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Trump Appoints Anti-Vaccine Activist to Lead 'Vaccination Safety' Commission



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In case anyone had any doubts about the magnitude of such science denial: A link between vaccine and autism is one of the most-studied medical theories in history, due to public fears. However, time and time again, such studies have found no link at all. They are some of the largest, most accurate and most conclusive studies ever conducted. For example: the University of Sydney link (the most powerful type of scientific research possible) that included 1.25 million children and found no link between autism and vaccination status. At this point, to promote that there is a relationship between the two is to basically be a conspiracy theorist. The science is really that strong.

So yes, Trump has appointed a conspiracy theorist on vaccines to lead his commission into vaccines. Need I say how absolutely horrifying this is? He is not any sort of doctor, or other medical professional, or even someone with a scientific background. He has absolutely no qualification to be on that committee, except for (in Trump's mind) one: he passionately hates vaccination.

I can't express how absolutely horrifying this is. I said before election day that Trump being anti-vax should disqualify him in the mind of anyone with a reasonable level of scientific literacy: but I meant it in the sense that it demonstrates his science denial and his ignorance. I didn't actually think he would implement anti-vaccination measures or run anti-vaccination federal committees.

I can truthfully say that a Trump presidency is looking worse than I ever thought it would be. I comforted myself with the idea that his extremism was for the campaign trail, and that he would become more reasonable once he actually had the responsibility. The past few months have shown that hope to be utterly misplaced.

America is so incredibly fucked. Just in public health, there's a perfect storm of being anti-vaccination, restricting access to abortion, and devastating affordable healthcare.

How do people continue to support him?
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Oh, and Andrew Wakefield was invited and attended Trump's inauguration ball tonight.

You know, the guy that produced a fraudulent study that kicked off global suspicions about autism and vaccines, for his own financial gain.

The guy that subsequently lost his medical licence.

The guy that has caused millions and millions of research dollars to be wasted on disproving the autism-vaccine link, time and time again, and yet still people believe it.

The guy that has since made a shitload of money producing books, articles, documentaries and interviews designed to introduce doubt about one of the most important public health measures that humanity has.

The guy whose films portray autistic children as damaged, broken, and like they're no longer worthy of their parents' love in order to scare parents off vaccines.

The guy that has caused, and will continue to cause, the death of children.

Yep, that dude. Trump invited him.

Two of the biggest arseholes on the planet, in one room. It beggars belief.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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