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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 13 pizza Boy
I opened my eyes and saw Jake, my father, Sam and my grandfather standing over me. Sam had a strange look on his face like a deer caught in headlights; almost as though he wanted to run out of the room but he couldn’t. He was carrying a freshly killed elk. I swallowed hard trying not to think about what I was about to do.
    “Nessie, you don’t have to do this we can try to find another way…”
    I looked at my husband and wanted to cry. He looked horrible. His hair was standing up in every direction I could tell that he had been running his hair through it anxiously. His eyes were black and had matching circles that reflected the depth of his thirst. He looked as horrible as I felt, and I knew it was because he was worried about me. I put on a Valente face; I had to do this without showing any weakness for his benefit.
    “It’s ok Jake I can handle it.”
    Sam looked at Jake with an arched eyebrow, “So, Uh, how are we going to do this…should I just put it down on the bed… or should we get a plate?”
    I couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of the huge elk being placed onto my grandmother’s fine china.
    Jake looked at me with the ghost of a smile playing on his lips, he seemed relieved that I was laughing. I decided to try to keep the façade up as long as I could. I couldn’t stand to see him hurting.
    “Sam you’re funny, we don’t have plates big enough.”
    My grandfather smiled, “Just set it down on the bed, we can get her new bedding if we need to.”
    I looked at my father, he was wincing.
    “Yes Nessie?”
    “You really don’t have to watch this.” He looked at me in relief.
    “I am just going to go and check on your mother and everyone else and give them an update. If you need anything I will know and I will be right back ok sweetheart?”
    I nodded at him as he kissed my forehead and headed for the door. I glanced at Sam who was trying to keep his face in the usual stoic expression that he wore but I could tell he was struggling.
    “Sam, it’s alright, you should go. Thank you for doing this for me, I will never forget how you have helped me.” He looked at me in surprise.
    “Renesmee that was nothing. What you did for me and Emily when the bebês were born…” His voice trailed off and he cleared his throat. “Let’s just say that there is very little that Emily and I wouldn’t do for you, Jacob and your family.”
    I smiled at him shifting under the weight of the elk that was now on my legs. Sam looked down and noticing my discomfort he patted Jake on the back.
    “Good luck my brother, Emily and I will be downstairs. We will take your father início later. Let us know if you need anything.”
    Jake nodded and Sam was on his way.
I turned to my husband and grandfather as I feebly attempted to joke with them, “Well that’s two down, two to go. I can handle this on my own… I think. If you guys want to leave I understand.”
My grandfather chuckled, “Nessie believe me I have seen far worse. I want to monitor you.”
Jake looked at me in astonishment, “Princess, are you kidding me? I would never leave. It’s me and you no matter what, remember?”
    I smiled at him realizing just how lucky I was to be married to a man who loved me so much. As I thought back to the task at hand I grimaced. Jake was at my side in seconds.
    “What? What’s wrong?”
    I blushed, “Um… what do I do?”
    He cracked a smile and then proceeded to give me a little lesson on how to eat a raw, dead animal (shudder). It was one thing to drink blood but this was a whole other ball game. I put on my game face, closing my eyes remembering that this was all for Sarah and Jake. I started ripping the elk to shreds with my bare teeth as Jake had told me to. Initially it was the most disgusting experience in the world. I almost gagged but caught myself, I knew that Jake was watching me intently and I wanted to be convincing so that he would stop worrying so much.
    After a bit though I lost myself in what I was doing. It was as if some strange intuition took over and I didn’t mind the taste of the uncooked meat. When I was full I leaned back. Jake took the carcass and ran it outside so quickly that my grandfather didn’t even have the new blankets covering me before he was back at my side.
    He looked at me nervously, “So?” he asked as he ran his hands though his hair.
    I shrugged, “It was an interesting experience…although I must say I don’t understand how one can do that without getting filthy every time. I don’t understand how Leah always kept so clean…”
    “Nessie…” Jake groaned.
    I giggled, “Jake it wasn’t horrible. It wasn’t the best thing I ever had but oi nothing is that good right now. But I am not even remotely nauseas if that is what you mean. I kind of want another one…” I confided.
    His face lit up, “Hey… you are starting to get some color back. I am going to ask Sam to go get you another elk right now.”
    I shook my head furiously, “No.”
    He looked at me in confusion, “What do you mean no?”
    I smiled mischievously, “I want a deer.”
    He snorted, “What are you a connoisseur now?”
    I rolled my eyes, “Hey it’s not me calling the shots it’s that Quileute daughter of ours…”
    He smiled at me amor shining through his blackened eyes.
    “Jake, I want you to go and hunt it. After you hunt yourself, please. You look horrible, you must be so thirsty.”
    He shook his head. “No deal I am not leaving your side.”
    I tried to argue with him but I was sleepy, ‘Jake, please…”
    My grandfather chimed in, “Renesmee, why don’t I give him a bag of blood since it appears that you won’t be using as many as I have stockpiled. This way he doesn’t have to leave.”
    I nodded my consent and my grandfather went to get Jake his meal and to ask Sam to go for mine.
    When we were alone Jake sat down seguinte to me. “You look so much better Princess. You had me really scared for awhile there.”
    I lost myself in his eyes, “I was scared too,” I confessed. “It will be alright now. We know what she wants, it will only get easier.” I felt al little stronger and all I wanted was to feel my husband’s arms around me.
    I reached out and pulled him towards me. As I leaned in to kiss him he wrinkled his nose.
    “What is it?” I was suddenly self conscious, I hadn’t taken a chuveiro in days and perhaps I wasn’t the most appealing thing.
