New Era of Role Playing (NERP) Club
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"Fucking god." Ganzorig said, looking up as a scientist injected a black tar like substance into his arm that made him grit his teeth. He looked around outside the room, seeing hundreds of thousands of people in an underground laboratory suspended in a red fluid, having a robotic arm systematically take them down one por one, awakening them.

"It is merely temporary." The scientist said to Ganzoirg as he looked at some monitors, checking to make sure Ganzorig's body was settling in with it.

"How long is it going to take?" Ganzorig asked, sounding a tad aggressive.

"Oh, not long." The scientist said before injecting another needle into Ganzorig. This time it was one to calm him down.

Ganzorig closed his eyes, breathing in as he meditated. After a while, the scientist took the things to monitor Ganzorig off him. "Free to go. Check in seguinte week." The scientist said with a smile. Ganzorig got up, stretching before exiting the room, looking at the people in the tubes.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Alexander said, sneaking up behind him and placing his hand on Ganzorig.

".....What is it?" Ganzorig asked, looking at them all.

"The new samurai." Alexander said with a grin. "We call these Chimera units. They're special." Alexander said, going to one of the tubes on the ground and pressing a button. The liquid inside the tube drained and what came out was a naked man who looked over at Alexander.

"Supreme Shogun Masayoshi." The chimera said, raising it's hand in a salute to Alexander, using his Japanese last name.

"Soldier Z32X." Alexander said, leitura the number tattooed on his chest. "Show us some of your power." He ordered, standing back a bit.

Z32X closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again, having them be yellow and slitted, like a beast as his veins turned black and fogo formed in his hand, crawling up his arm before it enveloped his entire body before he stopped it. "Is this sufficient, Supreme Shogun Masayoshi?" Z32X asked.

"Yes yes, back in your tube worm." Alexander said to him before looking at Ganzorig, taking him to an elevator, going back to the ground floor before heading to a park with him, filled with blooming cereja blossoms. "So Ganzorig." Alexander said, looking over at him. "Me and your mother have been talking. We think it's time you found a girlfriend." He said before smiling.

"R-Really?" Ganzorig said, never having been allowed to have one before.

"Yes. And, you can even use the internet to find one." Alexander said before grinning. "One catch. Only Asians."

"As if I'd go for anything else." Ganzorig said before chuckling.

"Just making sure. Were you to be tempted por the whiteness, I'd have to disown you." He said as he looked at Ganzorig with a completely serious face.

"Yeah..I know." Ganzorig said, looking around with him. "Hey, why do we need all those people?" Ganzorig asked. "Don't they have families and stuff?"

"Not anymore." Alexander said as he looked over at him. "Chimera's are not people. They are beasts. Or well, partly. They aren't humans anymore with emotions like you and I Ganzorig. Besides, the only people you need to care about is your family and your country." Alexander said with a grin.


Ganzorig went início with Alexander, going up to his room, looking at Hiro's room which had been totally empty since he died and into Ichiro's room, where Ichiro was tending to his bonsai's.

"Hey Ganzorig." Ichiro said with a kind smile.

"Sup." Ganzorig said before walking into his room, looking around. "Man kid, you sure have a lot of...plants. And girly things...and weirdo books and cartoons." He said with a grumble. "Where's your katana. Or your punching bag. Or weights."

"Hey now. Shoujo mangá is not girly, and neither is anime. And por the way-" Ichiro reached under his bed, getting his katana. "Right here. A little dusty but still, I have one."

"God." Ganzorig said with a grunt before looking around some more. "Is that a picture of fag?" Ganzorig said, referring to Hiro.

"Could you not call my brother that?" Ichiro said, clearly irritated. "Get out. Out out out with you." Ichiro said, pulling out a vassoura and poking Ganzorig out the door with it.

"Pfft. You're gay too." Ganzorig said to Ichiro through his door, kicking it before going into his room, opening his laptop up, going to a dating site and making an account. He used a fotografia of himself in a celebratory kimono. He then laid on his bed, falling asleep as he was pretty tired.
posted by wantadog
The ragtag group of rebels looked onward as Simon stepped up to speak to the fat man in the mirror. Everything was riding on this. Whatever Simon says to the man would decide the fate of the entire rebellion. With just a few small words, they could be forced back to their lives of servitude, god only knew what kind of horrors they would do the humans.

As Simon closed the gap, the fat man smiled widely, showing only a thin pretense of what was really happening. He held all the cards, all that was to be decided now was whether the usurpers would be dealt with violently....or well...slightly less...
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