Hugh & Lisa Club
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posted by HuddyBea
Here you go ;) Enjoy this ride through Huliland tonight guys! Hope you like this. It was pretty interesting to write. Hope you won't come up with too many questions! XD Thanks to @rrennie for her positive review. I spared my uffical editor this chapter since she has a life, unlike me :P

Previously on December/December:

"“May I?”
It all had started like this, with the very same question. And now, it all was ending just like this, in the very same way. A perfect circle. She silently burst into tears once again, breaking down for the very first time in months, nodding….just as she had done that time.
He wrapped one arm around her holding her closer, gently beijar her forehead and nuzzled his mouth into her hairs, inhaling their scent.
“Let me just bring this memory with me”

Chapter VI

Febbruary 2010

“To our favourite drama actor! Now, I dare to say successfully also a director on this show”
The little meeting room of the House raposa Studios was stuffed with staff members, drinking jovially out of their glass of Champaign. Just five episodes to go. Nine weeks before a well deserved summer vacation. There was a sense of levity in the air, a contagious feeling of light-heartedness.
Hugh lifted his glass with two segundos of delay, keeping his head half-down, his eyes wide-opened in mild embarrassment “Yeah, well…whether this episode is not going to make the ratings go straight down the tube, dragging us all along with them in the process…is still to be seen”
The room erupted into laughs: people never take him as seriously as he did.
Robert smiled at him, lifting his glass “…we’ll know in a couple of months anyway”
“Hugh, the episode airs seguinte month….learn some math. It’s the 3th already…” Jess teased him.
“What are you talking about?” he asked confused “It’s the 20th and it’s too soon, we are not ready…the airdate is…” he stopped mid-sentence, distracted por David passing por the wall-glass about to enter the room. He grinned his teeth, hissing in a plotting manner “And It’s not my show many time did I have to tell you that? So STOP giving me all the credit…Oh hello David, we were just praising how exquisitely….”
David’s lips curled in an amused grin, grabbing a glass of Champaign “Cut off the bullshit Londoner…I have already seen this movie, ok? I am the best boss ever, one of the finest writers you had the privilege to say the lines of…yada, yada…but without you, then nothing…We got it”
They all joined the teasing, laughing hard. Just Lisa kept smiling at him encouragingly from the other side of the room. And that was enough to give him strength. He dropped his shoulders down and passed his tongue over his lips, smirking: he should have seen that coming: cheap shot, but still…
He lifted his glass to David, smiling wryly “See? This is how a true leader talks” he made a little bow “I am nothing but a draughtsman. Cheers to the Creator!”
Everyone joined once again and Hugh took advantage of the way David was charismatically drawing all the attention on him, to eclipse himself, sinking into the comfy, velvet sofá at his back. He took a sip of Champaign, watching Lisa standing por the doorframe, just focused on that delicate flush that was caressing her cheeks. She didn’t drink usually. She never did. But, today she was making a little exception, because this was a special day. She looked so gorgeous…and her outfit…Jesus this outfit...that naked shoulder blade....that grey, oversize sweater sliding down her right arm....those tight blank pants…
”…and long curly brown hair that waved and cheered as it disappeared behind her neck” he quoted to himself.
“Where’s this música coming from?” Omar asked suddenly “Cyndy Luper?! What the fuck, folks…can’t you just put on something from this century??” he switched to some Hebrew, slow piano música “This is much better…” he nodded self-satisfied.
It did was better, indeed. Come to think of it, the tune has something vaguely familiar, but....Hugh couldn’t quite nail it yet...
David cried “Hugh!! Over here! Flying catch!!”
He reached his hands out grabbing something tiny and cold: it was a gold band ring.
“What am I supposed to do with it?” he asked confused.
“Just put it on for the SAG, noone will notice….” David said nonchalantly.
A drop of cold sweat rolled down his temple “What…what are talking about? This is a joke, right?”
Robert bended down to him, seizing his shoulder “Hugh, listen…you just have to keep it under wraps ‘till everything is finalized, ok? You know how these things work…once your divorce will be settled….”
“What? What divorce? Are you high?” He looked around, fearing someone might have heard something. What if the news leaked out? What if someone figured out something?
He hadn’t taken care of everything yet.
Robert shared a sympathetic look with Jess, who had just appeared out of nowhere seguinte to him, and was now touching his arm, reassuringly “Don’t worry Hugh….everybody knows already”
“They did?” Hugh asked astonished.
“Mmm, yeah David told us”
He was perplexed “Oh…”
“Just put this on for the SAG and we’ll figure out something next…” Robert told him.
His mind suddenly raced
Had she seen that?! He snapped his head up searching the room. She was gone. He burrowed himself between the cushions, nestling his head onto the sofá back. He was exhausted. Maybe he should have stayed and slept over…again.
This directing-thing had been even mais draining than his usual crazy 14-hours-a-day schedule. He hadn’t even had a moment to sit down and let his mind wander over less serious, but definitely mais distressing stuff. At nights, he would feel so worn out that he had dropped dead tired, on the sofá of his trailer, dressed from topo, início to toe, glad to numb himself out for a few hours…
He got bored and sneaked out the door, beginning to pace along the deserted corridors. He roved around for a while just letting his mind wander. It was late. Eleven sharp already. And tomorrow the shooting would start just as regularly, in the early morning. He didn’t have enough time to rest….
He suddenly found himself straying in the lobby, facing Cuddy’s office. How did he have gotten there so fast?
God I have to stop thinking so much. My mind will send my brain in short-circuit one day...
He leaned over the reception counter, stretching his hand out to grab one the lollipops inside the big glass bowl. They were for the tiny-patients, but what the heck he craved for one. He examined the lollipop for a moment, rolling it in between his fingers: curiously, it wasn’t red but brownish-black and it surely looked like liquorice, but it smelled…lavender?! He brought it to his nostrils: it has a very delicate fragrance, almost indefinable. You could barely catch it. He started to unwrap it, slowly, savouring the moment he would embrulho, envoltório his tongue around it, anticipating its mouth-watering taste. He went crazy for this flavour. It was his favourite.
The elevator sino ringed and the sound of a pair of high heels started tapping on the floor.
“I knew I would find you down here…”
“What are you doing here?”
“I have been looking for you” She smiled and in that instant it was like the earth had stopped moving.
“When did you change clothes?”
“Don’t you like it?” Lisa twirled on herself and her long brown hair followed like a wave. Their scent blended with the one coming from the lollipop.
Hugh felt his insides tickling “Of course I do…you’re a vision in white. You know I amor that outfit. I told you myself, remember?”
She started pacing around him, sliding her hands over his abdomen “I don’t know….maybe”
“How can you not remember? It was the night of our first kiss…”
