Jun (pokemon) Club
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posted by GirlsinLove
Disclaimer: These aren't mine, never will be.


Barry was never allowed to leave on a Pokemon journey. It was decided for him that it was too risky and the events that occurred when he was twelve years old had proved that it had been the right decision. The dia that his mother had followed him to Lake Verity and found him in hysterics halfway início had changed everything. He saw a string of Doctors for months as they tried to figure out what was wrong with him; Lucas wasn't simply the only problem, it was the fact that he seemed to slip in and out of reality that worried his parents the most. He was put on a course of antipsychotics and they seemed to be helping. Lucas had 'gone on his own Pokemon journey', so Barry said. No one could be sure if it was 'Lucas' that had said that or if it was simply Barry trying to protect himself. Months passed and his parents heard no new stories about Lucas. He became mais focused at school after he switched to the regular kind where he learnt about science and language rather than evolution. His parents encouraged him to try and make an effort and cadastrar-se a club but he didn't want anything to do with large groups of kids his own age; he knew they would find out, kids always found out the most embarrassing secrets somehow. He never told his parents about the times he suddenly realised where he was without knowing how he got there. He didn't tell them that Lucas still visited occasionally. He liked that his mother didn't worry anymore. He took his pills in the morning and went to school, went to cama at the same time every night except Fridays when he stayed up an hora later and did his best to act normal.

Barry was fifteen when he met Dawn for the first time. He was sitting alone on the playground at Lake Verity staring out at the island; once he and Lucas had swum out there together, racing to see who could swim faster, and Barry had arrived alone. He heard her sit down seguinte to him.

"They say you're crazy." She said with a childish giggle. Barry didn't really know any girls so he had no idea how old this one was. She looked like she could be the same age as the girls in his class, he could imagine her sitting at the escrivaninha, mesa seguinte to his and not looking out of place.

"Who says?"

"Everyone in Twinleaf Town. All the kids, anyway. The grown-ups say you've just got a big imagination and a lot of energy."

"My mother says that sometimes." And she was lying when she said it.

"So are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Are you crazy?"


"C'mon Barry, you don't need to lie to me."

"I'm not lying."

"You are, aren't you? It's okay, you know. I mean, I don't mind."

"Who are you?" If he'd been feeling better, Barry would have already challenged her to climb right up to the topo, início of the highest roof on the playground. But he felt awful in different ways all at once for the first time in months and just wanted to spend some time alone.

"My name's Dawn. I just moved here." The girl explained. "You know Lucas, right?"


"You know Lucas."

"Yeah," Barry said slowly. "What about him?"

"Nothing. He said that you'd probably be here por yourself on a Sunday."

"How do you know him?"

"I met him in Snowpoint City. He told me all about you, Barry."

"What did he tell you?"

"Just the important things. Like how you're crazy. You can't even tell when things are real, can you?"

"I can too." Barry didn't like her. He didn't know where this girl got her information from but he wanted to find out.

"No you can't. It's all in your head you freak, you've only got one friend and he's imaginary."

"He's not imaginary."

"He is too."

"He's not."

"Of course he is, that's your problem, isn't it Barry? You got your imagination so enrolados up with reality that you can't tell them apart anymore, isn't that right?" Dawn gave another giggle. "Normal people know when things aren't real. Even five ano olds admit that their imaginary friends aren't really there. You're fifteen, you're old enough to know better."

"I..." Barry had nothing to defend himself with. He closed his eyes and counted to ten, then fifteen, then kept going. He was up to fifty before Dawn's giggles finally faded away. Everything was silent. He opened his eyes to find that he was lying on the grama in his backyard rather than the playground at the Lake. He closed his eyes again, just in case. He didn't like Dawn, he didn't want to see her again. She had to be real. She was too vicious to be his own creation. He opened them again; still in the back yard. He shut his eyes again and tried to imagine that he was back at Lake Verity. He imagined the sound of the water splashing and the grama rustling and the creaking of the old swings. He imagined the noises of the wild Pokemon. When he opened his eyes again he was staring up at the sky from his own backyard, alone. He sat up and wiped away the tears with his sleeve.