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Fresh details about the big battle of Game of Thrones season 7

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Fresh details about the big battle of Game of Thrones season 7 | Watchers on the mural | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
will be visiting several exciting locations later this fall, and today we have new details about one of them and their role in season 7,
Extras casting in Malpartida de Cáceres, Spain kicked off earlier this month, providing a hint at season 7 and confirming that
will be filming in the area from November 14th through December 15th. We know from the casting announcement and process that HBO was hunting for Unsullied soldiers, and we also learned then the show was searching for a large amount of horses to use in a sequence for filming there.
would be filming a battle in Malpartida’s beautiful Los Barruecos National Monument, but the latest spoilers have us shifting our attention a bit.
confirms that the battle will not happen on the water- it will take place alongside it.
will be shooting on a private property a few minutes’ drive northeast of Los Barruecos called Las Breñas. Los Siete Reinos has also heard strong rumors that the battle will include at least one dragon.
There apparently will be filming nearby in the more aquatic Los Barruecos area referred to as Barrueco de Arriba, but on a smaller scale for more individual scenes. The exact specifics are not yet known.
has learned HBO will be using carriages or wagons in a scene to carry characters. As they note, we’ve rarely seen characters in a litter like this, and it was often nobility like Cersei, Tyrion or Lady Olenna. We have occasionally seen characters like Sam and Gilly journey in carriages, but most likely it will be a leader of some type being brought to the battlefield.
As if all that wasn’t enough, there’s even more new info from
 They are now reporting that there will be three days of filming at Trujillo Castle, not one as we had previously heard. The outlet confirms that there will be one hundred extras present for filming at the location. The purpose of Trujillo Castle is not known, but it’s hard to imagine the place being a part of anywhere but Essos.
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So we’ll have something like BOB but with DRAGONS? This is going to be amazing!
And still not done with Essos? What could be happening there?
Couldn’t it be Dorne? It’s the only place in Westeros that bears a light resemblance to Essos.
Yeah in theory but why would they go there, when it seems clear they’re cleaning up the Dorne story and minimizing it.
So its like Dragons, Navy,Cavalry,Knights,Unsullied in one big battle. HOLY SHIT
At least one dragon? Omg Emilia seemed kinda sad (when asked about S7) in one of her interviewes at the Emmys so I hope, if there’s only one dragon, it doesn’t mean the others have died 🙁
Essos? I was hoping we have seen the last of it. Oh well.
How could it have dragons and still be in Essos? Did she… did she TURN BACK ?
There is no way that a big scene with 100 extras is set in Essos where the only known characters left are Daario and maybe Jorah. It doesn’t make sense for Dany to go back there so I’m pretty sure it has to be Dorne or some castle like high garden or casterly Rock which they will adapt with some CGI.
That’s true… but the same could be said about Essos…
Oh well, I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 🙂
EDIT: in an unrelated note… Senpai noticed me!!! 🙂
Yeah in theory but why would they go there, when it seems clear they’re cleaning up the Dorne story and minimizing it.
I guess I’ve been thinking they’ve been minimizing the Dorne characters that we’ve had but not the other main characters that may have reason to be in Dorne. It seems like that’s the probable entry point for Daenerys so all of those characters could be there…
This will be a long winter. Can’t wait for next season!
On another note: Anyone else seeing HUGE ads on the page?
It could easily be Essos. If you look at the map, there’s quite a bit of Essos coastline between Slaver’s Bay and Westeros. If there was a battle on Essos it would be early in the season, I’d imagine.
Sounds like this is going to be epic! Can’t wait!
Unless Cersei has 3 dragons and 100,000 soldiers hidden up her sleeve, there isn’t going to be much drama here.
Unless Cersei has 3 dragons and 100,000 soldiers hidden up her sleeve, there isn’t going to be much drama here.
Dany has the guy who planned the last successful wildfire attack in her camp, and everybody knows that Cersei used wildfire to blow up the Sept, so it’s not like her using wildfire would surprise anyone at this point.
Like others said, it’s probably Dorne, not Essos.
Sue the Fury, I had exactly the opposite impression from S6E10 – after the Martell-Tyrell alliance, Dorne will be more important than ever.
They are not doing 2 big battles next season and that one is definitely from the Dany x Cersei/Euron(?) battle. If we get anything from Essos will be a scene at most. Definitely Dorne.