    “You smell like meat.”
    I smacked his arm playfully, “Fine then don’t kiss me.”        
    His eyebrows shot up, “I would never turn you down. I just won’t breathe.”
    I rolled my eyes at him condescendingly, “So now that the big bad lobo is all sparkly he’s afraid of a little carnage?”
    He laughed out loud as he positioned himself carefully over me, “God I missed your smart bunda remarks.” He leaned in and kissed me gently at first and then the kiss built up. The coração monitor started beeping wildly; he pulled away for a minuto looking at me frantically. When he saw that I was ok we both snickered as he kissed me again until we heard footsteps in the hall.
    Jake and I looked up to find Sam standing in the doorway holding a deer, with a smirk on his face.
    “Did somebody order the Bambi deluxe? What am I some strange version of a pizza boy?”
    Jake and I chuckled at him.
    “Thanks Sam.” I shot him one of my brightest smiles and his smirk turned into a full blown grin.
    “Wow, Renesmee you really look a lot better.”
    I grinned, “Apparently Sarah is mais lobo than anything.”
    He shook his head in amazement, “Just when you begin to think that you have seen it all… oi after your done- uh- eating can Em come and see you?”
    I looked at him in shock. “She is here too?”
    He nodded. “You should see the living room its packed.”
    Jake turned to me as he put the deer that Sam gave to him onto the bed. “Emily has been taking care of you for days now. My father, your grandfather and Sue, most of Sam’s pack and the Denali coven have been sticking pretty close waiting to see what was going on with you and the baby. You’re pretty popular, Princess.” He winked at me.    
    I blinked back tears as I realized that Emily had kept her word and went above and beyond. I couldn’t believe that they all cared that much. “Please tell her thank you and I would amor to see her very soon.” Sam nodded and then slipped out of the door.
    After I polished off “the Bambi deluxe.” I placed my hands on my full belly. I directed my attention to my daughter, ‘Sarah, are you feeling any better?” She kicked me with such force that she knocked the wind out of me. As I gasped Jakes eyes flashed with concern.
    I cracked a smile, “its ok. She’s just showing us that she is stronger now.” He continued to look concerned but relief also swept across his face at the realization that we were both ok. Now we new what to feed our daughter. When my grandfather came back into the room he was fairly glowing with excitement.
    “Now that we know what to feed you, I think it will be a lot smoother. Everything looks great.” He said with a smile.
    I suddenly felt absolutely disgusting; there was something about not showering for days and then eating two freshly killed animais in your cama that leaves you feeling pretty grungy. “Hey grandpa, do you think its ok for me to take a shower?”
    He mulled it over for a moment and then nodded, “I was going to unhook you from the IVs anyway but you have to drink blood or water.” I agreed to his terms and he unplugged me. Jake picked me up ever so gently. Since he polished off a couple of bags of blood his eyes were now a vibrant tawny color, his circles starting to fade. He carried me into the bathroom and helped me in the shower. It was the most glorious chuveiro in my entire existence. I was so happy to finally feel clean. As he held me up I washed my hair. I suddenly remembered something really important and sucked in a breath. He looked at me in alarm.
    I smiled, “Nothing’s wrong I just remembered something. I totally forgot to give you your wedding present!”
    He tilted his head to the side, “Are you kidding me? Nessie I told you not to get me anything, you know I don’t have a lot of money.”
    As he helped me out of the chuveiro and handed me a towel I shot him a look.
    “First of all you are filthy rich, my money is OUR money, you know that. segundo of all I don’t care if you didn’t get me anything. I have everything that I want.” I let him embrulho, envoltório the towel around me as he held me against his chest.
    “I have everything that I want as well; I am so relieved that you are alright.”
    “Seriously, Jake you really deserve this; especially after what I have put you through the past few weeks… aren’t you even remotely curious?” He grabbed another towel and started drying my hair but I could see the glint in his eyes and I knew that it was driving him crazy.
    “Why don’t I get dressed and then we can go down to the garagem and look together…”
    He narrowed his eyes at me, “Renesmee Black, what did you do?”
    I shrugged, “well if you spend all afternoon drying my hair off you will never know…”
    He snorted at my ambiguity, and then carried me back into the bedroom. Emily was in there changing the sheets on my bed.
    She looked up and her face flushed, “Oh, I’m sorry guys; I just wanted to get you some clean bedding since you were taking a chuveiro and everything.”
        I smiled at her, “Thank you so much for everything Emily, I owe you.”
    “Don’t be ridiculous Nessie, I told you I would help you. I can never fully repay you for what you did for me and the boys.” I hugged her awkwardly from Jake’s arms and then she slipped out of the door, leaving me and Jake.
    As he held me I took advantage of the close proximity that I had t his lips as I kissed him. He pulled back and stared at me before beijar me again and then he lay me down on the cama gently and helped me to dress. Amore must have collaborated with Aunt Alice; there was a brown maternity velour hoodie and matching pants with matching ballet flats. Not the typical outfit for Aunt Alice to pick for me and I was very relieved! I laughed as Jake blow dried my hair for me, the dryer looked so tiny in his immense hands, and he was so unsure of what to do. I put my hair up into a pónei, pônei tail and then pulled him down to where I was sitting and kissed his cheek.
    “Thank you I feel so much better now.”
    He smirked, “I do too now you don’t stink anymore.”
    I smacked him, “Be nice.”
    He picked me up, cradling me lovingly, as he arranged his face into one of mock seriousness.
“Yes ma’am.”                     
I giggled as he carried me down the stairs.
Nightfall Chapter 27: Does the Nightmare Ever End? Nessie's POV)

