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What Planet Does Your Name Come From?



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Your Name Comes From Mercury
You have the gift of gab, and nothing energizes you like good conversation.
And it's likely that when you're not talking, you're writing. You love communicating your thoughts.

You are also quite studious. You find learning to be both easy and rewarding.
You are good at understanding what is being communicated to you. You also know what questions to ask to better clarify things.

This is freakin true
posted over a year ago.
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Crap im Jupiter the biggest planet.
posted over a year ago.
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my name come from the moon ^__^

You are a moody person, and you are constantly seeking balance in your life.
You feel connected to all beings. You are very sympathetic and understanding.

You are very influenced by who is around you. Too much negativity is certain to overwhelm you.
You are happiest when you are alone with nature, especially when you're around water.
posted over a year ago.
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emmett said:
Your Name Comes From the Moon
You are a moody person, and you are constantly seeking balance in your life.
You feel connected to all beings. You are very sympathetic and understanding.

You are very influenced by who is around you. Too much negativity is certain to overwhelm you.
You are happiest when you are alone with nature, especially when you're around water.

It's so me!
posted over a year ago.
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Vixie79 said:
Your Name Comes from Mars
You have a lot of fire in your heart, and you are highly competitive as a result.
You need to stay active and productive to be happy. You like to depend on yourself and yourself alone.

You can be jealous at times, and you don't trust others easily. You've been burned in the past, and you still feel it.
You tend to overwhelm people at first. You put it all out there, and your personality is a bit intimidating.
posted over a year ago.
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xangelx said:
posted over a year ago.
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cmrm said:
Your Name Comes From Venus
You truly appreciate beauty in all its forms. You easily see the beauty in everything.
You are an admirer of art, nature, and even people. Grace and style appeal to you.

You are naturally attractive and alluring. You often have a strong mutual attraction going on with people.
And while you prize beauty, you are not a snob. You see what is unique and special about each person.

posted over a year ago.
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Your Name Comes From Jupiter
You are an open-minded, adventurous person who has an expansive view of the world.
You are quite cosmopolitan, and inflexibility of any wort really turns you off.

You're outgoing, warm, and jovial. You are willing to welcome all newcomers into your life.
You celebrate life every single day. There's so much to learn and do. You love to take it all in.

My name is Rose (in case you hadn't figured that out). It's actually true for the most part XD Except maybe the outgoing part. I'm really shy :P But everything else is completely true! ^_^
posted over a year ago.
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