Daenerys Targaryen the First of Her Name The Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms Protector Of The Realm
In L7R are speculating that it could be Essos because in the casting call for Trujillo, the women were told that they were going to be slaves
With 3 less episodes next season, there’s more money for another battle.
Daenerys landing in Dorne would be the worst move, strategically. Especially if the Lannisters are in the process of besieging the Reach and/or Dorne.
Dorne is basically a bottleneck, and hundreds of miles from King’s Landing. For Daenerys’ forces to fight their way up from Dorne against the concentrated Lannister forces would be senseless. It makes even less sense given how little time there is left in the show.
There may be scenes in Dorne, featuring war or battles and possibly Ellaria and the Sand Snakes getting what’s coming to them.
But I’d be very surprised if they dumped Daenerys in Dorne.
Why are we back in Essos? I thought we were done there.
Is it safe to assume that based on the information so far we’ll have a small sea battle before this one?
I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the smaller dragons is captured/killed by Euron and the other small one ends up under the Night King’s control.
But less time. It’s Dorne. It would be absolute madness to spend any more than about 5 minutes on Essos from now on.
In Dany’s defense, she’s at sea and she doesn’t exactly know what Cersei and Euron are up to. She also knows she has allies in Dorne, so landing there would be safer. Where would you have had her land?
This will be a long winter. Can’t wait for next season!
I am- I thought it was maybe because I always am on my phone when I check the site, but the ads are massive and I keep getting pop-ups at the bottom despite my settings. Argh!
If this big battle is set to be on the scale of BotB and there’s at least one dragon involved, Cersei Lannister doesn’t stand a chance.
And I disagree that Castle Trujillo with it’s 100 extras will be a part of Essos. This castle looks very similar to the Tower of Joy castle stand-in, which was also a Spanish castle that stood in for Dorne.
Yeah I doubt we’ll get a whole episode dedicated to this battle. Cersei is vastly outnumbered. Maybe it will be similar to the BtoB episode in terms of structure.
I wonder what will happen in the North during this time. I hope we get some information.
I’m thinking Dorne for the seaside battle or maybe Casterly Rock even. And for the comment about the extras being slaves…maybe that is during Jorah’s quest maybe he goes to Volantis or somewhere like that. Or maybe the part with the slaves would be Bran learning important tidbits of the past to understand better what is happening and how to stop it. Ahh it could be so many things!! But I would think that the Essos part is Jorah searching for his cure since Dany already left.
If true, that would indeed be fairly indicative (though I guess Euron does a bit of enslaving during his raids on the Reach in the books).
I had assumed they were part of the same battle where Dany will be attacked by both sea and land simultaneously, her forces divided. It’s not yet possible not say if there is just one big battle or more than one. Emilia did tease one big battle.
Any chance Daenerys and company stop to liberate Volantis en route to Westeros?
Granted, it seems like an unnecessary complication to the storyline, but that would explain the slaves, the Essos location speculation, and also tie to the introduction of the Red Priestess to Daenerys’ storyline last season. Plus the fact that Volantis was set up as an enemy when it backed the slaver cities against Daenerys. Sacking Volantis would also position her just across the sea from King’s Landing.
Gah! Any woman who has ever been pregnant knows that 40 weeks is a freaking ETERNITY!!!
I hope they somehow compensate for the lack of a fewer episodes for the last two seasons. It’s obvious that the budget/episode ratio will improve, but I hope the average episode run-time end up being closer to the 1-hour mark (or beyond). That, or have the finales be shown in movie theaters, a big worthy series finale seen as a long movie.
Anyone think they will introduce the horn that Euron has from the books? Could be what Dany meant when she mentioned the dragons and being sad.
Euron takes over Drogon, who kills the other two before coming back to its senses.
Also I’ve been wondering about this Euron/Cersei alliance. If this something we are going to see happening or it’ll be already there when the season starts
I said nothing about marching through Westeros on land from Dorne. You think her best move after sailing for days is to float straight up to King’s Landing or any other location close that is more likely defended? It certainly seems like a wiser choice to land a majority of her forces at an allied location to restock, rest and then dispatch forces in multiple directions, land and sea.
Also, who says the Lannisters will be in the process of attacking Dorne before Daenerys would arrive there? Most are assuming that Cersei will have limited support as it is and the Lannisters alone aren’t going to march all the way down there.
