New Era of Role Playing (NERP) Club
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Caspian sipped off of his protein shake, watching how the forums in the hidden internet were chatting about 'The Fox' as everybody was trying to figure out who exactly it was. He grinned, typing in 'I am The Fox' from his computer, making sure to mask his I.P with a proxy I.P before shutting the computer, enjoying the fact that the internet was going to implode por the time he was back from school.


He came back from school, holding his bag before going upstairs, setting his bag down, going to his computer to see how the internet went. He opened the laptop, unlocking it before going to the forum. On there, he saw thousands of perguntas from everyone asking his name, his race and one, one in particular that screamed to him. "52.22903239999999,21.00304200000005, hora after midnight." Caspian looked up the coordinates, seeing that was Warsaw central station. Of course. It shut down at 1 o'clock in the morning, and if there was someone that had the keys to it, it'd be the perfect place for illicit activities.


Caspian left his car, wearing 'The Fox' outfit as he cocked his silenced pistol, going to the gate of the station and opening it silently, seeing it was unlocked. Seeing there was a man standing at the stairs with a gun, Caspian shot him in the eye, splattering his brains onto the mural before running down the stairs, seeing the Yakuza and Dragna familia do a deal. The Dragna had two humans while the Yakuza had three engradado, caixa fulls of cocaine.

"You want to trade those two people for three million worth in crank?" The Yakuza man asked.

"How about a fourth?" The Dragna Lieutenant asked.

"For two measly people? Hah, no way." The Yakuza man said before snapping his fingers. "Men, get these crates out of here. We're done playing with these clowns." He said with a laugh before turning around.

"Wait wait. These people are special." The man said before taking a shock prod, putting it to the neck of a female before she started to transform, having her hair hair blue and horns come out. "This is the daughter of one of the mythical eight beasts. She's a special human beast hybrid. Virgin merchandise. Good to be one 'special' slave, or a fighter. Or a pet. Over here, this is one of the sons of Leon Schmidt, the High Commander's angel of death. The sniper ace. He can be a good soldier with his eyes he has gotten." The Dragna man said before shocking Leon's son, making him growl.

"Fuck you!" He said as he shook around, trying to get out of his restraints.

"Heh. While the emperor was looking for more...oriental types for his plans, this will work just fine I suppose." The Yakuza man said before snapping his fingers twice. "Let's get them ou-" The man suddenly fell to the ground, having blood come out pouring from his throat before the Yakuza pulled their armas out, pointing it at the Dragna.

"IT WASN'T US!" The Dragna yelled, putting their armas up and pointing them at the Yakuza men.

"You killed our Shateigashira!" One of the Yakuza yelled as they held their AK-47's tightly.

"No no, it wasn't us!" The Dragna said as they held their pistols up, realizing they were outnumbered and outgunned.

"WHO WAS IT THEN?! GHOST?!" The Yakuza man said in his heavy accent before he was shot in the skull, making the front of his forehead fly off his face before Caspian came running from the topo, início of the parked train, shooting the other Yakuza man with his gun before sliding, throwing a homemade pipe bomb at the Dragna and blowing their men up, sliding off the side of the train and rolling off the ground, landing safely before he shot two of the Yakuza in the throat, getting shot in the side por a shotgun held por one of the Dragna, barely being hit before he shot the man three times in the groin before walking up to him, grabbing him por the throat and sticking the silencer into his mouth before blowing his head off, blowing chunks of brains onto his comrades as he held the body as a shield, letting it take the hits of the bullets before they were forced to reload. Caspian ran at them, sliding before kicking one in the balls and making them fall as he pulled out his ballistic faca and shooting one of the women Dragna in the bunda with it before he turned around and took his police baton, cracking her skull with it before hitting the one one the ground with it too. He pulled the faca blade out of her bunda before reloading his faca and finding one of the Dragna, hiding and trembling in the corner, pointing their gun at him before he grabbed the barrel, having a bullet zoom right past his head before he pointed his own gun at him. "Slick." Caspian said as he raised an eyebrow, smirking from the fear in the Dragna male as some of his blood dripped from his side due to the buckshot.

"A-A-Are you The Fox?" The male asked, looking at him.

"No. I'm Albina Dragna." Caspian said before rolling his eyes. "Yes, I'm The Fox." He said before putting the silenced gun to the mans head.

"OH GOD PLEASE NO." The man yelled as the silencer was put to his ear.

"You sure? This would be pretty fun. Having your brain go splat." Caspian said as he pulled the trigger. Except the clip had been taken out a moment atrás behind his back when the man wasn't paying attention. The man screamed, falling on the ground as he pissed his pants before Caspian slapped his face twice, forcing the man to look up at him while he was crying.

