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Number 5: Kurama's Death (Elfen Lied)

This one is sad because Nana learns Kurama is only her adopted father. Kurama finds his biological daughter, Mariko, about to die (she has a bomb inside her). So Kurama decides to die with his biological daughter, leaving Nana depressed.

Number 4: Piccolo's Death (Dragonball GT)

In this death, the world is coming to an end, and everyone is being evacuated. Unfortunately, a boy and his dog have been separated from his parents. However, goku and Piccolo are there! However, goku is out of energy to use Instant Transmission. Piccolo gives goku the energy to do it, thus teleporting Goku, the boy, and the dog to the spaceships. But wait, Piccolo is not there! Piccolo decides to stay on the planet to make sure bad people can't use the Dragonballs. Nuff said.

Number 3: Lucy's cachorro, filhote de cachorro (Elfen Lied)

Do I need why this is sad? Lucy's small cachorro, filhote de cachorro she had befriended his beaten and killed por a group of bullies.This causes Lucy's Diclonius instinct to awaken, as she savagely kills the bullies.

Number 2: Optimus Prime's Death (Transformers G1)

Okay, I know this isn't an anime, but transformers G1 is technically an anime. Optimus Prime fights Megatron in Autobot City (which is the most epic battle of all time), causing both Optimus Prime and Megatron mortal wounds. While in the medical room, Optimus Prime gives the matrix to Ultra Magnus, and then dies. This one really caused waves (one kid locked himself in his room) and really, this is one of the saddest scenes I have ever scene.

Number 1: The Diclonius (Elfen Lied)

This one made number 1 because the events that Lucy/Nana/Mariko faced were also faced por many other Diclonius Girls. Number 28 was killed por a horrible man (The Unknown Man), and then was made into a bag. Lucy/Mariko/Nana had horrible lives and were always treated like simple animals. The Diclonius were prejudiced for no good reason.
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