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posted by sandiphardy
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╚══╝♥ : Playing música Michael Jackson.


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__♥ ♥ ♥ ____♥ ♥ ♥___Put this
_♥_____♥_♥_____♥_on your
_♥______♥______♥_page if
__♥__ I amor ___♥__you
___♥___MJ !!__♥___LOVE
____♥_______♥____and always will
________♥________MICHAEL JACKSON !! ♥
____________(`*•. ¸ (`*•. ¸ ¸. •*´) ¸. •*´)____________
_______¸*….!*MICHAEL JACKSON*!. . .*¸. •`¨: : . .
_____________*EL REY DEL POP__________________
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♔ The King Of Pop ♔
Michael Joseph Jackson
Heal The World

__♥__ I amor ___♥__


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_____♥♥♥_______HEARTS_____♥♥♥_ _ ____
______♥♥♥_Michael Jackson_♥♥♥________
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♫ Michael Jackson,
The TRUE King Of Pop! ♫

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posted by paloma97ppb
ay Say Say" ranks as Michael Jackson's top-performing single on Billboard's ranking of the late legend's 50 best-charting songs, while a segundo duet between the King of Pop and a former Beatle bookends the list's topo, início 10.



Billboard's tally of Jackson's 50 topo, início titles, which features songs from his complete catalog, including solo recordings, collaborations and classic hits with the Jackson 5, was compiled from songs' chart performances on the weekly Billboard Hot 100. Songs were ranked based on an inverse-point...
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
She wrote "Dear Michael,
You'll probably never get this letter
Michael, I wrote you a hundred times before
Knowing how I feel, I'll write a hundred more"

"Dear Michael, everytime your records on
Michael, I close my eyes and sing along
Dreaming you're cantar to me"

And then she wrote
"Michael, I amor you
I've held tears back long as I can
I'm sealing my feelings in this envelope
Cause I wanna be mais than just your number one fan

I'm gonna answer your letter
I'll start beginning with the ABCs of loving you
Your letter really touched my heart
I've been dreaming of meeting the picture
That you sent along, signed with all your love

(Michael, Michael)
(I want you)
(She wrote)
I'm gonna write you back
Ooh, I promise you that
Girl, I think I amor you
Hurry, hurry Mr Postman
Take my letter
Tell her her I amor her
Hurry, hurry Mr Postman
Take my letter
Tell her I amor her
posted by paloma97ppb
Michael Jackson: Joe Jackson blames his wife for the death of the singer
He asked him to hospitalize him

Michael Jackson cannot rest in peace. The parents of the singer, Joe and Katherine Jackson are faced por the death of his son. According to Joe Jackson his wife is the culprit of the death of the ' King of the Pop '.

The father of Michael Jackson revealed to a British diary that asked for several times his wife who was hospitalizing his son in a clinic of rehabilitation in order that it overcomes his addictions. ' If you had listened to me, Michael would be alive ', said Joe Jackson to the mother of the singer.

The portal TMZ informed that the attorneys of Katherine Jackson answered to the accusations and indicated that the whole world wise that she always was a good mother and grandmother.
posted by 2468244
Hi everyone!! A lot of you who have participated in my MJ games have been so nice! Saying that you like my games and want more. So I want to thank you to every who has played who is playing and who will play in the future! I'm so, so, so happy that everyone is having fun playing them. I actually never thought that these games would last, lol. I just thought a couple poeple were gonna actually play them, but now there has to be at least 10 or mais players. So thank you all so, so much! Hopefully I get mais ideas for mais games :D So again thank you all for liking and playing the games, and if you have and perguntas or problems having anything to do with the games, please message me so I can answer your pergunta or fix the problems. amor you all!!!!!
Randy Jackson has been fighting like crazy to stop a flood of Michael Jackson memorabilia from hitting the auction block on the anniversary of MJ's death -- but the auction house is going full steam ahead.

Randy has been on Twitter attack, calling the auction at Planet Hollywood in Vegas "distasteful."

Darren Julien from Julien's Auctions claims it's pure coincidence the auction falls on June 25 -- "We have the same summer auction [of pop estrela memorabilia] at the same time every year."

Julien says the auction encontro, data can't be moved. So there.
Prince,Paris and Blanket in accordance with the will of the king of pop will receive 30% of assets, mais practically means that the three children will receive approximately $ 33,000,000.