“That’s just wrong in so many ways” she teased.
“I meant off set” he scoffed.
“Well, you told me so many things that night...”
A wave of sadness flooded him “I did”
“For example, I remember you using one word in particular, over and over again” she teased “Wait up, it got it stuck in my mind somewhere….what was that?” she kept pacing seductively around him, her arms now dancing with her body “...oh yeah…ODD” she finally said clapping her hands.
“You can’t possibly be serious” he snapped “You know they got me framed. What should I have told them? That I had found impossibly hard to stop beijar you?”
A glowing smile flushed over her face. She jumped on the counter positioning herself in front of him. She crossed her legs gracefully never taking her stormy, grey, lively eyes off him.
“I wanted to thank you” she said.
“For what?”
“Your episode. It’s been incredible working with you like that…reminded me of the good, old times” she said titling her head ever so bashfully.
“You missed that?”
She hesitated “Terribly…”
He thought through his words for a moment, unsure whether she would react badly to that “I don’t like the idea of the two of you kissing”
“Who, Michael?”
“Is that his name? I thought he was some John-sth…”
Lisa shook her head, correcting him “No, you’re mistaken. His name his Micheal, you worked with him last year”
“Mmm” he arched one eyebrow “Any other people beijar you, I should know about?”
Lisa stifled a laugh “We haven’t kissed yet Hugh”
“You will” he said scornfully.
“Are you jealous?” she asked with an hint of amusement in her voice.
He was making a fool of himself “Does it bother you?”
She pursed her lips in one touched smile, tilting her head caringly “Not a bit. I amor you the way you are, your English twisted, damaged mind included” She bent over and kissed him sweetly on one cheek. But then as she leaned away, she stopped just at the corner of his mouth, getting away just an inch, breathless “You want me to stop?” she asked him in a whisper.
Her breath was intoxicating “I don’t know how much I can hold up like this…” he repeated, quoting himself from the time of their first kiss.
She moved away, without a word, just letting her eyes wander around the room “You didn’t told me that the last time. You said you didn’t know if you would ‘be able to anymore’, and I said….”
“Me neither…” he finished for her.
She was glowing all over again “You remember then!!”
He delicately brushed away some locks of hair from her eyes, muttering to himself “I remember everything…”
“Remember the last time we danced?” she suddenly asked.
A faint smile crept on his lips at the memory “On your birthday”
“The way you were holding me? How everything seemed so simple....?”
“I remember your eyes” he confessed “and the sparks in them. The feeling I was the most important person in your world in that moment...”
She tossed her arms around his neck, brushing it lightly in the back with her fingers “And then one thing led to another…..”
A sudden rash of heat ran through his body “Why haven’t you called me, then? I thought we were supposed to stay friends…. I thought you cared about us”
She frowned, looking at him with sad eyes. Then, she asked for his hand and slowly slid down the counter “I know…I am sorry. I was scared, I run away. Forgive me.”
Hugh started down at her hand, still so casually entwined in his own. He lifted his palm and so did she, following acquiescently his lead. They stayed like that for a while, palm to palm, her hand looking tiny and fragile, like a slide of crystal...threatening to get shattered at any moment.
Lisa smiled at him and it was like the sun had just started shining again “Come with me, I want to show you something...” she told him happily.
He let her lead him through the hospital, ward after ward, setting after setting, without even caring where she was taking him. All he could think about was the feeling of his hand holding hers, once again even if just for a few minutes.
They found themselves in House’s apartment. It was dark, but the moonlight bathed everything in a blue-silver gleam.
“Here” she said, stopping on the threshold.
Hugh gave a look around expecting to see something unusual that might catch his attention. There didn’t seem to be anything special about that spot “What are we looking at, exactly?”
“Here” she repeated “This is were it happened”
He realized he knew even too well what she was talking about. He ran his eyes over the wooden wall, touching his fabric, trying to remember the way he had smashed her against it, eager to crush his lips on hers.
“Do I still make you feel funny?” she asked abruptly, crossing her arms behind her back as she leaned against the doorjamb, slightly arching her body forward.
He could feel the blood rushing through his ears; pounding all over his body, his head spinning as he savoured the moment…he had been waiting for it all day. He took a step closer, closing up the o espaço between their bodies. Tentatively, he reached for her cheek, scared she might suddenly disappear as soon as he touched her. But there she was, her cheek resting in his hand, a new faint blush colouring her skin. He lightly stroked his thumb over that cereja spot, exactly as he had done the first time he had told her he would never leave her, never go back, never stop beijar her….
At last, Lisa lifted her head up, gazing at him from behind her long, gamo, fawn eyelashes. There was a knowing light in her glittering eyes. He felt dizzy.
“You wanna kiss me, don’t you?”
“I always want to kiss you”
He crushed his body against her, sneaking one arm over her hip, tugging her closer, urgently sliding his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, grabbing the back for his neck, bending him down, entwining her fingers in his hair with the same crazy urgency. He was all over her…and it tasted like heaven. He couldn’t stop....he couldn’t breath. He reached for her jacket, desperately trying to rip it off. He just wanted to lose himself into her, feel her skin against his own…and being forced to shoot this over and over again, until it would be perfect. Teasing him with her tongue, Lisa bit his lower lip and pulled his lips into hers even more. He smiled between kisses, as his coração pounded harder and harder against his chest, like crazy. He didn’t know he could feel this way. She started running one hand along his chest, every inch of his skin she touched literally on fire….
She suddenly broke the kiss, pushing him away as if she had unexpectedly remembered something.
“This isn’t the way you kissed me….”
Hugh was panting, his head still spinning “What…of course it’s…”
“No, this is not us. This is them”
He was petrified “Of course it’s us! I kissed you…it wasn’t an act, I felt it…I wanted it, I wanted it with my whole self. I just wasn’t sure you would…”
“I know…but you left me. Why did you leave me?”
He swallowed, feeling dizzy again “I was a fool…I was a coward”
Lisa didn’t answer him.
“I lost you, didn’t I?” he asked desperate.
She entangled from his arms, rushing out the door “Follow me”
“Where are you going?” he asked mystified, panicking. He didn’t want to let her go, not yet…
She turned, taking off her shoes and thro
wing them away as she kept walking “God, they are killing me…my ankle…”
He reached for her hand “Let me help you...”
“I’m fine. I can do it por myself” she said once again. She smiled at him, candidly and stuffed one hand inside her pocket. Something clanked.
She tossed a set of keys at him “Let’s get your bike” she said playfully
“But…they are gonna follow us”
“We will shake them off” she said shrugging as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.
And so they were free.