Emilia did not mention dragons or that she felt sad. All she said was that there was some stuff other than deaths that made her emotional. It could be any number of things , finally conquering KL, finding out that she still has family left and maybe meet that family or it could also be the death of a dragon.
So the majority of commenters seem to think it will be Dorne. Either I’m missing something or I’m reallyyy slow. Didn’t Varys showed up in Dorne at the end of season 6? I took that to mean that he got Dorne and the Queen of Thornes to be Dany’s allies. Now if the battle is indeed in Dorne who would Dany be battling agaisnt?
The assumption would be that Cersei has invaded Dorne to fight Dany.
Thanks!! That pic makes me chuckle. 😀 You’ve got a good one too!
Oh ok. I’m on a phone as well… Getting the pop up thing at the bottom also. I don’t mind closing it but was startled at how big the ads were.
Essos? WTF? Are they ever going to get rid of that place?
… And for the comment about the extras being slaves…maybe that is during Jorah’s quest maybe he goes to Volantis or somewhere like that…. Ahh it could be so many things!! But I would think that the Essos part is Jorah searching for his cure since Dany already left.
Aah, I won’t mind Essosi things if they’re to do with the Bear! Thank you!
I hope they somehow compensate for the lack of a fewer episodes for the last two seasons. It’s obvious that the budget/episode ratio will improve, but I hope the average episode run-time end up being closer to the 1-hour mark (or beyond). That, or have the finales be shown in movie theaters, a big worthy series finale seen as a long movie.
NOOO! I want it to be on my TV (well, tablet or laptop since I don’t have a TV set) at home, I don’t want to travel 50K to the nearest cinema showing it ASAP. GoT is a TV show, it should stay that way! So there.
If that’s the case I think it is actually very plausible. My guess would be Euron is the attacker since we already know that he and Cersei will be allies next season
I would have her roll straight up to Kings Landing. She has over 100k soldiers, ships w/ trebuchets, and 3 dragons.
Thank you as well! Yeah that pic of Aidan Gillen, Michael McElhatton and Conleth Hill is hilarious. If there would be an award for best cast picture, that one would win for sure!
I actually hope for at least one dragon death. It’s unfair that direwolves get picked out one by one but dragons stay strong. It’s also better for the narrative to lessen Dany’s power. It’s high time she struggled in her endeavors like all the other characters.
With fewer episodes but the same or larger budget I wonder if we will get to see more than one battle. It’d be weird not to see Jon in one. It’s been obvious since season 4 that the showrunners struggle to give Jon quality material that doesn’t revolve around battles and fights. I fear the Northern storyline in s7 will be greatly limited or totally boring and melodramatic (the whole Jon vs Sansa and LF thing). What else is there for Jon to do but rally the armies and fight the WWs?
You are thinking to current with the times. Her best plan is to straight attack Kings Landing. No place else on the East Coast. Stupid not to. Any day wasted landing somewhere else is an extra day Cersei gets reinforcements and defends much better. At the end of season 6 no one in KL was talking about Dany coming, no mention. They are not planning for it and if they were they don’t have enough time.
You wipe out Cersei as quick as possible so her supporters who are near by easily switches sides. You can win a war with one battle in Westeros.
fierce as a wolverine: Any chance Daenerys and company stop to liberate Volantis en route to Westeros?
I always wanted Daenerys to briefly stop at Volantis and put a real end to slavery. Plus the city is the center of the Red Priest/priestesses, so it sort of made sense to me that she would. I hope this is what it is.
I am really, REALLY excited for this battle and normally I am not a battle person. But a battle between very different factions, one that is NOT in the North, and one that involves a dragon? Oh WOW!
Stargaryen: Her best plan is to straight attack Kings Landing. No place else on the East Coast. Stupid not to. Any day wasted landing somewhere else is an extra day Cersei gets reinforcements and defends much better.
Recall Cersei’s screech: “I will burn their cities to the ground.” What if her first action as Queen is to begin an attack of Dorne? Daenerys will have to rush to the aid of her allies – she can’t see an entire region burn.