Certainly the will stipulates that the money, the children will get when they reach 30 years of age. por then, of course, the interest amount will exceed 300 million dollars!! Not bad ...

The mother of Michael Jackson gets 40% of its assets, while the remainder will go to charitable institutions.

Naturally, Jacko did not leave anything to his father, which had no good relationships, but none of the siblings.
Dr. Conrad Murray took a $16,000 hit today -- when officials rejected his request to relieve the massive child support debt he owes his baby mama.

Murray -- who practices medicine in Nevada -- had worked out a deal with Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, in which they'd back off from revoking his license ... if he could convince a California court to forgive the $16,000 in back child support he owes in Cali.

But today, a judge in California turned down the request -- which means Murray's license is still very much in danger.

And check this out -- a hearing was scheduled to be in Nevada for June 25th ... exactly one ano after Murray allegedly pumped Michael Jackson full of a deadly dose of Propofol.
Originally posted May 27th 2010 1:00 AM PDT por TMZ Staff
An extremely fancy cinto, correia commemorating Michael Jackson -- and allegedly "sanctioned" por Joe Jackson and Katherine Jackson -- can be yours for the bargain basement price of $1,500 -- problem is ... the whole thing may be illegal.

Check out this picture we got -- showing Joe and Katherine Jackson signing one of the belts ... and according to the official website promoting the belts, MJ's three kids -- Prince, Paris, and Blanket -- also signed their names.

Here's the problem. The belts feature several imagens trademarked por Michael Jackson --...
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 Murray with a fã
Murray with a fan
Originally posted May 14th 2010 12:30 AM PDT por TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray has fãs ... with whipped cream on top.

Murray -- who's due in court seguinte mês in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case -- was corralled por a fã Wednesday at a Houston Starbucks.

She gave us the pic but asked us to blur her face.

It's all about taking precautions.

mais Dr. Conrad Murray
Dr. Murray May Ask to Delay Preliminary Hearing
Joe Jackson: Don't Attack Conrad's Supporters
Conrad Murray Supporters Plan Demonstration
Conrad Murray -- I Will Never Cop a Plea

Read more: link
posted by Tabbs
"The Girl Is Mine"

[1st Verse (Michael)]
Every Night She Walks Right In My Dreams
Since I Met Her From The Start
I'm So Proud I Am The Only One
Who Is Special In Her Heart

The Girl Is Mine
The Doggone Girl Is Mine
I Know She's Mine
Because The Doggone Girl Is Mine

[2nd Verse (Paul)]
I Don't Understand The Way You Think
Saying That She's Yours Not Mine
Sending rosas And Your Silly Dreams
Really Just A Waste Of Time

Because She's Mine
The Doggone Girl Is Mine
Don't Waste Your Time
Because The Doggone Girl Is Mine

[Bridge (Paul)]
I amor You mais Than He
(Take You Anywhere)

But I amor You Endlessly...
continue reading...
Originally posted May 8th 2010 7:15 AM PDT por TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's bodyguards are taking issue with the man who claims he had a sexual relationship with MJ during the last months of his life.

It's not that the bodyguards say Jason Pfeiffer wasn't his type -- they say Jacko wasn't gay.

Bill Whitfield, Javon Beard and Mike Garcia will appear for a segundo time on ABC, according to the New York Post, to shoot down rumors the singer was a homosexual.

According to the Post, the bodyguards claim the singer had two girlfriends in the months before he died. He reportedly called one of them "Friend"...
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Originally posted May 8th 2010 1:00 AM PDT por TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray's supporters are pissed off that only Michael Jackson fãs are represented when the doc shows up in court ... and we've learned they're planning a big, big demonstration at seguinte month's preliminary hearing.

Sources close to Murray tell us a group of his friends, patients and fellow church members -- numbering in the "hundreds" -- will be outside the courthouse at Murray's seguinte court hearing to show solidarity.