They were speeding up among the city-lights, too fast for someone to recognize them. She was wearing the half full-face crash capacete he had bought her, so she could drive with him, getting início seguro and bound with noone to notice whom she was.
She tipped forward, tangling her arms around his waist, tightening her grip.
He smiled proudly. He loved feeling her clutching herself to him “I do amor spending my summers in LA”
She started brushing her lips against the skin of his neck, slowly tracing its veins. “I thought you hated this city…” she joked “Thought you said you can’t live in this city for too many years…it drives you crazy
“I guess I have found some upsides then…”
He felt her cheek resting on his jaqueta “What happens when the downsides start haunting you again?”
He slowed down a little, turning his face to her “We talked about this….my marriage is over. Just because it’s not settle...”
“I know…”she answered, pensive.
He got his eyes back on the road, speeding up faster than earlier “It doesn’t sound like you trust me”
She flinched “I do, Hugh….please don’t take this in the wrong way. I do trust you…”
He felt her grip tightening once mais around him “Nothing….I like you just the way you are. Selfless and caring”
He wished he had said these words “I amor you Lisa”
She kissed the hollow behind his neck “I amor you too...” He could feel her breath tickling on it as she began to tease him, as usual, once again.
Her hands slid down under his leather jacket, brushing his abdomen. He got a shiver running down his spine and yelled to cover the sound of wind lashing around them “Do you want us to die of a horrible death or are you plotting to drive me insane?”
Lisa giggled, whispering softly into his ear. He could see her lips curling into a mischievous, taunting smile “I apologize, Sir. But you’d better hurry up….’cause I am getting impatient” she said blowing gently over his neck. And so he sped up, decided to get her início as fast as he could.

