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    Ray was just waking up from a confusing dream. The sun was just coming up. She heard something like a crackling sound coming from outside of her window. raio, ray rubs her eyes, pulls her curtains aside and sees Devon standing and holding on to a árvore that is rising up to the sky. Devon steps off of the árvore and onto Ray’s porch. The pond in the backyard sparkled with the rising sun behind Devon.

    “Morning, SunRay.” Devon smiled.

    “SunRay?” raio, ray asked while discovering how messy her hair was.

    “Yeah I know you’re the Grim Reaper or whatever, and SunRay seems the exact opposite; but it seems to fit you.”

    “In what way?” raio, ray laughed “Just wondering is all.”

    Devon walked into Ray’s closet while responding, “You just are!”

    “Okay.” raio, ray laughed. “What are you doing?”

    “SunRay, where are your clothes! You have nothing in here!” Devon’s voice echoed inside of Ray’s walk in closet.

    “Well, I really didn’t think what outfits to bring; when the secret police was coming after me, but I’ll remember seguinte time.” raio, ray joked.

    Devon laughed. “Right, forgot that minor detail. Well, this calls for a Super Shopping Spree with you, Abby, and me.”

    “Shopping Spree! That’ll get me up.” raio, ray said while stretching. Yes, raio, ray is a girl who loves to shop.

    “SunRay likes to shop?” Devon asked.

    “SunRay loves to shop.”

    “Oo, Devon likey.” Devon giggled.

    “You really think Abby won’t mind buying me clothes?”

    “Abby already loves you.”


    Devon nods. “Abby loves each of us like we are her children.”

    “Even Greg?” raio, ray laughed.

    “Even Greg.”

    “She hardly knows me though, I mean, we just met yesterday.”

    “Well SunRay, I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t amor ya. I just met you and I don’t see anything not to love.” Devon smiled while her abnormally purple eyes sparkled.

    “Thanks Devon.”

    “Come on.” Devon started and grabbed Ray’s hand “Lets go talk to Abby.” She giggled with excited.

    Ray and Devon hurried down the hallway; Devon was talking loudly out of excitement. Devon let go of Rays hand and slid down the stairs railing. raio, ray wasn’t watching where she was going and bumped into someone.

    “Oh sorry.” raio, ray apologized before she looked to see who it was.
    Ray was looking up at a boy who was a brown eyed, blonde haired boy with thin rimmed, square-like, green framed glasses. He was SO cute in Ray’s mind. He was wearing a sky blue hoodie, and baggy jeans. He had a book bag hanging on his right shoulder, and a couple books in his left hand. raio, ray was speechless and her face flushed.

    “Oh…sorry ‘bout that.” He said while his brown eyes shimmered. Oh wow, this boy has an Australian accent? Talk about making’ the coração go boom boom.

    “Uh…I uh.” raio, ray stammered.

    “Hey Nick.” Devon smiled excitedly. “How was your trip with Livvy?”

    “She’s doing fine; the doctors say she’s recovering wonderfully.” He smiled and spoke softly at Devon then looked back to Ray.

    “Are you…?” Nick started.

    “I uh…” raio, ray started.

    “The Grim Reaper? Yes she sure is.” Devon giggled.

    “I’m Ray.” raio, ray managed to spit out.

    “Ray…as in Rachel?” he asked in his soft Australian tone.

    “Radiant.” raio, ray corrected.

    “Right.” Nick shook his head, while slightly blushing.

    “It’s different.” Devon said while looking at Ray.

    “It’s unique.” Nick corrected her.

    “Who’s Livvy?” raio, ray asked, nervous thinking it was a girl his age.

    “She’s my dragon.” Nick started

    “I’ll go talk to Abby, Ray. Meet you down there.” Devon giggled. Then Devon was gone.


    “Yes, she’s an Irish estrela Dragon. One of the things I treasure most in this world, or any world.” Nick said while both of them sat on the stairs.

    “Well how…” raio, ray started interested.

    “Dragon boy and the Death Princess kicking it off, how interesting.” Greg laughed while jumping over Nick and Ray’s heads with a huge thump.

    “Oh, Greg, nice seeing you again.” Nick said in an annoyed tone.

    “How’s the lizard, Nicky?”

    Nick just glared at Greg; Nick hates it when Greg shows disrespect towards Livvy.