We're told the group will rent buses in Houston and Las Vegas -- where Dr. Murray has his medical practices --...
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posted by mjhott
 My amor
My Love
I feel lost right now,
without you I feel like
I'm in a world with no love.
I wish I could go to sleep,
just to see you in my dreams.
I just want to hold you
in my arms.
Everybody says what we have
is lust, but its love.
People can say what they want,
but all I know is we were ment to be.
Not a dia goes por without me thinking
about you.
You are my love,
no matter what.
Baby you gotta know my amor for you is
for all time.
So I have to say
baby be mine and I'll give you
all I have to give,
which will be till ther end of time.
I amor you
Michael Joseph Jackson.
por Gracie
To: Michael Jackson
**** SCREAM ****

Tired of injustice
Tired of the schemes
The lies are disgusting
So what does it mean
Kicking me down
I got to get up
As jacked as it sounds
The whole system sucks(janet) Peek in the shadow
Come into the light
You tell me I'm wrong
Then you better prove you're right
You're sellin' out souls but
I care about mine
I've got to get stronger
And I won't give up the fight(michael)With such confusions don't it make you wanna scream
Your bash abusin' victimize within the scheme
(janet)You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize
(both)Somebody please have mercy'cause
I just can't take itStop pressurin'...
continue reading...
I thought she had to have it
Since the first time she came
Who knows the situation
Mysteries do remain
And now I wonder why
I breakdown when I cry
Is it something I said
Or is it just a lie
Is it just a lie

I try so hard to amor you
Some things take
Time and shame
I think the whole world
Of you
Your thoughts of me remain
I'll play the fool for you
I'll change the rules for you
Just say it and I'll do
Just make this thing
Come true
Make a dream some true

If I let her get away
Though I'm begging
On my knees
I'll be crying everyday
Knowing the girl
That got away

I can't let
I can't let her get away
I can't let
I can't let...
continue reading...
Michael Jackson's most loyal fãs are taking to the skies in order to send a message to Doc Murray -- and the plan is set to take flight the seguinte time Murray is set to appear in court.

A group of fãs have raised $1,250 to fly an airplane banner over the L.A. County Superior Courthouse between 1-2pm on April 5 ... when Dr. Murray is seguinte scheduled to show his face.

The sign will read "We demand justice for Michael Jackson" -- and the group is so fired up about it, they've already sent out a press release with a Photoshopped image of what they think the scene will look like.

The same group of fãs has already raised enough cash to buy Paris Jackson a birthday surprise ... she turns 12 seguinte week.
LAPD detectives were on the hunt for Dr. Conrad Murray's communications with his baby mama, Nicole Alvarez -- a woman cops believe knows a lot about Michael Jackson's death.

According to documents just released, detectives obtained a procurar warrant in November, 2009 -- 5 months after Jackson died. They searched a Gmail account belonging to Nicole Alvarez, the woman who had a child with Murray. She's the same woman Murray was staying with in Santa Monica up to the time Jackson died.

Cops wanted records from May, 2009 through September, 2009. So it's now clear -- detectives wanted to know what...
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posted by 2468244
Once all alone
I was lost in a world of strangers
No one to trust
On my own, I was lonely
You suddenly appeared
It was cloudy before but now it's all clear
You took away the fear
And you brought me back to the light

You are the sun
You make me shine
Or mais like the stars
That twinkle at night
You are the moon
That glows in my heart
You're my daytime my nighttime
My world
You are my life

Now I wale up everyday
With this smile upon my face
No mais tears, no mais pain
'Cause you amor me
You help me understand
That amor is the answer to all that I am
And I, I'm a better man
Since you taught me por sharing your life

continue reading...
posted by kopfan
this is Bad…. Don’t Walk Away! i’m A Fool For You; you’re like Another Part Of Me! death is part of Human Nature, but you can Beat It!
i know I Can’t Help It, but I Just Can’t Stop Loving You. I Wanna Be Where You Are, King of Pop… Heaven Can Wait – I Want You Back and If ‘N I Was God i’d make you Invincible! Maybe Tomorrow this Heartbreaker will be over and we can be Happy you’ll still be around to Heal the World. but if it’s It’s Too Late to Change the Time and you Fly Away with the Ghosts and I’ll Be There to Keep the Faith. Is It Scary? hell yes… In Our Small Way your fãs Lonely Teardrops mean we can Never Can Say Goodbye.
Two of Michael Jackson's three children, Prince and Paris, are rumored to be making an appearance at the Grammys' Special Merit Awards ceremony in Los Angeles to accept a Lifetime Achievement Award for their father, CNN reports. The ceremony will be held Saturday night, the night before the Grammy Awards, which will feature a tribute to the late King of Pop.

As of now, Blanket is not expected to take the stage with his older siblings, but sources close to the Jacksons tell CNN that may change. "The whole world is waiting to see these children blossom," Brian Oxman, a lawyer for Joe Jackson,...
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