Also I’ve been wondering about this Euron/Cersei alliance. If this something we are going to see happening or it’ll be already there when the season starts
It could be interesting seeing it forming because Jaime would be super uncomfortable about it. This is his sister/lover, who’s done things he doesn’t approve of, and she then courting a madman who does things he doesn’t approve of. So you could get a heady stew of resentment, jealousy, honour, conflict. I doubt D&D will go there, there just isn’t enough time and Jaime is a secondary character in the grand scheme of things, and unlikely to survive the series.
As much as I like him, this isn’t his story, this is the Stark story. The only way for Jaime to survive is, ironically, to ally with the Starks… or, Rheagar’s last surviving child. If he doesn’t become dragonfood first. But Tyrion owes him one and in the show, Tyrion has already told Dany why Jaime killed her father, so there’s hope.
Any battles in s7 just won’ t be the same without the brilliance of Miguel Sapochnik. Hope he’s back for the ultimate one.
There’s one more fantasy trope GOT hasn’t used yet. Dragonslaying. Who could be our dragonslayer? Night’s King? Euron? Jon Snow (ironically)?
I would have her roll straight up to Kings Landing.She has over 100k soldiers, ships w/ trebuchets, and 3 dragons.
If you’re talking about bombarding King’s Landing in the same fashion as the Masters did Meereen, no, I don’t see her doing that and destroying the very city in which she desires to be queen. Not only has she not attacked a city in that fashion before, she also knows that blindly bombing like that leads to the deaths of many innocent people.
I still think that her being “chosen” and accepted by the people to be queen is important. If she just takes it, the issues that the former rulers and she herself had in the slaver cities remain.
Hmm only one dragon? Euron probably will take control of one then and the other could possibly escape an attack and fly to Jon.
Any battles in s7 just won’ t be the same without the brilliance of Miguel Sapochnik. Hope he’s back for the ultimate one.
There’s one more fantasy trope GOT hasn’t used yet. Dragonslaying. Who could be our dragonslayer? Night’s King? Euron? Jon Snow (ironically)?
The knight in shining armour will slay the dragon, of course! 😀
Only… GoT doesn’t have any such paragons, it’s part of the appeal. And the dragons, while terrible beasts, are needed for the War for the Dawn (or whatever the final man vs. white walker showdown is called) so dragon-slaying knights in shining armour really aren’t the thing. Quite the opposite.
And, please don’t discount all and every battle/action scene if it isn’t directed by Miguel Sapochnik. GoT has several other very capable directors, and isn’t it best to save Sapo for the crucial battles etc. in the final season? It seems from interviews that he might be returning for S8.
Interesting stuff. It is possible they’ll go back to Essos as I reckon Daario defects to Eurons side but as we saw vs BoB vs BoM, the money will go to emphasising Westerosi based battles
My guess is this will take place in the Stormlands. Quite possible Dany/Dorne/Tyrells vs Lannisters at Storms End?
Wouldn’t be surprised if Euron snares himself a Dragon
Bombing the homes of people she wants to rule over is really bad for her image. We also don’t know what Cersei is up to before Dany arrives. Cersei (and Euron) could invade Dorne or The Reach, so Dany would have to postpone her attack on KL to help her allies.
Also, having control over KL doesn’t mean she controls all the kingdoms (as we see with Cersei).
Why is everyone assuming it’s Essos or Dorne? They’re shooting King’s Landing scenes in Spain too, you know.
I want a Jaime/Jon reunion…would pay to see Jaime´s face when he sees how far the boy he mocked in the beggining, has come to be
I heard that interview with Emilia. She never said anything about deaths. In fact she actually said it wasn’t because people were dying. She said she got emotional because “emotional stuff happens. Some pretty emotional stuff, like big stuff”. So you can eliminate deaths causing the emotional reaction. Personally, based on the way she has answered in previous years, I think there stands a decent chance it’s meeting Jon Snow. In past interviews, she actually has answered the question on what it’d be like to possibly have scenes with her good friend Kit Harington one day by saying “emotional”.
Plus it’s all kind of been leading up to that moment from the very start now hasn’t it? To be there since 2010 working on it for it to finally get to that point…I could see the emotional aspect of it. Personally, that’s my guess.
They have less than ten episodes this season, so I can’t believe that they’d waste that on yet another battle on Essos. Dany’s armada was heading to Westeros. It’s difficult to believe that this battle could be taking anywhere else but Westeros.