    Greg rolls his eyes “Fine, Livvy.”

     “She’s hanging’ in there.”

    “Good.” Greg said and looked at Ray. “Nicky, what are you doing stealing Matt’s girl?”

    “What?” Nick asked.

    “What are you talking about?” raio, ray said slightly panicked.

    “Ah, raio, ray raio, ray don’t tell me you two aren’t a thing! Sure seemed like it yesterday you two were getting cozy.” Greg smiled.

    “That was you doing that.” raio, ray hissed. Truth was, raio, ray wasn’t into Matt like that.

    “Hey now, lets not point fingers.” Greg laughed.

    Around the plants and trees were beginning to fall, die and decay. The garden started to look less and less lively. raio, ray was not happy, and it was showing. Greg looked out the window to the Garden.

    “Aw, look at that, Abby’s going to disappointed that all of her hard work with Devon on the garden is going to waste.” Greg smirked.

    Ray thought to herself “Garden dying? Oh no not again, the seguinte thing I need is to have another motherly figure to hate me.”

    “Garden.” raio, ray gasped and ran over the window, the garden was completely dead. “Oh no.” raio, ray whispered “not again.”

    “Ray?” Nick said to her.

    “Nice going Princess. This is only the beginning too.” Greg laughed.

    Anger bottled up inside of Ray, it was getting harder for her to control. raio, ray turned her head to Greg.

    “I am sick of your commentary.” raio, ray said coldly. “Do you treat everyone like this? Or am I just special.”

    Greg fell to his knees and grabbed his head. “Ah! What are you doing?!”

    Ray didn’t know what she was doing, only that she was angry. Greg started to scream. raio, ray didn’t know what was going on.

    “Ray!” Greg screamed.

    “What am I doing?” raio, ray whispered.

    “Ray.” Nick spoke softly. “Ray look at me.”

    Ray did; now her head was starting to spin.

    “I need you to relax, and look into my eyes. Let your mind wonder, and not think about this now.” In a low voice.

    “But how…” raio, ray whispered.

    “Ray you need to practice this. If you don’t Greg will die, right here, right now.” Nick said and put his pointer and middle finger on Ray’s left temple. raio, ray and Nick closed their eyes and saw things.

    At first she saw her mother screaming and blaming her for everything over the years. The atmosphere got colder and Greg’s screams began to pierce more. Then she saw T.J. and Kat, her with her friends. Meeting Matt, Devon, Abby and Jet. The atmosphere began to become warmer now, and Greg’s screams were now sighs of relief. Then the vision of meeting Nick came, the garden became lively and fully grown again.

    Nick and Ray’s eyes shot open to see Greg struggling to get up.

    “Greg, I…” raio, ray started.

    Greg put his hand up. “You can’t control it, I know.” He started weakly. “I should have listened to Jet and not mess with you.”

    “There you are correct, Gregory.” Jet said while standing behind them with Devon, Matt, and Abby with him.

    “Ray, sweetie, are alright?” Abby said while coming down to Ray. raio, ray thought it was wonderful to have motherly care, since her real mother wasn’t a mother.

    “I think.” raio, ray said while looking at Nick. Nick smiled softly at Ray. Ray’s coração jumped and her face flushed more.

    “Gregory I need to speak to you. Devon help raio, ray to the car so you three can go shopping please.” Jet said with eyebrow arched looking at Greg.

    Devon nods and joins Abby at Ray’s side.

    “Before you go…” Nick said in a low and quick tone, and handed raio, ray something that looked like a bracelet. “Where this and it’ll be easier for you, for now on.”

    “But how did you kn…”

    “Ray” Devon started “Come on.”

    Ray stood up and started to walk down the stairs with Devon and Abby. raio, ray looked behind her and saw the guys start to walk up stairs. Nick was the last one standing there and looked at raio, ray before he walked up stairs. raio, ray looked at the bracelet. It was a silver chain bracelet with one blood red rose charm hanging off of it. It was stunning, raio, ray put it on and instantly her muscles relaxed and so did her mind. What raio, ray understood; was that; this bracelet gave her control. But one thing it couldn’t control; was her minding circling around Nick.

Thank You For leitura :)
I'm SO sorry it took so long.
I'll try to get the seguinte chapter up ASAP
My sch. is VERY busy now.