"Round 5" was interrupted early in the morning because Sarah was restless, so I brought her to cama with us. As she lay asleep I couldn’t help but steal a peek at the nightmares that were causing her to toss and turn as her little flushed cheeks were beaded with sweat. I gently placed her hand on my cheek and lost myself in the imagens she projected.

The sun beat down on us casting the light to refract off of the many facets of me and Jake’s skin as we chased the kids along first beach. I felt Jacob tighten his hand around mine...
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Nightfall Chapter 24: An Unlikely Alliance (Jake's POV)

I felt my body trembling with fury and just as I was about to phase Edward called out to me from the stairs of the garage.

“Jacob I would appreciate it if you would find another course of action in order to pursue your vendetta against my brother.” I was momentarily distracted as I turned towards him in irritation.

“You know, you should really try speaking in plain old English sometime Edward.” He chuckled as he took a step towards me. Bella’ s head popped into the doorway her brow furrowed in worry, just the same as it always was...
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added by halunik
posted by JacobLuver13
this chapter is quite short i didn't want to mix two different ideas into your heads in one chapter so im saving the rest for the next.
until seguinte time, Mya

He laughed "Ness why the sudden intrest?" i was getting angry. i jumped out of his arms and he looked at me in surprise. "SUDDEN!" i yelled. i had completely forgotten that i had'nt told him. i looked down. " im sorry Ness i cant tell you". he mumbled. i looked up my eyes widening at the thought of Jake keeping something from me. "Why Jake who is she i want to know NOW!" i just realized i had yelled. i started to cool off when he said "...
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Nightfall Chapter 26: Privacy? WHAT Privacy?! (Nessie's POV)

A/N: There is mature content in this read responsibly lol...