"W-WHAT THE HELL?!" The man screamed, crying and still pissing his pants.

"Who is your leader?" Caspian asked, putting the clip in the fun in front of the man, cocking the gun and looking at him.

"E-Ellucio Dragna." The man said as tears streamed down his face.

"Ellucio eh?" Caspian said before shaking his head. "That's all." He said before smirking, still having the face scarf over his face.

"W-What are you going to do?" The man asked as he looked up at Caspian.

"Leave you for the police." Caspian said as he got zip ties out, tying the man's hands behind his back before taking the phone from the mans pocket, calling the police and leaving the phone on the ground before untying Dedrik's daughter and Leon's son. "Get out of here. Go." Caspian said, looking at him.

Leon's son looked at him, grinning before nodding. "Thanks Mr. Fox." He said before running away, looking at him.

"Seriously thanks. They took me away from my mothers início in Rome during the night. If you ever find yourself down there, look for me." She said before giving Caspian a hug, running off with quick speed. Caspian did the same, running to his car, making an escape before heading home, going up back to his room silently, climbing up the side of a árvore and crawling through his unlocked window, getting in before checking online, seeing everyone talking about how 'The Fox' has struck again, and how the Dragna and now the Yakuza have put up a million dollar bounty on his head. Caspian chuckled, rolling around in his spinny chair before he got up and took off his clothes, being in just his boxers before he put on some porn on his computer. He sat in his chair and pulled his member out of his boxers, being slow as first before jacking it at hyper speed before out of the corner of his eye, seeing Cedjia looking through her window at him, trying to figure out what the fuck he was doing as she held her book in her hand. He nearly knocked his computer over, choking a bit before he quickly put his member back in his underwear and walking over to his window, waving at her as he tried to ignore the giant bulge from his underwear before she shook her head and closed her blinds. He chuckled a bit, closing his blinds before sitting on his bed. "God she's fucking hot." He said to himself as he started thinking of Cedjia instead.


In the morning he woke up out of his bed, taking the buckshot out of his side which wasn't even that bad, taking the small bits of metal out with tweezer's before wrapping it in gauze and putting on a tank topo, início and shorts, going to the cozinha and making himself a sanduíche as he watched the news. The news reported on how a supposed gang deal had gone wrong when and individual known as 'The Fox' came and intervened and how they were offering a reward to any tips that would lead to him being in police custody. He chuckled a bit before going outside, looking around at his neighborhood before he started doing some pull ups, gritting his teeth from the sting touching his wounds after a while as he continued doing them, sighing quietly afterwards, sitting on his porch and going inside, taking a book off the bookshelf and leitura a book on his own on the porch of the manor. "Sun Tzu, art of war. Should be nice." He said to himself as he started reading, hoping Cedjia Eulford would come out and see him reading.
Yasolda coughed a bit, walking outside into the amargo, amarga cold of the Swedish winter. She took her ax, chopping a bundle of wood up for the fogo in her hut that she shared with her mother, father and siblings. Looking in the distance, she saw a ship moving around. That was a viking raiding ship, meant to get supplies for her village. She walked back home, carrying the bundles of wood on her back with rope keeping them strapped to her. While walking, she looked on the ground, noticing a strange footprint, making her raise an eyebrow. animais that were common to the area she lived in did not have...
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Fredrick held his bag at the trainstation, looking back somewhat worriedly at his parents, not wanting to step onto it. The moment he did, he was going to be thrust into an adult world. As the train pulled up and then stopped, Fredrick looked at his parents, raised four of his fingers up, holding his suit case with his thumb and kinda waving at his parents before getting the ticket out, having it crunched and walking onto the train, sitting in a assento at the front, placing his bags down on the ground in front of him. He raised up his ticket, which read 'ONE WAY TICKET TO MOSCOW, RUSSIA' on it....
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"" Caspian said as he woke up suddenly, seeming to be lost. He looked around his room, standing up. He looked at his calendar. Each dia since Cedjia had left, he had written a mark on his calendar. It was the fifth ano since she left. He rubbed his face, looking at his desk. He looked at his liquor on his desk, picking it up and doing a big swig, wincing as it instantly hit his brain. He grinned, feeling the depression alleviated immediately. "Mom?.." He said as he left his bedroom, remembering that he moved out near after Cedjia had left into a nice house...
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"Papa." Leon asked as they walked through the blizzaed, having the snow be knee deep.

"Yes son?" Leon's father asked, looking at him with his brownish red eyes.

