Cress/Corn Club
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posted by biancakent
I was thinking about something when all of a sudden, two girls posted up a notice on the school's bulletin board. "PROM 2012". I groaned. This was great, I wasn't going to go to that. Not when all the most coolest girls in the school were going to be there, and also the fact that I did not have a encontro, data for the dances. I was not in the mood for being the laughingstock of the school, so I decided then and there that I wasn't going to go to it. My friend looked at me like I was weird when I told her I was not going to go.
"B-but why not? This will be the best Prom ever! YOU MUST GO!"
I must admit, I kinda did wanna go, but I was NOT about to be put out with the populars, so I made up an excuse instead.
"Ummmm, you see, uh....I have to um.....GO that day. Um..babysitting my younger cousin."
My friend knew I was lying. She retorted, " You are lying. Come on this will be great!"
I just picked up my books and walked away.
As I was walking down the hallway, I seen these three boys. One had green hair and green eyes, the other had wavy smexxi blue hair that covered one eye with blue eyes, and the other one had spiked up red hair and red eyes. The green haired guy was chatting with my best friend Rin. Chili was chatting with my other BFF Emma. They seemed to be in amor because I seen the green haired guy and Rin kiss. Rin noticed me and waved at me. I waved back and walked on. I was walking still when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped.
"I'm sorry, did I startle you?"
I looked over and saw the blue haired boy I seen earlier.
"N-no you didn't do anything," I looked down and blushed, "W-whats your name?"
He smiled. "Cress. And your name?"
I blushed redder. "Bianca, but all my friends call me Bee."
He took my hand and kissed it. "Pleased to meet you, Bee. Although I think your real name is as gorgeous as you are."
I blushed. Why did I have a pleasurable feeling spreading throughout me? Cress was clearly being nice, but apparently he looked like he was asking me........[i]out?[i] I blushed redder, I think I was falling in amor with this guy, and I think he was too.
It was one week left to Prom, and I still didn't have a date. So, I was not going. My mom made me get a dress for Prom. Weeks went por and Cress kept avoiding me in school. I wonder why he avoided me? I felt sad.And now tonight was prom night. My mom did up my hair and made me go to Prom. My friend was delighted.
"See? I knew you'd come! I knew it!"
I just groaned. One of the popular girls caught my eye and poked her buddy and got her to look at me. Then they laughed at me and came over to me.
"So," One of them said "how does it feel to be the ONLY one in school without a date?"
The other girl said "We should put a pic of her on Facebook....picture it..GIRL WITH NO PROM DATE!!! Hahahahaha!" The two girls went off laughing their heads off. I looked down, ready to either cry or murder someone. I felt a poke on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw Cress.
"Hey, Bee." He said " W-wanna dance with me?"
I blushed and took his hands and we started to slow dance together.
"You look pretty tonight Bee." He said "Um....I wanted to ask you this all month, and I'm sorry I been avoiding you. I just thought youwould hate me. W-would you go out with me?"
When the song was over we pulled aay and I looked up at him.
"I-is that a yes?" He blushed.
"Yes," I said "I would like to go out with you"
He smiled and then when we were about to dance again, we kissed.
"Awwwww so cute!" I jumped and my friend was there.
Me and Cress started laughing and we kissed again. It was the happiest night of my life, and the start of forever.