting new one's.Its not fair that the are its like wasting paper.Its ok to put new one's but your leaving the others left behind.If You Want To Let RP's Live Help Them por Repling On them and letting it live untill the story is over.LET THE RP's LIVE!!!
Post oN Comments LET THE RP's LIVE if you want to save them!

^ ^


SAVE THEM SAVE THEM SAVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made this, awhile atrás and just remebered about it now. (: There are like three spelling mistakes though.
michelle's rp characters
Source: moonlight
added by yukiloveskaname
added by yukiloveskaname
How many times do I have to tell you guys to stop taking control of others characters?!
I mean its right there in the rules. It's the first rule for crying out loud. How can you possibly miss it?!!?

I am once again going to post the rules again, so that maybe this time they will be followed.

1) Did not make actions for another person character.
Ex: ....Then I threw a fireball and it hit Bob making him fall to the ground screaming in pain.

2) When talking out of character put something like ooc or ()
Ex: (ooc: Hi guys.) or (Hi guys.) Or even this ((Hi guys)).

3) No fighting with one others outside...
continue reading...
added by yukiloveskaname
added by hunter51
Source: fotografia bucket
added by seuris
Source: ...?
added by yukiloveskaname
    Kaito walked out of the gym door. "I thought I told you that I don't want to see her cry. And it's not just me, all of us don't want to see her cry. But why do you keep hurting her?" someone said to him.
    Kaito didn't give an answer, he just stared at him. "Let's talk, Kaito," he said. "I'm not in a mood to talk, Yahiko," Kaito said as he started walking. Yahiko walked, following Kaito. "What? Maybe Hikari's confession affect you in someway?" Yahiko said. Kaito stopped walking and signed. He leaned on the wall, "What did you want to talk about,...
continue reading...
    "You've done a great job today, Kaito," Mizuka said to Kaito as they walk through the girls' dorm hall. She checked the bedrooms, one por one. Mizuka is the headmistress but she also teach maths. "Ah... I've got a headache since this morning. This is the segundo last room. So I'll leave the last room to you since I know you won't do anything.....well, silly. I really need to go to cama now," she said. "Yes, ma'am," Kaito said and Mizuka left.
    Kaito walked to the last room. He took a deep breath and open the door. He checked the...
continue reading...
Naomi looked at them, with a surprise look. "Is it really Kaito?" She thought to herself.
    She was transferred to this school just about a week ago. The class president, Kaito helped her a lot. She always thought he was nice and kind. But now...
    She stared at him. Kaito was glaring at a girl, who's a friend of hers, Hikari.

--------a few minutos ago-------

    "Hey, Hikari, is there anyone in this school that you like?" Naomi asked. "Well.... there is one...," Hikari said as she blushed. "Who?" Naomi asked again. "Umm..." Hikari...
continue reading...
posted by demon_wolf
I thought I would put the rules up in an artigo too, so one can say, I didn't know there was any rules.
All I ask is the you please follow them.


1) Did not make actions for another person character.
Ex: ....Then I threw a fireball and it hit Bob making him fall to the ground screaming in pain.

2) When talking out of character put something like ooc or ()
Ex: (ooc: Hi guys.) or (Hi guys.) Or even this ((Hi guys)).

3) No fighting with one others outside of the roleplays.

4) No personal attacks on anyone, because of the way they roleplay or such.

5) Do not kill anyone's character without their consent first.

6) Follow the guide lines for every roleplay, do not stray from them or you may get people mad at you.

7) Don't ignore other peoples posts if they are talking to you.

8) If you want to quit you must kill or destory your character first.

9) Mild cussing allowed.

10) Keep all sexual post PG13. No sexual roleplays allowed
added by demon_wolf