As for where: Dorne is a possibility, as Dany might land there: It’s practical, considering geography and considering they’re allies. I can’t see Cersei sending her one army hundreds of miles away to Dorne, but maybe she does, as both Jaime and Cersei want to avenge Myrcella. It’s a good idea to limit unneeded Dorne plots, but this one is organic: Ellaria killed Myrcella. Ellaria is allied with Dany. Dorne comes in.
Depending on when in the season, it could also be Westerlands, Lannister home base. The Trujillo castle looks very Westerosi; it’s the classic medieval castle.
My guess is also Stormlands, based on In Production teaser map at 1.30. I have to admit that I have to throw out most of my predictions I developed based on that, but that map has to be important. And now it really looks like Dany’s fleet could be represnted by the ship located by the southern coast of the Cape Wrath and Euron will come from the northeast.
I actually hope for at least one dragon death. It’s unfair that direwolves get picked out one by one but dragons stay strong. It’s also better for the narrative to lessen Dany’s power. It’s high time she struggled in her endeavors like all the other characters.
With fewer episodes but the same or larger budget I wonder if we will get to see more than one battle. It’d be weird not to see Jon in one. It’s been obvious since season 4 that the showrunners struggle to give Jon quality material that doesn’t revolve around battles and fights. I fear the Northern storyline in s7 will be greatly limited or totally boring and melodramatic (the whole Jon vs Sansa and LF thing). What else is there for Jon to do but rally the armies and fight the WWs?
Just because direwolves have been dying shouldn’t be an argument to kill dragons. Dragons will be much more useful for the battle against the WW than direwolves. I do agree though taking one or two dragons out would make Dany less strong, because at this point she has much more power than anyone. About struggles, I think people usually forget she had a bad childhood, while most characters didn’t. Just because it wasn’t showed in the books/show it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
And yeah, I don’t think the nothern storyline will be that much interesting in the next season. All that talk about Jon x Sansa/LF points to that. At least for me, doesn’t have too much appeal. So I think it will only get interesting again when the WW invade. That would give Jon less quality material yeah, but he’d not be the first major character to suffer with that. Just look at Dany S4-S5 (most of it) and Tyrion last season.
He will reunite with more family members and find out about his real identity.That’s plenty interesting to me.Much more than a Dany and Euron battle when Euron has been a character for like 2 seconds.
Jon Connington, f’Aegon and the Golden Company’s approach in the books may be melded with Daenery’s approach, as well as whatever happens with the Volantine and Redwyne fleets. (I can’t remember how to use spoiler tags, for what little is known.)
Tyrion blessed KL with the Chain and the use of wildfire for an attack on Blackwater Bay, so he is unlikely to just recommend an attack from the bay without knowing the way is somewhat cleared–especially if Dany suffers losses at sea secondary to Euron’s attack, as well as a possible loss of at least one dragon and a scattering of her fleet. She probably will have lost the element of complete surprise with the attack by Euron (as is expected) who’ll probably end up also allied with Cersei. Now that the show has Daenerys already allied with Dorne and with “friends in the Reach”, a beaching of her forces south of KL to regroup and get the Dothraki and Unsullied landed and recovered of their sea legs makes sense, even if it means a march, reverse Daeron I style. Seems as though Storm’s End and the Stormlands will have to be a part of the show this year, too. Where the big battle will fall, though, is anybody’s guess.
Not sure about the “castle with the slaves” part of casting, but the first thing I thought of was a scene from Oakenshield Castle. Doesn’t have to be the exact location in book to show adaptation, but it could be reminiscent of the spirit of the scene, and the reason for it.
Jack Bauer 24: With 3 less episodes next season, there’s more money for another battle.
Personally, I would say that landing in the Stormlands is the smartest move, strategically.
They’re weak and leaderless following all their losses during the War of the Five Kings and Stannis’s foray north.
It would also be a symbolic victory to conquer the lands of the Usurper.
It’d be new territory which, combined with her allies’ lands would mean she ruled the entire southern third of the Seven Kingdoms. But if the Lannisters have made gains into the Reach or into Dorne it would also give her a point from which to come to both their aid, attack supply lines from the Crownlands and potentially cut off and envelop any Lannister forces that are too far south.
I am sure this has already been suggested… I’m a little slow on the uptake, and a little absent in the offseason… but you just planted an idea in my head.
