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What are you mais interested in, prequel or sequel?

So we know there is the Hobbit, but there's no sequel at all. There are also many plotlines lacking a prequel. Like Aragorn's parents and the dunedains, Arwen's mother and brothers are hardly ever mentioned, Faramir-Boromir bromance. And there's no sequel at all. What happened to Legolas and Gimli, what of Aragorn and Arwen's family...
What would you be mais interested in and why?
 delamico posted over a year ago
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ellie_bellie135 said:
I'm really interested in Aragorns backstory. I think that would be fantastic!! :D But I'd also be interested to see what happened after Return of the King particuarly regarding Samwise Gamgee. Though, since Sauron was destroyed and evil was driven out of Middle Earth I have a feeling it would make a less interesing story. So probably Prequel.
Either way, though, I think I'd really miss the characters I've grown to amor in Lord of the Rings. And eventually it gets to point when all you're doing is milking the francise.
But, yes an Aragorn prequel would be HEEEECTIC!! :D
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posted over a year ago 
Deansgal1979 said:
Legolas and Gimli had an interesting relationship. I would have loved to see what would have happened with them. I would be mais interested in the sequel. I don't care about what happened before we met Bilbo for the unexpected party. I just want to find out where the rest of the fellowship ended up. What happened with Merry and Pippin? Gandalf? Legolas? Gimli? We know Boromir's dead. What happened to Aragorn? There are so many unanswered questions.
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posted over a year ago 
Book-Freak said:
There isn't a sequel to the Lord of the Rings, but you can find the information in other Tolkien books.

A lot of this is covered in the Silmarillion and the Lord of the Rings appendixes.

Aragorn's family history is explained in the Akallabeth (section four of the Silmarillion) and in the appendixes of LotR.
Arwen's family is mentioned in the Quenta Silmarillion (part three of the Silmarillion) and (I think) in the appendixes.
Aragorn and Arwen's family, and Legolas and Gimli's story, are covered in section five of the Silmarillion (Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age) as well as the appendixes.
I don't think there is much on Faramir and Boromir anywhere apart from in the LotR.

I would be interested in a sequel to LotR. It is mentioned somewhere that Tolkien had devised notes on Eldarion's reign. Eldarion is Aragorn and Arwen's son, and he succeeds Aragorn on his father's deathbed. In Tolkien's notes, Eldarion becomes aware of people worshipping Morgoth, and I would amor to read mais on that.
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posted over a year ago 
I know you can find information about stuff like that. LOTR appendix tells you Aragorn and Arwen had a son and daughters. Well thanks very much... :S I mean WHAT is that? I want to know their names, their personalities and all. Well, never mind me, I solved the problem and wrote fanfiction of it, but still, an official version would be welcome ://
delamico posted over a year ago
All we know about Aragorn and Arwen's children is that they had one son (Eldarion) and several unnamed daughters. The only thing we know personality-wise is about Eldarion. I think Aragorn says (but it might be the narrator) that Eldarion was 'right and ready for kingship'.
Book-Freak posted over a year ago
Also, none of the children were known as 'half elven'. They were the dunedan returned to full strength
Book-Freak posted over a year ago
thenovelguy said:
Hold on...things are about to get geeky.

The problem with any sequel that might be made is that it will be pure fan-fic.

Tolkein ended the story at the end of the third age.

Things are boring--sauron is defeated...melkor is never coming back. There is no enemy. Elves have left for Valinor forever.

There are plenty of options for Prequels however.

If you have ever read the silmarillion then you'll know that there are plenty of other great tales and that the story of the rings is but a small piece of the history of Arda.

Some good prequels would be the story of Beren.

Or of Hurin and Turin.

Looking at the other stuff you mentioned.

Not much is ever said of Aragon and the rangers of the north.

Arwen's mother left middle earth for valinor a long time atrás after getting jumped and poisoned por orcs.

Legolas would've left for valinor.

Gimli who knows.
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posted over a year ago 
I like pure fanfiction... Besides, making up a story for what happened with Gimli before LOTR is just as much fanfiction as making up a story for Aragorn's children. And erm... Arwen's mother was raped por orcs, no? Or is that not possible? I always thought that was what happened, but maybe it's just me not being... i don't know what's the right for it... tolkienly-naive enough?
delamico posted over a year ago
Isn't Hurin and Turin's story in 'The Children of Hurin'?
Book-Freak posted over a year ago
snash235 said:
i am mais interested in the hobbit soo prequel i guess because they left all those little story's untold for a reason it leaves the audience wondering. it makes people use there imagination!
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posted over a year ago 
bibytuna said:
I'm currently making a sequel in modern times I added mais wizards Lucy the turquoise that's me turquoise is the most powerful because it's the prettiest
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posted over a year ago 
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