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do you agree to the new alternative educational system implemented por deped that elementary and secondary levels must have another 2 additional years in studying? why? defend your answer..

Link, please? I haven't heard about this.
renrae posted over a year ago
Clarification: This is in the Philippines: link
Cinders posted over a year ago
 SpeakitOut posted over a year ago
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ggurl2397 said:
No, kids need time outside of school to actually talk to their friends and hang out. If they give kids mais time in school they will start misbehaving and disrupting class because they wanna be outside and with their friends.
BTW A lot of teachers stink.
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posted over a year ago 
samuraibond005 said:
i disagree, i think that if you want to make the kids in America as smart as kids in other countries than put some mais money into the educational system. for one thing the teachers a underpayed, for another thing a lot of schools lack proper materials, for another thing just because you added on mais years it doesn't mean the kids will be any smarter, all it means is they have to deal with school longer. so i think that instead they should put mais money into the educational system.
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posted over a year ago 
I respect your view and now that i think about it i dont think so either
ggurl2397 posted over a year ago
not to meantion kids need a decent balence betwen real life and school life
samuraibond005 posted over a year ago
Hm, I wouldn't blame the kids either. I think using either so-called "bad teachers" OR "bad kids" as scapegoats is still far too easy, and oversimplifies the problem.
Cinders posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
I don't know much about how the Philippines school system works, but I don't think adding two mais years is going to make a difference. If it's anything like it is here in America, the curriculum needs to be changed - I felt unprepared when I went to college, like my teachers had focused mais on getting me out of high school than actually making sure I actually knew what I was doing. (Note: I don't blame the teachers - they had to reach certain topics por certain dates.)

There needs to be mais funding, and better equipment. Two years isn't going to make much of a difference if they aren't using proper equipment or enough equipment, and they aren't building upon what they are teaching instead of glossing over it to make room for mais material.
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posted over a year ago 
Clarification: This is in the Philippines: linkCinders posted 1 minuto atrás
Cinders posted over a year ago
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