They were in her bedroom, seated on the edge of the bed. Lisa was kneeling over him, unbuttoning his shirt. He ran his hands along her back, over the smooth fabric of her silk blouse, stopping just to unthread the ribbon. She traced her way down his lips, beijar his eyebrows, his eyes, his nose…playfully nipping at his upper lip.
The blusa slid down her shoulders unravelling a perfect, round pair of shoulders, just as soft as velvet “You’re gorgeous…” he told feeling spellbound.
She wrapped her body around his waist and a fall of dark, brown, wavy hair fell over him, flooding him with their faintly lavender scent; he snaked one hand around her waist, tugging her closer. He slid his hands over her back, her shoulders, her breast...He twirled them in her hair, scooping her ever so slighter, desperate to feel her closer; stretching out his lips to run his tongue over inside her mouth one mais time, and kiss her again, and again, and again. He wasn’t thinking anymore. He wasn’t there. He was nowhere. There were just the two of them and the perfect match of their bodies and their lips, moving around each other as if they have known for a lifetime. Her breath quickened…

Lisa was lying on the cama seguinte to him, a glorious smile depicted on her face as she let him run his fingers over her body. He loved these moments of absolute joy, when his body felt exhausted but still hungry for her - in a way he would have never believed possible - and his mind felt like having been magically eased. There was nothing hunting him in those moments. Not a worry or a sense of guilt. He felt happy. Complete.
He started drawing circles around her belly button, causing her to shiver “You have the smoothest, sexy belly I have ever had the pleasure to kiss...” he said, suddenly plunging his face into her stomach, wiggling it in it, holding her hands down.
She flailed her legs in the air, helplessly, laughing and shrieking like a child “NO! Hugh! Please!!! You know I am ticklish!!!”
He burst into laughter, letting loose of her. For the first time ever, he realized how much every bit of his soul was irrevocably and madly fond of this woman. He dropped his head over her belly, enjoying the feeling of Lisa’s fingers gently slipping though his hair, canoodling. He could feel her heart-bit slowly going back to its normal rhythm…
A light broke through the window, creeping into the darkness of dusk.
No...Not yet…
He lifted his head up searching for her eyes. Her beautiful smile was gone, replaced por a questioning, heartbreaking set of sad, grey eyes.
“Lisa…” he whispered.
“Why did you leave me?”