"How long till we reach paradise?" Leon asked, shivering a bit.

"I don't know.." He said quietly, straightening the rifle a bit mais on his shoulder. "It's been..fourty moons since we departed. I did not expect winter to hit so early." He said, shivering a bit.

"It's cold." Astrid said with a shiver.

"I know sissy." Leon said quietly, looking like he was freezing. Astrid picked him up with a struggle, not wanting him to freeze his toes in...
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"I suppose this is a journal or something of the sort but well. It's mais of a suicide note, except I'm not doing it today. It's going to be over time I guess. I haven't thought it out yet, and have been having trouble with it but here I am. Annelise is dying very soon and all the work I-No, me and Annelise, had made with Astrid just went down the shitter. I can't sleep, I can't eat and neither is she. This início is going to become my tomb." Villads said before taking his pen and stabbing it into the paper, leaving it stuck into the escrivaninha, mesa as he went into the bathroom, looking at himself, running...
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"You have disrespected the land you stand on, Pence family. Kendervin, in particular." Einar said as he stood in front of his troops during a live stream which was broadcasted on every screen on the country. "Stuggaria is a cancer to this land. Always was, always will be. You have erased the history of this land, building over it with skyscrapers. You take such pride in your skyscrapers Kendervin...I despise them." Einar said as the stream zoomed out, showing that he and his men were in front of a arranha-céu along with soldiers he had captured. "You can fight, and believe me, you'll be doing...
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Hiro stared at the mural blankly as three syringes of a beast blood were injected into him. He didn't bother bantering with the scientists, getting up as soon as it was over before he walked into a meeting room with Katsuo, Ganzorig, Alexander and a red haired teen and his red haired woman companion.

"Come in Hiro." Alexander said with a smile. "We were just discussing your mission with Mr.Görrschmitt here."

"King Göreschmitt." He said before looking at Hiro. "I'm Einar Göreschmitt. King of New Prussia, now falsely know as America." He said before his female leaned in and whispered in his...
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Hiro woke up in the morning and opened his door, going into his closet and getting a new but dusty set of samurai armor out of it, going to the bathroom and brushing his teeth before putting it on. He looked at himself, seeing he was a bit mais muscular than the last time he had ever really worn the correct armor. His old armor had been in pieces. He brushed his hair, putting it in a ponytail then wrapping a headband around his forehead. He then went downstairs and took a banana off the mesa, tabela for the toucans before seeing Yoko walk out of her room.

"Hey sweetie." Yoko said quietly, hugging him....
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"Graghhlargh.." Hiro sat, watching as Mei was forced to drink acid. She then kissed him pouring the acid into his mouth before he looked down, seeing a hole burned in his and her stomach, seeing their daughter in the ground, crying as the acid spilt from their stomachs onto her, burning her mais with each drop till she was bone.


"Never can be something good huh?..That's alright. I'm the one that couldn't save them." Hiro said quietly before looking over at Rico and his little girlfriend that Hiro had taken to calling Reilly. "Cheep cheep." He said as he nudged Rico and Reilly a bit,...
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"Mei...what are you-NO MEI NO!" Hiro screamed, seeing her dipped in acid, seeing her precious smile get reduced to bone on her face before they gutted her stomach, placing a fully formed baby in his arms with black hair and auburn eyes. She had Mei's eyes. And her nose. Hiro smiled, rubbing his face against her's before she melted in his arms, becoming bone and then nothing.


"Aah...ah.." Hiro woke up, panting a bit from the nightmare he had. It had been about a ano now with him in the jungle, having that same nightmare everynight. He got up, holding his spear and adjusting the rags...
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"Fucking god." Ganzorig said, looking up as a scientist injected a black tar like substance into his arm that made him grit his teeth. He looked around outside the room, seeing hundreds of thousands of people in an underground laboratory suspended in a red fluid, having a robotic arm systematically take them down one por one, awakening them.

"It is merely temporary." The scientist said to Ganzoirg as he looked at some monitors, checking to make sure Ganzorig's body was settling in with it.

"How long is it going to take?" Ganzorig asked, sounding a tad aggressive.

"Oh, not long." The scientist said...
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Caspian walked towards his computer, just having came início to the manor from university. He had been 'The Fox' for about seven months now, having found a nice way to balance his daily life and his nightly life. He shook his protein shake, looking out the window at Cedjia Eulford, smirking a bit as walked over and locked his door. He went towards his laptop, turning it on before seeing an email on his notifications. At first he went to the hidden internet, going on the chat forums to see his friend 'Hummingbird' on the forum. He grinned, wanting to talk to them for a minuto before sighing, finding...
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