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First of all, I must explain what a worldview means. A worldview is a network of related presuppositions in terms of which every aspect of man's knowledge and awareness is interpreted.
I stand on a Creation worldview which starts from the very first verse of the King James A.V. 1611 Bible, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Genesis 1:1).This first verse gives us the origin of the universe and the earth and who created it. As a born again Christian I "earnestly contend for the faith" (Jude:3) and stand on what I believe is true. I refute the naturalistic philosophy approach to the origin of the universe. The Gap, Day-Age, Theistic Evolution and other manmade theories are not in the Word of God. The science of the day, does not explain the origin of the universe and the earth but gives a humanistic worldview of it. The Creation was finished when God said it was in Genesis 2:1-2. It took six (24 hour) days to complete this task (Genesis 1:1-31)(Exodus 20:11). And it was only thousands of years ago, not billions or millions of years atrás when this took place.
As a Christian with a Creation worldview I contend that time was created at the beginning of Creation. dia one: heaven (universe), spherical (round) Earth, light, darkness, and water. dia two: atmosphere around the Earth. dia three: land and plants. dia four:(round) sun, moon, planets, and stars. dia five: marine creatures and birds. dia six: land creatures (including dinosaurs) and man. At the end of dia six God said everything He created was "very good". dia seven: God rested, (Creation was finished).
As a Christian Creationist I know according to the Scriptures that the Earth was the first celestial body God created which was not molten but covered with water in the beginning. All other of the celestial bodies (sun, moon, planets, and stars) were created on dia four.
I believe as a Christian por faith that the King James Bible gives the correct Scriptures to the Creation account. There was only one Creation (Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-2). The Earth and the universe is quite young at about 6,000 years. Every creature that God created was fully developed at the beginning of creation. God did not use evolution to complete this task. The word "evolved" is nowhere used in the Creation account in Genesis.
As a Christian (which means Lord jesus Christ follower) we must "Beware lest any spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of world, and not after Christ." (Colossians 2:8).