Is it possible Euron is the Valanquar, the younger brother? I’ve forgotten, has the show emitted this element from Maggie’s prophecy?
I have also been thinking the Stormlands is where she’ll land. Seems like there should be some power vacuum there; it would be some poetic justice; and it would mimic the (f)aegon/connington invasion.
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man: Personally, I would say that landing in the Stormlands is the smartest move, strategically.
Well, it depends on who’s Lord/Lady of the Stormlands after the extintion of House Baratheon… One would asume Cersei could inherit it as the widow of good old Bob Baratheon, but we just don’t know… If that were the case, then it would be a bad idea to land in the Stormlands.
In any case, the smarter move is always to land in a friendly territory where they can rest and resupply their forces. Tyrion knows very well that attacking KL by sea is not necessarily a good idea.
He will reunite with more family members and find out about his real identity.That’s plenty interesting to me.Much more than a Dany and Euron battle when Euron has been a character for like 2 seconds.
People don’t have to have the same opinion. We already saw him trying to gain support from other families in the past season. Doing the same again now will be interesting because…? This time he’ll actually gain? I’ll pass that.
Finding out about his true identity could be interesting but I don’t think he’ll care that much. He’ll always see Ned as his father, mainly after he finds out about his true identity and what Ned did to protect him. I don’t think it will take much time to reveal that to him. Everyone has been focusing on Jon x Sansa/LF since Ep09 from last season. They’ll keep doing that.
And I’d think they will focus more on Cersei than Euron in the battle against Dany.
KissedByFire: Jon Connington, f’Aegon and the Golden Company’s approach in the books may be melded with Daenery’s approach, as well as whatever happens with the Volantine and Redwyne fleets.
I haven’t read the books, though I am a little spoiled by the internet, but didn’t the Golden Company have Blackfyre, one of two ancestral Targaryen swords? There are some common elements between Daenerys coming to Westeros and Aegon’s conquest. It would make for a nice bit of symmetry for her to come upon whoever possesses Blackfyre and ally with that person in her entourage. Could happen on her last stop in Essos before she approaches Westeros.
The Lannisters may not have ventured into Dorne by the time Daenerys arrives, but I’d expect them to be besieging the Reach, which would mean that any attempt to attack them via land from Dorne would be playing right into their hands.
I don’t expect her to sail right up to King’s Landing, but gaining new territory from which she can both aid her allies and take the fight to her enemies’ lands would be smart.
Plus, if they land in Dorne to rest and refuel they lose the element of surprise. Cersei has no idea where they intend to land, so it’s hard for her to prepare adequate defences, especially if her forces are actively engaged in conflict in the Reach or Dorne.
But if the Lannisters hear that Daenerys has landed in Dorne then it gives them the time and opportunity to make plans to counteract her most likely next moves.
Traveling by ship is dangerous at the best of times. A competent strategist would land at the earliest possible opportunity rather than travel several hundred miles more by sea, which prolongs the risk of a storm sinking or scattering much of the fleet.
When you have overwhelming force, as Danny conceives herself to, surprise isn’t all that important. Aegon the Conqueror didn’t need it.
In any case, the smarter move is always to land in a friendly territory where they can rest and resupply their forces.
And lose the element of surprise? Concentrate all your forces and place all your eggs in one basket?
You don’t think opening up a new front, in order to take the pressure off your allies and upset your enemies’ plans is a wise move?
This is an invasion force. They should have supplies and be prepared to land wherever necessary, not just where their allies are.
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man: The Lannisters may not have ventured into Dorne by the time Daenerys arrives, but I’d expect them to be besieging the Reach, which would mean that any attempt to attack them via land from Dorne would be playing right into their hands.
Again, it will depend of many factors… Olenna has threatened several times to cut the food supply to the capital (first to Tyrion and then to Cersei). And the (almost extinct) House Tyrell has one of the biggest (and intact) armies of Westeros. So, it’s not a good idea for Cersei to try to “besiege” the Reach (I guess you meant Highgarden). Plus the Riverlands in a chaos now that Lord Walder Frey and some of his heirs have been assassinated. Plus, there’s a vacuum of power in the Stormlands. Plus, the North and the Vale are in open rebellion (they even declared a Kit in the North!!!).
