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prince michael jackson Pergunta

For the first time ever, im asking some of you guys for advice..please dont let me down =L

oi umm,
Well ive been having a few friendship issues @ school and stuff && i have not been thinking about prince that much for nearly 1 week now which is insane for me because i usually think about him 4x or mais a day! do you think i've gone off prince lately or its just because my minds been else where with the problems im facing at school? i sorta need to know what you guys think. - btw, im a real private person so its like really weird for me to ask for help or tell you a bit about my private life. i did this because i know lots of you ask for help and its almost like were all one big family of Prince apaixonados & we always help eachother out!

x Thanks so much! x

all my love,
Madi (a.k.a Mrs_Princeymj) =D
 Mrs_Princeymj posted over a year ago
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prince michael jackson Respostas

xoMPPBxo said:
I think your minds just busy. The same thing happened to me, I was obsessed with Prince during the summer, and then one school started, my priorites changed. I still think of him often, just not a lot. I'm sorry about your friend problem, I'm kinda the same way. But yeah, your minds just wandering, its fine.
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posted over a year ago 
Exaclty...reality sucks!!
xoMPPBxo posted over a year ago
Yeah it alright , Its just that you can't only think in Prince though
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
aww, Thank youu && bless x
Mrs_Princeymj posted over a year ago
paloma97ppb said:
Oh me too! Your not the only one. Like when Im on holidays I think of him a lot but now that im on school like I do think of him , but like my head is just only for school but anyways , Prince and Michael jackson are always written on my notebooks lol
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posted over a year ago 
lol! its good to know im not the only one! i amor the fact u guys are so supporting && loving! bless, i hope i can sort things out and get back to what i usually do! x
Mrs_Princeymj posted over a year ago
lol I hope!
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
ILPJ said:
i think its because of your problems youve been thinking about lately thats why you havent thoughten about prince

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posted over a year ago 
yes me too, im beginning to think mais of him but the daydreams arent coming naturally like they used to, i have to think hard for em! x
Mrs_Princeymj posted over a year ago
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
ma24 said:
my friend hates prince because he is white like really i have to brake it off with her she doesn't support me at all i cann't have that in my life. and i cann't thick about prince
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posted over a year ago 
i understand you.. my friends at school dont like Prince because he is white.. i just dont listen them.. its like.. whats the big deal if he is white? he is michael son.. and no one will change that.. and you just keep lovin' prince you know why you amor him.. lol :)
MrsGuadaJackson posted over a year ago
Maybe your falling out of amor with him I don't need anything to be brought up about him and I think of him and am calm.
iluvPrinceMJ213 posted over a year ago
i hope not! im not gonna let go, i promise you!
Mrs_Princeymj posted over a year ago
adorkable13 said:
sorry bout ur friends same here... at least you're somewhat forgetting prince... he's always on my mind I'm like crazy! i mean it like crazy about him!I have pictures of him on my phone, I watch vídeos about him,I dream about him, I sometimes write MRS.JACKSON on some of my papers! I talk about him with my friends... i don't even refer to him as Prince anymore but my husband... i'm going loco! I'm going to LA seguinte week and a couple of days i was foiling a plan in my brain to maybe run away and find him and tell him how much I amor HIM! i'm the one that needs help! And I need help fast! I think about... no actually he's practically the only thing on my mind... Every night before i go to cama I kiss all 237 fotografias I have of him on my phone... Wow Fail
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posted over a year ago 
wow! i used to be like that! im gettingback on my feet && not letting go of prince, good luck with telling him your feelings lol! thanks x
Mrs_Princeymj posted over a year ago
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