My mother and aunt Rose had stayed over for a few hours and helped with bathing and playing with the bebês before putting them to bed. We video-taped their baths because it was the first time that I was present for it. Of course Jake and Sarah had to try to drown each other so we separated them but other than that bath time was fairly uneventful. My mother and aunt stuck around for a few minutos after we put the bebês down.

“Your grandfather suggested that...
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Nightfall Chapter 23: Anger Management (Jake's POV)

The crisp autumn air whirled the leaves around us as I dragged my struggling children out back. I placed them on the ground in front of me staring them down. I couldn’t help but notice how similar they appeared from a distance but up close there was a sharp contrast. They were both the same russet color as my wolf, but Sarah held herself differently than my quick-tempered son who was beginning to remind me a bit of his Uncle Paul although I was reluctant to admit it. Sarah sat perfectly poised, head held high with wisdom emanating from the...
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Chapter 14 She Who Giveth Can Also Taketh Away (Jakes POV)

She was like a feather in my arms as we walked down the staircase. I couldn’t tear my eyes from her face. She looked just like herself again, well minus the swollen stomach. She was cute pregnant when it wasn’t killing her. Something about the fact that she was carrying my child made her all the mais attractive to me. Se was glowing with happiness and it was contagious.
    As we stepped into the living room there was a burst of applause and shouts of happiness. Everyone had thought that she and the baby were...
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Chapter 19: Honorary lobo (Nessie's POV)

    The sun streamed into the open flap of the tent reflecting off of me and Jake’s skin sending prisms of color swirling around us. We had been laying in a contented silence for the past hora just trying to embrulho, envoltório our heads around the fact that we were able to be here together without a worry. It amazed me how even after all of the drama that had unfolded in our lives over the past couple of weeks we could still fall right back into place as though nothing had happened. I was even mais grateful than I had been for each moment that...
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Nightfall Chapter 25: Vamp Lair Meets lobo antro, den (Nessie's POV)

A/N: I will be posting pics of the house and the bebês rooms in the image section of my club "Love the Cullens". This way you guys can use your imaginations while leitura and see them on your own before I show you how I saw them :)

Aunt Alice half dragged me throughout the forest .We ran for a bit longer than I anticipated. When we finally stopped she clamped one of her hands over my eyes, as Jake finally caught up to me and snaked his arms around my waist.

“Ok, so we decided to build directly on the halfway point between Forks...
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Chapter 18 A segundo Honeymoon (Jake’s POV)

*** This chapter has adult content- you've been warned lol...***

I was worried about Kate, Garrett, Carmen and Eleazer and Tanya but part of me knew that if anything horrible was going on Alice and Amore would see it especially now that the Denali’s were out of Forks and no longer close to werewolves. Perhaps Kate and Garrett were just held up with friends or rounding people up. Since Sam and Emily had been spending so much time with us during Nessie’s pregnancy it was helpful that Amore could see the lobos otherwise with the possibility of the...
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Nightfall Chapter 22: Tail Between Their Legs (Jake's POV)

I heard Nessie screaming for me as glass rained down around me, falling over the shocked vampires…well all but Alice and Edward who knew that it was coming. Edward pulled Bella behind him protectively blocking the shards of glass from so much as grazing her. I snorted at that like it was necessary Bella could take care of herself now. Edward smirked at me, no doubt assessing my thoughts the look on his face seemed to say, “Like you wouldn’t do the same if it were Nessie, dog.” Well, he was right but he was still ridiculous.