Hugh raised one arm over his head shielding his eyes from the glaring light of the sun.
“Hugh?…Hugh? Are you awake?” He felt a tap over his shoulder and turned on one side still pretty far gone.
“Everyone is waiting for you…It’s 8 am already” he whispered.
He shook his head from one side to the other, trying to remember. He was in his trailer, on his couch, clothes still on….he must have drift off, overcome por weariness.
He seated up passing his tongue over his lips.
“What dia is it?” he asked abruptly.
Robert took a step towards the mini-bar counter, sniffing the glasses “Hello LA, this is Robert Sean Leonard, from Radio House speaking. It’s a bright, wintry Wednesday morning of February the 3rd, 8 am East Coast-time. The sun is shining in the sky and some clouds are forecasted for the evening but don’t give up on your hopes. Today is another day...” he trailed off sarcastically.
Robert’s words were barely a faint rumour in the distance. All he could feel a very nasty feeling in his mouth, as he tried to retain a feeling and a savour that nevertheless were gone.
Robert studied his face “Wow, doesn’t look like you overslept for 9 hours. You looked awful. Flushed up, even. You sure you’re ok? Maybe you’re running a little fever…” he stretched his hand to check temperature over his forehead with the back of his hand.
Hugh drew away, promptly, annoyed “I am fine. Leave me alone” he told him harshly, jumping up on his feet “I’ll be on set in a minute”
“What happened? Is everything ok?”
He looked himself up in the mirror, peering at the rings under his eyes “Yes…I just had a bloody, merry little trip down Memory Lane”
added by emma1850
added by sophialover
added by sophialover
added by mchuddymerderek
added by wendus92
added by emma1850
added by emma1850
added by huddyislove
Source: nat gave the idea, I just did t editing :P
added by HugeEgoSorry
Source: LiveJournal
added by LisaLover
Source: button_lip @ lj
added by huddyislove
Source: thanks to Jeanne2M
added by jatehuddy
posted by HuddyBea
Sorry this took me so long. I am stuying hard. Maybe anotehr chapter might come along during the night ;) Special thanks to @Belle who'll always gonna be my fav editor :)
Just to help you remember....

Previously on December/December:

"Hugh looked far away from knowing what he was doing. He was a frightening mix of depression and hiper-excitement tonight and that shade of resolution in his eyes, even if he was being very careful in hiding it from him, wasn’t reassuring at all.
“Hugh, I just want to be sure you….”But they had run out of time already. Lisa was pushing her way through the...
continue reading...
So here it is, the last chapter. Thanks for following this story :) Hope you will like the ending... Please R&R.
Previous part you can find link

„Hugh, that was just a photo… And now people are staring at us.” She sermonized him, taking a peep at the restaurant’s customers.

“I hate it when they ‘re doing this… We come here to eat something, to talk and tomorrow we will read about our affair.”

“Are we… having an affair?” she asked him, not really sure if she really wants an answer for that. Right now she missed the times when they were ‘just friends’ and she could...
continue reading...
posted by LisaLover
They were both laying on the cama in the middle of the night, Hugh with her head on his chest. She was listening to his coração beat for a while and she closed her tired eyelids. Her breath was calm and steady and Hugh thought she’s finally asleep. He slowly took his hands from under the back of his neck and delicately grabbed her por the arms to roll her over. While he was laying her on her back, she opened her eyes looking into his just above her head. His hands were still at her back, pressed to the cama por her body.

“I-I thought you were sleeping…” he muttered, feeling her deep breaths...
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posted by LisaLover
Thanks for your reviews! :)

He liked being around her. They didn’t have to talk nor do anything, he could just sit seguinte to her or look at her when she was bustling around the room. When he took his hand from the handle, he sat in the nearest armchair, as her eyes was tracing his movements. They were sitting like that in silence for few minutos when Lisa stood up from the cama and went to the bathroom.

“I’ll be back in a minute” she said and left the room. Meanwhile Hugh tap into a bottle of whiskey and poured some into the glass.

“Hugh..could you help me.. again?” Lisa went out from...
continue reading...
posted by LisaLover
„Lisa, this is not what I meant…” Hugh followed her, slowly enough not to arouse suspicions but fast enough to catch her. “I just wanted to talk and straighten things up between us. Hey. “ He delicately caught her hand to stop her. She did, but she couldn’t force her head to turn and her eyes to look at him right now. “I missed you.” He said lowering his voice again.

‘Stop it please” she looked at him and freed her hand from his grip. “This is not the place and you’ve said enough.” She said and run through the crowd, straight to the reception desk. She civilly ask...
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added by xxiwuuxx
Source: me.