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Am I fighting Depression?

Okay so lately I have been feeling really coração broken, not because of a break up, just a major crush. And lately I have just been feeling really sad and some of my friends are starting to notice. I don't want to talk to my mom about it because it would just be awkward for me. I talk to my friends about issues. I just want to know if this constant lonliness (sorry about spelling) and sadness and unable to feel happy is the start of a depression. Do you think it is? If so is there way I can fight it off? Thanks!!!
 Prawls8612 posted over a year ago
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CrystalMirage said:
I think that you could look at it as depression, but that doesn't mean that it's anything dangerous.

Depression can have different kinds of "phases", if you think about it. Having it doesn't mean that something is wrong with you and that you need psychiatric help; there are those that are just feeling down and need some motivation. It's normal for you to be talking to your friends and avoiding your mom, as that's also a stage. I think that you should at least try to talk to her anyway, however. I'm sure that she would be able to help you as well.

It's also normal to feel lonely, but I wouldn't count that as depression in your case. I think that, with the crush that you have, you just want to be with him and you feel as if you don't want to be alone anymore. That's perfectly normal; I felt that once before, and I'm sure if you asked some others, they'll say they felt the same way at some point in their lives. I think that this could count for your sadness and "inability to feel happy".

Whether or not you think this is depression, don't panic. You're not doing anything dangerous, and furthermore it's a normal phase in life. In order to "fight this off", just talk to your friends and at least attempt to talk to your mother about it. Yes, I know you said that it's awkward, but it doesn't hurt to try things. What I've read here isn't anything dangerous or life-threatening, so I don't think that you need to go to a psychiatrist/psychologist. I don't think that you need a counselor either, but if you believe that will help you, then be my guest. Go outside often and get fresh air, and take some walks. Be with your friends and do things that will make you forget about this sadness; I went through some of this too. It should help you out to some extent. Don't be afraid to experiment with other things either.

Good luck to you, and feel free to ask any other perguntas that you may have.
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks so much!
Prawls8612 posted over a year ago
sehdt said:
Its difficult to tell really on a computer screen however if you are now not doing things you enjoy because you are feeling down then may be you are. In which case you need to think about things you enjoy doing to take your mind away from the problem. Also write down how and why you are feeling like it and when it happens see if there is a pattern like for instance you only feel down on week days or you only feel down when you have not done something you enjoy. por composição literária how you feel down you may find you can then forget about it or at the very least put it to the back of your mind. I know at the moment that probably seems hard but it can work. So there are a few thoughts see how you get on and if you are still feeling it after you have tried some of them I do suggest talking to your mum or a teacher at school and then may be seeing if you can talk to your doctor. What may seem trivial to them always seems worse to the person it happens too. Trust me I know no one when I was little understood certain things I didn't want to do but I had good reason to feel it and its only now as an adult and I have explained things to them and now they understand. Good luck.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you for the conselhos and tips! :)
Prawls8612 posted over a year ago
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