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posted by JacobLuver13
 the bracelet jacob gave nessie
the bracelet jacob gave nessie
Sorry, this isnt a long one im going to start revising them to make sure they are longer i hope you like it
- Mya

I drove fast because I wanted to get to the Cullens house to ask Bella and Edward if i could tell Nessie before she hated me for good. I pulled into the parking lot and escorted Nessie into the house. As I stepped inside Edward was in front of me with Bella. "I know why your here and I dont like it." Edward proclaimed. "Edward, let him tell her. Bella sighed. Edward glared at me. "Fine go tell her but if you force her into anything you wont be alive."Edward sighed. Bella nodded....
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Chapter 16: Unspoken favoritos (Jake's POV)

    As I was about to take my anger out on Edward, a crushing thought came into my mind.        
My voice was unsteady. “I told her she would be ok… I knew all along that this was a bad idea and I went along with it. It’s all my fault… and here I am blaming everyone else. I’m sorry.” My head was spinning I had to get out of there. As I headed for the stairs a strange beeping started up in Amore’s room. A strange coração began to beat furiously. I paused where I stood about to head...
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posted by JacobLuver13
I woke up with a sudden feeling of refreshment,

I knew i was gonna hurt Leah but now that i have Jake it doesnt seem so nessecary.

I'll simply make her life terribly miserable because she kissed my Jake! Forcefully made it even worse!

I hate that tramp!! I dont even understand how someone as SWEET as Seth could even be related to that MONSTER!

Seth was so nice to my family even though everyone told him not to be.

I was still in cama just thinking. I looked over at the clock. OMJEEZUS!! I was late and i havent even aten anything!

Ugghhhh. I have to pick out of my "alice closet" or as she calls...
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posted by JacobLuver13
As soon as i stepped out of the car it started. All i could here was whisper after whisper.It was annoying.I knew my family kept to themselves and that their classmates younger brothers and sisters(my classmates)know all about it and its gonna cause a scandal.I started searching through my bag when i got inside. i pulled out the school map and started looking then my schedule.I was walking when i bumped into someone and all my books fell. i didnt look to see who it was. i bent down and got ready to pick up my books when i noticed they werent on the floor. i got up and look at the boy standing...
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posted by JacobLuver13
" Aunt Alice" i said. "please wear these Nessie" she said. i mummbled something to myself and she rolled her eyes. "fine". i said she handed me a blue silk dress that reached my knees and silver stilletto's. I sat on my cama wondering what she was up to even though i already knew. Today was my birthday i was turning 13. I was getting ready to change when I saw my mother standing at the doorway. She smiled." Hi mom". i said " oi sweetie happy birthday". she said. "uhhhh dont remind me" i mummbled. Dad always told me that my mother never liked birthdays i think that's were i got it from." there...
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added by lovethecullens
Chapter 17: Awakening Nessie’s POV

My eyes slowly opened. I noticed that I could see a tiny bit clearer and my sense of smell was a little mais finely tuned. I didn’t feel exhausted or weak anymore and there was no pain. I looked down in a panic, I was wearing different clothes and my stomach was flat. That is when I realized that I must be dead.
“Renesmee?” Jacob asked his voice breaking
As I sat up in confusion he was at my side. He was looking at me so strangely.
“Oh god, did you die too Jake?” I gasped at the difference in my voice, it had always been silky, but I practically...
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Nightfall: Chapter 21: Will I Be Able to Save Him? Jake's POV
** Sorry I have been MIA, I will be uploading alot of chapters today to make up for it :) Enjoy!**

It kind of sucked to give up our alone time. If I could I would spend forever with Nessie hidden in these woods- but my coração leapt at the thought of seeing our children. I stopped running for a moment completely thrown back por the thought. Our children. Ness and I had 6 kids to raise. My chest filled with pride at the thought, but reality quickly set in leading my throat to dry up. How in the hell were we going to manage this!?
My thoughts...
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posted by JacobLuver13
I havent been composição literária much. i am sorry about that school is pileing up with work and i needed some new ideas. sorry if i kept you waiting too long.

I never knew all my life that i would be Jakes imprintee. I felt so happy and then sad because he had to leave. i plopped onto my cama then screamed. i was overexcited and beore i knew it my entire family was in my room. my mom and dad with concerned looks in their eyes. "what?" i asked.Uncle Emmett laughed and my dad gave him the death stare."We heard screaming and came quick, we thought you were in danger." Uncle Emmett said as he smiled....
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