So, the Lannister army is mostly trapped, surrounded by enemies and probably worn out… Even if they have some time to prepare themselves, they are in a dire situation.
If I were Dany, I would cut supplies from the Reach and start a guerrilla warfare to exhaust and demoralize the Lannister army.
seriously donald trump ads on here, cmon guys dont take that ad money, christ….i just wanna ready about GoT not politics barking at me, couldnt even mute it WTF…..
audio ads here, let alone any Trump ads. But I can have Oz look into it.
There is obviously a battle going on. If this scene is Dorn that means one or more of the so called allies that were lined up changed allegiances. The Lannisters don’t have the men to invade the south, at least not with a resurgent North. And I don’t see the Iron born not fighting from their ships. If this is Dorn, who is the queen of dragons fighting?
I hope we dont have to wait all season to see Dany and Jon meet. I hope we get the voice of Tyrion in the trailer saying something like “Snow, my old friend, how have you been? Id like you to meet someone.” That would be so great. Or it would be awesome if Tyrion showed up at Winterfell ahead of Dany and we got to see him interact with the family, it would be great to get a scene between him and Sansa again. damn there are just so many reunion scenes i want this year that im sure we wont get.
I don’t think they will have him gain more support from famillies.He already has it that is done.And finding out who he is will be really interesting to me not because he will stop seeing Ned as his father but how it will affect him emotionally and those around.And even if the LF/Jon/Sansa drama will be somewhat anoying or maybe not there is potential for real conflict there,I assure you it will be the most talked about of the episodes considering it will have ambiguity in it.And even though they will touch on CerseivsDany I believe most of Cersei’s drama and her demise will involve her brothers.But as you said everybody has different tastes but imo this late in the game all the main characters will have strong material.
Yes. The two most difficult offensive ground operations are an assault on a fortified position and an opposed amphibious landing. In Dany’s case, especially, her army is almost entirely cavalry, meaning she doesn’t just have to land men, but land stupendous numbers of horses. Nobody with access to a friendly port would turn that down.
There is obviously a battle going on.If this scene is Dorn that means one or more of the so called allies that were lined up changed allegiances.The Lannisters don’t have the men to invade the south, at least not with a resurgent North.And I don’t see the Iron born not fighting from their ships.If this is Dorn, who is the queen of dragons fighting?
The show has minimized the consequences of the War of the Five Kings for the Lannisters, unlike the books. Last season, Jaime implied that the Lannisters still have the largest army in the Seven Kingdoms, which is definitely not the case in the books.
Sorry, what? The Tyrells have the second largest army in Westeros and control food supplies to King’s Landing and you think those are reasons for the Lannisters
And, yes, I mean the Reach and all its component lands and castles including Highgarden.
You think Mad Queen Cersei is just going to sit in King’s Landing and wait to be undermined?
Even despite the fact that Ellaria mentioned in the finale to Olenna that the Lannisters had declared war on both their kingdoms and that they needed to ally just in order to survive?
The Lannisters will attack their enemies in Westeros and I think we’re all assuming that Cersei will ally with Euron and set him the task of destroying Daenerys’ fleet.
Sitting back and doing nothing is not an option, nor is it in the nature of, the Mad Queen.
Technically, Dorne – not entire Dorne, but it’s capital Sunspear/Watergardens or some other castle where the Sand Snakes will happen to be – can be taken, if Euron attacks from the sea and catches the Sand Snakes by surprise. Those bastard girls want to play at war and they have to be punished for that. The rumours about Euron taking out at least one of the Sand Snakes, Ellaria an Tyenne being in Belfast when scenes of the naval encounter were filmed, and In Production Teaser map showing Lannister forces in northeastern Dorne kind of hint to such scenario. Another possible scenario could be a coup against the Sand Snakes, but that would be complicated, because there are no other Dornish characters.
Lannisters may have numbers, but I assume many or even most of their soldiers are new recruits. Bronn was very critical about their experience and capabilities last season.
IIRC, the whereabouts of Blackfyre aren’t known at the time of novels. Likewise with Dark Sister, the other Targaryen ancestral sword. There’s a possibility that the Golden Company have some knowledge of what happened to Blackfyre – there’s a possibility that Bloodraven had Dark Sister or knew where it was… Mysteries that may become important 🙂
Maybe a possibility of meeting of these two swords? Maybe against the WWs? Lots to play with, here. But neither has been important in the show, so maybe not.
(And sorry about typos in last message – the ‘Stannis’ in me is peeved about them…)
Oh, I’m sure Cersei will do something rushed and foolish… But not attacking the Reach, she ain’t.
Who says she will land somewhere where she’d be heavily opposed?
How many men do you think the leaderless Stormlands could rally at short notice, considering Stannis could only rally 6000 men, most of whom were sellswords, when he travelled north?
You said yourself that such is Daenerys’ overwhelming force she’s probably confident she can roll over anybody obstacles she encounters. Such is the size of her forces she could land at multiple locations along the coast, reducing the chance of facing strong oppostion.
Anyway, let’s be honest here. We can talk about where is best for her to land strategically until the cows come home. But she’s not going to land in Dorne. She’s just not. We have 7 episodes this season. They are not going to waste any of them with her landing at Dorne, hanging out with Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, before finally getting down to her invasion proper.
They’re going to cut to the chase and throw her in at the deep end.
Regarding the Reach, a coup against Ollena would be the most reasonable solution and considering how much Randyl Tarly hates all kinds of wildlings and women doing something else than spinning, he may come into play. Though on the other hand, he may despise Cersey allied with Euron even more than Dany with her hoards.
“They’re going to cut to the chase and throw her in at the deep end.”
I’d actually say the reverse: the writers will want to delay direct confrontation so that they can do the appropriate scene-setting (in particular, if Cersei’s going to be allying with Euron, that has to happen first).
They’ll need to have Cersei ally with Euron and set up the sea battle possibly before Daenerys even lands.
They’re not likely to have Daenerys land in Westeros completely unopposed and
have a random sea battle once she’s already invaded.
So let’s say the sea battle occurs no later than episode 3, then there’s even more reason for Daenerys not to become bogged down in Dorne with even fewer episodes left.
HunterMac87: Or it would be awesome if Tyrion showed up at Winterfell ahead of Dany and we got to see him interact with the family,
Why, oh why would Tyrion show up at Winterfell of all places, when he is the Hand of the incoming Queen? This is just my bias, but I very, very much hope that rather than Tyrion or Daenerys ever setting foot in Winterfell, Jon finally decides to see a little more of the world, and comes down South to meet them. Otherwise, he will start to sprout roots from his feet! 😀
spaewife: Maybe a possibility of meeting of these two swords? Maybe against the WWs? Lots to play with, here. But neither has been important in the show, so maybe not.
The Tarly sword was not important in the show before it became important last season. Similarly, those two (or at least one) Targaryen family swords could become important next season? Tyrion’s throwaway line “But I don’t actually own a sword” could become important if he got a small one. Perhaps Jorah in searching for a greyscale cure in Essos, stumbles across one of them? Yes, lots of possibilities.
News somehow travels amazingly fast in that world it seems. I don’t know that it’s going to be a big surprise when they get there? I mean beyond not knowing where they’ll beach. (I don’t really care where that location is. I just assumed she’d go to Dorne first since it seems like the safest place to serve as a preliminary base of operations.) The bulk of her force is made up of men that fight on horses not boats, so floating around too long probably isn’t a good thing.
Euron already knows Yara and Theon were going to aid Daenerys. Hundreds of ships and men presumably sailed down the Mander from Highgarden, possibly some from port in Oldtown as well, and out of Sunspear. News will also likely arrive first from Essos that Daenerys defeated the Masters and attained their ships since there will be quite a bit of time between that event and their arrival. Moving a force that large with three dragons flying overhead isn’t a covert operation by any means.
One would think the birds will be flying so most of Westeros will know they’re coming and have a good idea of the numbers she’s bringing. It would seem like a wise plan for Cersei to move what forces she has as close to King’s Landing as she can. Wouldn’t you think she’d fear a direct attack? Euron can get all ballsy and chase them around if he wants but Cersei can’t leave the capitol undefended.
I’m just not looking at this and relating it to a country invading another country that has unity. She’s already allied with the lord Houses of the southern regions. If their banner houses fall in line they could practically walk right into The Crownlands. However, the Iron Throne, the Red Keep, the person standing in there proclaiming to be King/Queen mean nothing without support of the people. Daenerys can essentially ignore it for a long time if she’s moving around it earning that support and defeating that oppose her.
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